Nesta 'runs out of patience'

Originally posted by Dans:
<strong>So that's why British teams have such bad defences is it? Because floyd reckons Nesta is all hype? Quality logic that.</strong><hr></blockquote>

I guess I have to repeat it: far too many times I read people underestimating Nesta or Cannavaro because they are "too expensive". But nobody gets shocked when Zidane is sold for 45 million pounds and such...
<img src="graemlins/smirk.gif" border="0" alt="[Smirk]" />
I thought the midfield was selling tickets and strikers score goals :p
Piersifal, have you read anything I've written? Do you understand my standpoint as regards Nesta?
reply to Floyd

Wolfgang Hiter has changed his name. It was Herman Hitler. No all Germans/Austrians are smart.
Originally posted by Floyd:
WHEN did I say Nesta isn't good?? Of course he's good, no one could say otherwise. I just think he's bad value for say 35m...... Get it?</strong><hr></blockquote>

What do you mean bad value?? What do you care how much it costs the club? If that's the going rate for the best defender why not splash it out?! The money's not coming out of your own pocket is it!? Would you be disappointed if he came for that much money?! NO!! You'd be crying for joy just like last year when we were all watching the Veron Press Conference in Old Trafford!