New Lil Wayne

"Life's a bitch and death is her sister, sleep is the cousin, what a fecking family picture"

Don't really like Wayne but he has a nice flow on this.
Love the beat of that 6'7". Sounds crazy with the subwoofer on!

His voice is a lot clearer, must be the lack of drugs & alcohol.
I can't even front, I almost had an accident when this came on the radio. If only he ripped every song like he did this one, I can't even find words to describe it Boss, he massacred, no, ravaged, no, feck it, he just killed the song yo
His flow is spazmatic, I love it when he just goes in

Cory gunz is great too, I just can't wait for the Carter 4, he's going to make up for alot of filler crap tracks he had on the Carter 3.

Weezy is at his peak right now, he can't fail.
I can't work out if it's brilliant or awful. Need to give it a few more listens.
The sample & the beat works quite well, but imo someone like Lupe would've done better than Wayne. Decent song but it cannot be compared to Stan.