Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
If you hate everyone on the internet, and don't want to share your gameplaying time with lonely wankers and caftards, is there a single player option?
What about the basic gameplay elements?
The problem is that 8 players isn't enough nowadays, I remember it wasn't enough for AVP2! They should have followed the recent trend and gone for 32 players, THAT would have been amazing.
Imagine having 4 predators, 12 marines and 16 aliens in one map. That would have been epic.
'Full game features eight maps, seven multiplayer modes and three single-player campaigns'
So mainly multiplayer then.
We used to have epic battles with 2 predators and a mixture of marines and aliens in the old games. Its all about predator tactics, marine's team work and aliens ambushing. 32 players would just be a shit fight with no tactics what so ever.
a mixture like 2 preds 3 humans 3 aliens gives the game the edge that the earlier movies had. Cannot wait.
You'd need larger maps granted, but it would be far better imo. Proper dynamic fighting rather than the cat and mouse of the old games.
You would obviousally need larger maps and actual objectives. That would give the Marines a focus on the map rather than just walking around.
Don't get me wrong, I did love the old AvP games. But i'd prefer something a bit new and refreshing rather than simply a rehash of the old game with better graphics and alot more bugs.
No, sir.This is £25.00 for PS3 on Play at the moment. People seem pretty split on this game.
Is it worth my £25.00?
No, sir.
I bought it for £25, very disapointed, as soon as I completed it I traded it in for Assasins Creed II. 10x better.
What if you are a massive fan of Alien vs Predator and the film Aliens?
It's only 20 squids in Tesco...