The People's President
I thought it was very good. Barry was brilliant and so was Waj. Omar needed his head kicking in though. But yeah hilarious for the most part, especially the first half.
Other than his ridiculous fundamentalist ideals, I thought Omar seemed to be the one character who was not a complete idiot. Also, all the other characters outside of the group were not depicted as particularly clever guys - the security guard with the squat jogging and the upside-down clown suit wasn't the brightest for example.
What I liked about the film was it didn't try to pander to political correctness. It would have been so easy for them to have made the strict Muslim brother a totally sympathetic character and the voice of reason, glossing over the distastefulness of some of the views. But they didn't; they raised the issue of women's rights quite nicely I thought.
CassiusClaymore said:"feck mini-babybell"