Television Netflix announces 3 new Dave Chappelle comedy specials

At least he is having dialogue. This definitely ain't no urban school and you can tell it is an artsy school so it is of no surprise that so many of them were crying. Dave didn't grow up "in the hood" as he kindly reminds us
Just a fragile, old man who can’t cope with the fact that he’s no longer cool.
Incidentally, Chappelle, Louis CK and Kevin Hart have all been nominated for Grammys. Those poor, precious, cancelled comedians.
Incidentally, Chappelle, Louis CK and Kevin Hart have all been nominated for Grammys. Those poor, precious, cancelled comedians.
It’s just so difficult having to see them suffer. I just hope they get all the love and support they need.
That's actually hilarious. He talks about them being kids, but if the names and ages were cencored I couldn't tell if it was them or him being 14.

Do we even know if this is real? It reads like a joke.
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That's actually hilarious. He talks about them being kids, but if the names and ages were cencored I couldn't tell if it was them or him being 14.

Do we even know if this is real? It reads like a joke.

Well it was a stand-up performance.

Having said that it's hard to judge comedy in text form you'd have to see the video to see the context.
Maybe it's not what he meant, but it seems that's what's happened, far as I can tell.

After digging a bit, it seems like it actually was an honest representation of what happened. Developer was originally going to build a bunch of $300k houses, then decided to set aside some land for affordable housing, so Chapelle and the other wealthy people went to protest that and the council subsequently voted down the plan that included the affordable housing.

Man, you really like defending garbage people doing garbage things.
Best comment I’ve read on the matter was: he really climbed the ladder and then took it with him. What a crappy person he is.
Best comment I’ve read on the matter was: he really climbed the ladder and then took it with him. What a crappy person he is.
If people weren't so woke DC would help them. They only have themselves to blame.
Best comment I’ve read on the matter was: he really climbed the ladder and then took it with him. What a crappy person he is.
I've seen both this and people saying he was born in to privilege. I really don't know that much about the guy but skimming his wiki did rather make it sound like the latter.
I've seen both this and people saying he was born in to privilege. I really don't know that much about the guy but skimming his wiki did rather make it sound like the latter.
Privilege is overselling it a bit but he did have a rather typical middle class background, which isn’t the norm for the American black experience. In his own words, ‘my parents were just rich enough for me to grow up poor among white people’.

Not a surprise that coming from that background + the material level of living he now enjoys makes him value his own comfort more than the plights of the homeless though.
Privilege is overselling it a bit but he did have a rather typical middle class background, which isn’t the norm for the American black experience. In his own words, ‘my parents were just rich enough for me to grow up poor among white people’.

Not a surprise that coming from that background + the material level of living he now enjoys makes him value his own comfort more than the plights of the homeless though.

Still sad. He’s likely experienced so much racism throughout his life and yet, while at his most successful and powerful, actively works to make life harder for those even less privileged.
Still sad. He’s likely experienced so much racism throughout his life and yet, while at his most successful and powerful, actively works to make life harder for those even less privileged.
I can’t remember which special it belongs to, but he once did a routine about Cosby that basically boils down to ‘he rapes but he saves’.

In Dave’s world, if you have the means to do good, it seems adequate to offset some morally reprehensible acts. No one can question his comedic genius, but the man he is now is a far cry from the 20 something in Killing Me Softly.
Honestly the first Chappelle special in ages that I didn't enjoy much. People around me were talking while we watched though, so might have missed the good bits.
Is he still complaining about trans people?
It's kind of sad that one of the all time greats has reduced himself to this. I guess everyone has an expiry date. Dave's was about three "specials" ago.

This one was very unfunny and didn't elicit any laughs. The ending story had no depth despite him thinking he was revealing something ground breaking. The digs on Lil Nas X seemed pointless, and were also not funny. He needs to stop playing the victim card and come up with something more original the next time he decides to release a "special".
Headed toward complete irrelevance and pandering to the lowest common denominator audience, both. Says more about Netflix that they chose to platform their Gen X cringe bordering on hate views.
Nanette by Hanna Gadsby is great standup that doesn't punch down and has true heart.