New Lil Wayne


Melodramatic, attention seeking space-attacker
Jun 11, 2009
I left you with enough memories to resurrect me wi
This video, "I'm Not A Human Being" is the lead single off of his EP of the same name, which is due to drop September 27, Lil Wayne's 28th birthday.

'rock star baby, come to my suite and get lockjaw baby'
maybe this thread isn't for you then, no?

Just thought I'd drop my 2 cents ;)

No but seriously these artists are killing hip-hop, the likes of Biggie and Pac are probably turning in their graves.

IMO of course, that's all I'm going to say.
His album's leaked, gonna give it a go when I find a decent link. I'm not sure it'll be very good.
His album's leaked, gonna give it a go when I find a decent link. I'm not sure it'll be very good.

Ohh, decent link may have to be found too.

I'm skeptical about it though, doubt it'll be a top listener.
I have no idea what the feck you're talking about.
I'm going to do a track-by-track review because I'm bored.
Actually I can't be fecked to review this, I'll let Bossman do it. :cool:
None of it is particularly amazing so far, Right Above It is probably best track, which I'd expect given Drake is on it...4 of the 10 tracks on here have Drake on them.
That Ain't Me with Jay Sean is the best for me at the moment. Good song.
That Ain't Me with Jay Sean is the best for me at the moment. Good song.

Yeah I just got to that one, not bad.

To be honest, Wayne blows pretty hot and cold on this, as he usually does. He must be one of the most inconsistent rappers ever.
Actually I can't be fecked to review this, I'll let Bossman do it. :cool:

for Weezy fans (like myself) you'll really like the album. The beats are addictive as hell there's everything you would like from Lil Wayne, crazy,funny and random lyrics.

The stand out tracks are

the title track, with you, gonoreah, what's wrong with them,Bill Gates, Hold up

right above it, is sill an anthem:

the only track I don't like is surprisingly the one with Jay Sean as the lyrics get a bit too random for my liking, I really don't know what the feck he's talking about.

Here's another addictive track, the hook is just stuck in my head(this is sped up)

for the real hip hop heads who like grimy lyrics, 'hold up' and 'bill gates' will more than satisfy you.

I love Billgates

I'd give the album 7.5/10 but this is coming from a weezy fan. For those who don't like Weezy the album has all the stuff you would not like, the wackly similies, the randomness, not really hip hop type beats, this wouldn't be your cup of all

Anyways the album is a perfect warm up to keep his fans hungry for when he releases the Carter 4 after he comes out of jail.

C4 is going to own 2011, mark my words.
guess who's home


The Rap World is about to be dominated

C4 baby!!!!

Weezy mother fecking Baby!!!
He's out? Just when I thought the hip hop scene cannot be any more saturated with generic shite :(