New Aliens vs Predator game

If you hate everyone on the internet, and don't want to share your gameplaying time with lonely wankers and caftards, is there a single player option?
The problem is that 8 players isn't enough nowadays, I remember it wasn't enough for AVP2! They should have followed the recent trend and gone for 32 players, THAT would have been amazing.

Imagine having 4 predators, 12 marines and 16 aliens in one map. That would have been epic.

We used to have epic battles with 2 predators and a mixture of marines and aliens in the old games. Its all about predator tactics, marine's team work and aliens ambushing. 32 players would just be a shit fight with no tactics what so ever.

a mixture like 2 preds 3 humans 3 aliens gives the game the edge that the earlier movies had. Cannot wait.
We used to have epic battles with 2 predators and a mixture of marines and aliens in the old games. Its all about predator tactics, marine's team work and aliens ambushing. 32 players would just be a shit fight with no tactics what so ever.

a mixture like 2 preds 3 humans 3 aliens gives the game the edge that the earlier movies had. Cannot wait.


You'd need larger maps granted, but it would be far better imo. Proper dynamic fighting rather than the cat and mouse of the old games.

You would obviousally need larger maps and actual objectives. That would give the Marines a focus on the map rather than just walking around.

Don't get me wrong, I did love the old AvP games. But i'd prefer something a bit new and refreshing rather than simply a rehash of the old game with better graphics and alot more bugs.
Tried on ps3 last night. Couldn't get a game. That's poor that.

We tried on pc and tried as Alien - the graphics have obviously been 'lessened' for the demo so won't say much about them and maybe you need a while to get used to how to manovure the Alien.

I'd give it 4/10 on demo though it's probably more fun as marine or predetor. The lighting in the demo was too much as well, the level would have been better in a darker setting with flickering lights here and there and maybe some smoke being filtered in places...
Anyone playing on the PS3 wanna game?

thats the only way to play it at the moment is to play with other people that you know :(
I've been playing it for a few days now probably 10+ hours of gaming time.

The demo is absolute dross. It's very badly put together, awful player matching technique instead of dedicated servers. Bloody terrible control mapping and no introduction to any of the species.

Once you pass the learning curve however and actually play the game how its intended, the gameplay is fecking brilliant. Its not just a spray and pray game, you have to use tactics and wait for a good opportunity to attack. You need patience and real skill to be good at this game and with the few times i've managed to get people to do team deathmatch its just incredible.

feck Bad Company 2, i'm playing this! I'm hooked :S
Got it today from Play, The Marine Single player game is scary as hell.

Had two games on multi player Free for all, Being the Alien is insane, Still trying to get the hang of it as running up walls as its very disorientating.:lol:
part of me wants to finish mass effect 2 quick smart and get this... but i need to make sure i appreciate ME2 properly.

You'd need larger maps granted, but it would be far better imo. Proper dynamic fighting rather than the cat and mouse of the old games.

You would obviousally need larger maps and actual objectives. That would give the Marines a focus on the map rather than just walking around.

Don't get me wrong, I did love the old AvP games. But i'd prefer something a bit new and refreshing rather than simply a rehash of the old game with better graphics and alot more bugs.

Have you seen the movies, the whole franchises are based off cat and mouse. something new? go play every other game that has 20 people on a map spawning in stupid spots.
Well I bought it and strongly regret the decision.

- Great atmosphere
- DX11 compatible
- Good action when ingame

- Terrible multiplayer system
- After an hour of campaign gameplay i'm already 40% through the alien campaign wtf?
- A large amount of graphical issues (dx11)

Part of me wants to send it back. It's a dismal release from a company that must have missed several deadlines and rushed the final build. On current form i'd give it 60% and thats high based on the multiplayer gameplay. But whats the point of having great gameplay if it takes you 20mins to get 1 bloody game.

At least once you were in a game you could carry on playing more rounds in the demo. In the full game after 1 game you get kicked out and you have to start the player matching process all over again. Bare in mind that infestation gameplay lasted for less than 3 minutes. So in 40 minutes last night, I played 3 minutes of gameplay and waited 37 minutes for it find me a game.
You got kicked out of the lobby in the demo aswell.

Part of me thinks the real game to get is Aliens: Colonial Marines, thats been in development far longer
Started playing the human single player. Good game so far. Had to give myself a break, its probably the scariest game ive played in a while, definitely creates the right atmosphere.
Got my free copy today...about to try it out.
I bought this yesterday for £25...not too sure why as its absoloutely shocking. Some parts of the game are nice but the cons outway them massively.

I cant really comment on the multiplayer either since ive not been able to get into a game...there was me thinking it was just an issue with the demo....abysmal.
This is £25.00 for PS3 on Play at the moment. People seem pretty split on this game.

Is it worth my £25.00?
I bought it for £25, very disapointed, as soon as I completed it I traded it in for Assasins Creed II. 10x better.
If your a big fan then theres no harm in renting it, personaly though the marine campaign was the only one really worth playing and theres a whole new game - Aliens: Colonial Marines coming out soon which is a marine only game and has been in development far longer so id wait for that