New Aliens vs Predator game

looks excellent.

playing the predator is always awesome. he defeats all.
AvP1 was fantastic, I loved it. Each of the three campaigns had a totally different atmosphere, and it worked really well. The Predator was a very thief-like stealth game, the Alien was more of a just run around chaotically fecking shit up and the Marine was fecking scary.

I never played AvP2, but heard good things about that as well. Shame the films were shit; it's a good franchise.
I never played the old games (mainly because when they were out I was only a littlen so my parents wouldnt allow it :D are they worth a download?
Again, my brother works for this company, anyone need any ITK info, just pm me and I'll happily not be allowed to tell you about it.
The first Alien vs Predator was class. Totally different experiences between the three races but each brilliant. The Alien was my favourite though (The Predator Death Frisbee type thing was great though).

Never really enjoyed the second one though for some reason

Again, my brother works for this company, anyone need any ITK info, just pm me and I'll happily not be allowed to tell you about it.

Do you get to play as Danny Glover?
I'd love an AvP game with a multiplayer similar to Quake or UT.
The Predator would be so horrifically overpowered!

Yeah, they'd have to raise the stakes a fair amount. They could say give Aliens a massive armour and health boost. So Aliens would be the 'tanks' Predator's the 'DPS' and Humans as the....well hopeless fecks who are about to get torn to shreds. Humans would be dependent on team-work. Would be interesting.
Yeah, they'd have to raise the stakes a fair amount. They could say give Aliens a massive armour and health boost. So Aliens would be the 'tanks' Predator's the 'DPS' and Humans as the....well hopeless fecks who are about to get torn to shreds. Humans would be dependent on team-work. Would be interesting.

You're giving off the unwashed stench of an MMORPG gamer.

The video I watched ages ago looked excellent, would buy.
Theres another game where you play the marines, i think both are being released at the same time. I hope that one is reclassified as well. I used to have some epic fights in the old games. It had the best multiplayer around at the time, just wasn't about counter-terrorists and terrorists so it didn't get a good run.

They had an escape mode where marines had to make it to a drop ship against aliens or predators. It was awesome. You would play on a ratio of like 5 marines against 2 predators... heaps of fun.
Yeah I dont get why theres a second game purely for the marines seeing as you play as the marines in the new AVP game.

It comes out a month after this one does
Well the second game isn't AvP; it's purely a part of the Aliens franchise, following on from Alien 3 and visiting the iconic locations of the films. It's also been in development a lot longer.
My brother's giving me his free copy for my birthday :D
First impressions...its alright. The problem with MP only demos is no one playing realy has much of a clue as to what to do, you want a good few minutes getting used to things without someone shooting you or something.
Yup, utter turd of a demo. I can see team and objective based multiplayer being better.
I've heard similiar on a different forum. Very sloppy demo, with alot of issues and lots of memmory leaks. Will give this a miss tbh.
I was waiting for ages searching for game but couldn't find one, will try later. The menus were giving me a headache though.
You need to bear in mind that all you can do is one game mode in one map with 7 other players who like you, dont realy have a clue as to whats going on.

I still have high hopes for the single player and final release multiplayer
The problem is that 8 players isn't enough nowadays, I remember it wasn't enough for AVP2! They should have followed the recent trend and gone for 32 players, THAT would have been amazing.

Imagine having 4 predators, 12 marines and 16 aliens in one map. That would have been epic.