I read some damning critique of Bonaparte the person by a contemporary , but I can’t find it now. The person was surprised that Bonaparte was so unimpressive, kind of full of mind and boring. He was neither of regal bearing nor noble countenance . He wasn’t even a good conversationist. Maybe Phoenix is drawing from this particular well.
I did find Jefferson slagging him off though:
Bonaparte saw nothing in this world but himself, and looked on the people under him as his cattle, beasts for burthen and slaughter. Bonaparte was a lion in the field only. In civil life, a cold-blooded, calculating, unprincipled usurper, without a virtue; no statesman, knowing nothing of commerce, political economy, or civil government, and supplying ignorance by bold presumption. As to Bonaparte, I should not doubt the revocation of his edicts, were he governed by reason. But his policy is so crooked that it eludes conjecture.