Name That Movie


Worst scout ever
Oct 2, 2008
The Kids are the Future
I've been trying to track down this movie I saw as a kid for ages and thought maybe someone on here might know about it. I tried to google for it to no avail.

So, it's a horror movie from the 80s, maybe late 70s, about some guy whose staying at a huge house in the woods that starts seeing a ghost, a girl in white walking through the forrest. I remember watching it on HBO or Showtime, around 1988 say.

The guy tries to figure out about the girl but no one will talk about it, obviously something happened that people are hiding. At some point we see a flashback to when the girl in white was still alive and she's with some friends out behind the house, holding hands in a circle or something like that, vaguely witchcraft-esque, and the idea is that it's related to this girl disappearing, like they cured her or something.

At another point the guy is at a carnival and goes into a house of mirrors, and the creepy music comes up and he starts seeing the girl in white in the reflections and he chases her through the place but of course doesn't find her.

I couldn't tell you how it ends. Does this ring a bell for anyone?
I've been trying to track down this movie I saw as a kid for ages and thought maybe someone on here might know about it. I tried to google for it to no avail.

So, it's a movie from the 80s, about some guy whose staying at a house that starts seeing a girl in white. I remember watching it on HBO or Showtime, around 1988 say.

The guy tries the girl but, obviously something happened. At some point we see the girl with some friends out behind the house.

At another point the guy is at a house, and the music comes up and he starts seeing the girl in white.

I couldn't tell you how it ends. Does this ring a bell for anyone?

Are you sure it was White?? Otherwise it could be Pretty in Pink.
No, I don't think the movie had any actors that are even moderately famous.

You'd have to be a real movie fanatic to know this one, I fear. One person told me what it was called about 15 years ago, when I was drunk at a party and I didn't write it down, and since forgot.
:lol: I remember some strange movies that I have no idea if they're real or just awful dreams from my childhood. One of them I can't even describe because it was completely bizarre.

I bet it was the Shining. Hth.
"Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II" is the closest thing I kind find on a google search... I assume it isn't that though.
The Watcher in the Woods?

Holy shit, I think that's it! I'm not 100%, but I forgot to mention that the girl was blindfolded, and in this one the girl is blindfolded!

You are my hero sir. I will visit this Stanley Road some day in your honor.

Though now I'm scared to watch it because it's gonna be terrible.