
Why is it that nothing has even come close to matching the magic of the N64 for me? Is it us getting older or the games getting more stale?
Why is it that nothing has even come close to matching the magic of the N64 for me? Is it us getting older or the games getting more stale?

It's hard to say. Obviously being young brings in the feeling of nostalgia and better days, but it's probably also fair to say games have lost a lot of charm because they just seem to be darker now a days.

I think if I was a young kid growing up with the current consoles I would not enjoy them as much. Imagine playing Skyrim at 7? You'd probably be bored shitless.

But give me Mario Kart and Zelda and I was entertained for weeks.
Dunno, although I far preferred the N64 the Ps1 beat it quite well in terms of sale.

The golden age fom me was the one before that. Mega drive v SNES. Both sold extremely well, and it was quite close I think

Again Nintendo was the better for me in that too

Yeah I liked Mega Drive. And then Playstation. But N64 didn't really work for me. The only thing I remember from it was Mario64 and the wrestling games.
Buy a Nintendo 3ds XL
Buy Super Mario 3D Land

I haven't owned a Nintendo since the 64 and playing Mario again does recreate some of the feeling. The rest can't be created since it's nostalgia. Adzzz has a great point of games being more dark. Most games are too hell bent on graphics and shit these days, give me stuff like Super Mario 64 over most games nowadays.
It's hard to say. Obviously being young brings in the feeling of nostalgia and better days, but it's probably also fair to say games have lost a lot of charm because they just seem to be darker now a days.

I think if I was a young kid growing up with the current consoles I would not enjoy them as much. Imagine playing Skyrim at 7? You'd probably be bored shitless.

But give me Mario Kart and Zelda and I was entertained for weeks.

Very good post, and I rarely ever say that.

But I will say that with my two young boys I encourage them to play the older games, my elder one who is 3, loves the ps3, but he actually owns a nes and ms with the classics and he is doomed to be stuck with them cause lets face it, playing the older classics teach them to actually play games with challenge. Nothing at all on the last two generations comes close to a challenge.

As for Skyrim? It is pretty boring kiddie stuff, which ever way you look at it ;)
I haven't owned a Nintendo since the 64 and playing Mario again does recreate some of the feeling. The rest can't be created since it's nostalgia. Adzzz has a great point of games being more dark. Most games are too hell bent on graphics and shit these days, give me stuff like Super Mario 64 over most games nowadays.

I haven't enjoyed computer games very much since the N64. There are a few exceptions such as a couple of Pro Evolution games on the PS2 and Football Manager on the PC, but in general games aren't as much fun as they used to be back in the 90s. Maybe this is because I'm older but I also you're right that games these days are too dark. Also, they require much more input and practise from the player before they do become fun. I own a PS3 and I bought one of the Call of Duty games upon release a couple of years ago. My mates banged on about multiplayer but I kept getting killed before I could even look around and thus gave up on it. Games are about escapism and are supposed to fun and that fun should be instantaneous if you ask me. Why would I want to have to spend what little time I have practising something that isn't important and won't improve my life? Better spent on other activities....God, I DO sound old! Maybe modern games are too hard for me now at 28!

Anyway back to the nostalgia... Golden Eye, Mario 64, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, ISS 64, Mario Kart, Lylat Wars, Banjo Kazooie, Mystical Ninja, WCW vs NWO.... :drool:
Why is it that nothing has even come close to matching the magic of the N64 for me? Is it us getting older or the games getting more stale?

You're right that nothing compares to the N64. There are a number of reasons for this including age, overproduced games, games that are too difficult for busy people to just pick up and play and enjoy, etc. Also, I loved the way you just had to bang a cartridge into the N64 and you could get started on a game in seconds. With the likes of the PS3 which I own, you have to download updates and install shit which kind of detracts from the gaming experience for me.
Very good post, and I rarely ever say that.

But I will say that with my two young boys I encourage them to play the older games, my elder one who is 3, loves the ps3, but he actually owns a nes and ms with the classics and he is doomed to be stuck with them cause lets face it, playing the older classics teach them to actually play games with challenge. Nothing at all on the last two generations comes close to a challenge.

As for Skyrim? It is pretty boring kiddie stuff, which ever way you look at it ;)

I think you're doing the right thing. Think of it this way, if you wanted to get your kid into music, you go classical, if you want the child to enjoy painting you go to Da Vinci, if you want the kid to read, you give him Shakespeare. Stands to reason in gaming you expose the kiddie to the games of the past.

At least, that's how I view the world.
Add F-Zero X to the list of games that were the shit when I was growing up.

Did anyone ever get the 64 DD expansion thing that Nintendo released?
Add F-Zero X to the list of games that were the shit when I was growing up.

Did anyone ever get the 64 DD expansion thing that Nintendo released?

Looked it up on eBay a couple of times but it's pretty expensive since it was only released in Japan. Not really willing to spend £500+ on it :p