Looks realy good, you play as the predator, marines and aliens
Again, my brother works for this company, anyone need any ITK info, just pm me and I'll happily not be allowed to tell you about it.
I'd love an AvP game with a multiplayer similar to Quake or UT.
The Predator would be so horrifically overpowered!
Do you get to play as Danny Glover?
Yeah, they'd have to raise the stakes a fair amount. They could say give Aliens a massive armour and health boost. So Aliens would be the 'tanks' Predator's the 'DPS' and Humans as the....well hopeless fecks who are about to get torn to shreds. Humans would be dependent on team-work. Would be interesting.
You're giving off the unwashed stench of an MMORPG gamer.
oooo is it? Whats the playercount?
Multiplayer demo is out now, anyone played it yet?