Neil Ashton joins United as a PR consultant

Employing someone who worked for The Sun is great PR for a football club.
I'll resist the temptation to use a mocking tone here.

One of our major PR related problems is the insane amount of players we get linked with and when they sign for another club, it is seen as a failure for United. The likes of Daily Mail use every player signing for another club as 'XXX beat Manchester United to the signing of YYY player'.

Not sure if its a PR guy can manage it but it would be wonderful if he and his team can.

Yeah would be good if that stopped happening somehow. Very annoying
Why would you even bother announcing signing someone in this sort of role. If it isn't football related, they shouldn't bother. Even more so if it happened during the transfer window, where we are crying out for players.
I'll resist the temptation to use a mocking tone here.

One of our major PR related problems is the insane amount of players we get linked with and when they sign for another club, it is seen as a failure for United. The likes of Daily Mail use every player signing for another club as 'XXX beat Manchester United to the signing of YYY player'.

Not sure if its a PR guy can manage it but it would be wonderful if he and his team can.

I don't think there's much UTD can do about that. The likes of The Daily Mail etc... know that if they write anything about UTD (doesn't matter what) they will get clicks.

One thing you can do is not click on links from the likes of The Daily Mail etc... or pass them on. I know you're only one drop in an ocean but if enough people stop using them then hopefully they will fade and die. But sadly peoples hunger for the latest news/gossip is enough to keep those sites running. It’s a bit like the ’transfer’ section of this forum. Every time I go there I know it’s just going to be some nonsense from Twitter but I keep going back...
Course he has.

Ol' Woodward is gonna need a lot of help in the Spin department come the end of January and the end of the season. Cracks appear to be showing in that area, what with Raiola slandering us, poor results on the pitch, the media finally starting to ask questions of the overall regime at the club and their business-orientated style of running the club.
Is this the guy who always defended United and Jose especially no matter what? If so, hard work pays off it seems.
Ashton who presented The Sunday Supplement on Sky has been hired by United as a PR consultant.

A new striker? Nah! A new midfielder? Nah! A DOF? Nah! A PR consultant? Yeah man! just what we fecking need, and Neil Ashton to boot, give me strength.
Maybe they hired this guru because they're expecting a lot of flak in the coming months, no transfers or Saudi takeover?
Hopefully he can get that stupid Man Utd Instagram account to stop posting rubbish after a loss. Or get our idiotic players to stop posting motivational quotes after games where we lose.

In fairness all footballers do this.
Always came across as a massive cnut whenever discussing Utd.

Hopefully he can get that stupid Man Utd Instagram account to stop posting rubbish after a loss. Or get our idiotic players to stop posting motivational quotes after games where we lose.

Classic Woodward.

Don't actually solve any of the issues, just make sure your image is protected. The cnut.

Nail on head. HEAD.
And given the fans at OT today, Ashton's gonna be grafting from first thing tomorrow morning - you just wait for the Sunday rumour mill!

"Ed Woodward, a misunderstood figure within the United fans' sphere, is known to be fully in support of Ole's vision of the future and is happy to release any funding necessary this window, should the right players become available".
As a PR consultant, he should know that making himself our only January signing is a bad look.
Good thing Alexis Sanchez is at Inter Milan
Neil Ashton said:
ALEXIS SANCHEZ has sacrificed everything to make this move. Morals. Principles. Trophies.
He is turning his back on Pep Guardiola, and the old school gentleman’s agreement he struck with him last September, to join Manchester United instead.
What a piece of work he is..........

City’s manager made good on his promise, coming back for Sanchez on the same terms — salary, signing-on fee and contract length — agreed between them when Arsenal originally pulled the plug on a deal.

In Pep’s eyes, a deal is a deal. Clearly, Sanchez takes a very different view, especially when somebody throws £500,000—per-week his way. He has done the dirty on City.
In a few weeks’ time, when Sanchez is scoring and creating goals in United colours and the Stretford End is singing his name, this treacherous turncoat will be adored again.
It takes something out of the ordinary for City to walk away from a deal when it comes down to money.

There is unlimited funding in place to make them great, but they took the moral high ground when the bidding war began. They were entitled to.

Sanchez has gone back on his word and the promise to join City at the next available opportunity.

Pep kept his part of the bargain, making good on his vow to sign one of the Premier League’s best players.

Don’t ask him for a character reference.
Maybe they hired this guru because they're expecting a lot of flak in the coming months, no transfers or Saudi takeover?
I feckin pray it is. I dont want to start that whole Saudi debate again however I believe this would the perfect time for the takeover to happen.

A young fresh squad of players untainted by a torturous regime such as Mourinho (pun intended.) With most of the deadwood already shifted out (thanks Ole.)

Our youth players have been established into the first team so if they changed the manager the hard part is done with the kids and we can build around that.

It's 2020, it would be a fresh new era. Perfect time to pump some lovely petroleum pounds into the squad and stadium and take us back to where we belong.

One can hope.
Nail on head. HEAD.
And given the fans at OT today, Ashton's gonna be grafting from first thing tomorrow morning - you just wait for the Sunday rumour mill!

"Ed Woodward, a misunderstood figure within the United fans' sphere, is known to be fully in support of Ole's vision of the future and is happy to release any funding necessary this window, should the right players become available".

I fully expect in the coming days leaks to come out suggesting we are going to sign Sancho and Maddison or that we are looking for a Director of Football.

The usual bollocks Woodward sends out to his media pals whenever the heat is on him.
He's about to speak on the new role now on Sunday Supplement
Using a Sun writer for PR? so in tabloid fashion the Glazers are going to seek to blame our woes and difficulty in the transfer market on Corbyn, The EU and immigrants
If you want good PR, perform better in recruitment and on the pitch.

instead the powers that be hire a spin merchant to make thing seem better than they are.

Club is a mess.
They really need to hire someone better for their social media. The way they go about their platforms is ancient and a joke compared to other clubs. They’re missing out on so much untapped potential