NBA Yahoo Fantasy League 12/13


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
Like last year if we can find around 10 people, then we can get this going. And I will do a better job of getting the time right for different time zones.

Newbies are welcome to join as well. Just PM me.

Desert Eagle

For now the draft is set for October 28th at 3pm GMT. We can change it if it clashes with people's timings. I will PM the league's code and password to all of you. Also when you register your team name, please let the name of your team be your Redcafe name, so its easier to know who is leading. I will update the league table here every two weeks.
I'm in. Sorry for last year, couldn't give enough importance from the newbs, and i didn't know what to do.(also i missed the real live draft, so my interest was down :p )
Somebody care to explain how this works? I'm not VERY interested in basketball, so if it involves a lot of work, i will probably skip it.
There is a draft date/time. You need to pick around 15 players. It might take like an hour or so. After that every week, you need to set your lineup. If you don't want to do it every week, you can set it for a number of weeks in advance. But if you want to do well, you have to monitor your teams and make trades. Its pretty fun and you don't need that much time.
We also need to figure out a time and day that works for everyone. How does October 27, 8am PST, which I think is around 4pm GMT work for everyone?
Somebody care to explain how this works? I'm not VERY interested in basketball, so if it involves a lot of work, i will probably skip it.

The most important thing is that there are 9 statistical categories: points, threes, free throw %, field goal %, assists, steals, rebounds, turnovers and blocks. Each week you face another player's team, if you score more in a category than your opponent you get a 'win', otherwise it's a 'loss' or a 'draw'. After a week you'll have a record like 6-3 or 2-7, et cetera.

Best record at the end of the fantasy season wins the regular season, and the last few weeks of the NBA regular season are our playoffs, which is the big title. Which can be rough if, say, you have Dwight Howard and Jeremy Lin and they go down injured for the last month.

It's nearly impossible to be the best at all 9 categories, so you have to plan ahead for which ones you want to focus on. So if you have a poor collection of free throw shooters, don't bother getting Ray Allen, it won't make up for it. As I learned last year!

You can set up your whole schedule for the season on the first day if you want to, how much you want to adjust that rotation is up to you. And of course you can pick up anyone that's not on a team in exchange for someone not performing.
I'm probably out lads. Absolutely no time right now. Try PM;ing those who played last year.
Okay thats 8. Getting better. How does October 27th around 4pm GMT sound to everyone for the draft?
We have another person from newbies joining, so I think we are good on the number of players. But there is a problem. I just found out I wont be available on the 27th. Sorry lads. We need to figure out a new time.
On Friday I'll be available after 5:00 PM GMT. On Saturday after 6:00 PM GMT. And on Sunday almost all day (after or before United's game).

Can we work something out?