Film My Latest Short Film

So we made this in 66 hours (from receiving the brief to delivering the final product for a horror contest) and won best cinematography. Technically we had less than 66 hours as I spent a day at Wembley watching Luton get promoted haha.

Would love people to check it out and drop some thoughts.

Awesome work mate, great looking stuff!
This was better than most people's top 10s in the best movies thread. Well done.
Loved it, that was better than most horror films I have watched.
Well Done @Dirty Schwein
the only endorsement that counts.
I was thinking this :lol:
Awesome work mate, great looking stuff!
This was better than most people's top 10s in the best movies thread. Well done.
Very good! Two thumbs up.
this was a fun watch. good stuff @Dirty Schwein
Thank you :D
Do you genuinely act? I'm always building a database of actors.
Nice, I’ll send you a couple of links so you can check my performances.

Gay porn does count as acting, right?
Showed it to my wife.

"why did it take him 66 hours to film, it's only 2.5 minutes long". It's a good thing she can cook.

I'm kidding, she can't.
Showed it to my wife.

"why did it take him 66 hours to film, it's only 2.5 minutes long". It's a good thing she can cook.

I'm kidding, she can't.

The thing is, we decided to do the one continuous take because I had to go to the playoff finals so I knew I had no time to actually edit traditionally but we never anticipated how difficult a oner is. Everything kept going wrong.

The final version you see here is not my favourite take narratively. We had a cat in the shot as well as better cues and longer on the final phone shot but the other takes had technical issues, at least one per take, it was so difficult.

But I figured it's better to leave narrative things out as there will be less issues as opposed to use a take that goes out of focus for a second or has a random shadow appear on the wall etc.

Remember, we had to do all the below after the brief was set:

Talent rehearseal
Camera rehearsal
Ring footage shoot
Main segment shoot
Transcode / edit / title & credits
Music composition
Audio mix
Colour grade
Render final edit

feck me typing this is reminding me how stressful it was doing all that, not sleeping and having to parent my children at the same time :lol:
This was fun. You packed a lot into just two minutes. Great job on getting an award for it! Also bravo for sharing on the caf!
This was fun. You packed a lot into just two minutes. Great job on getting an award for it! Also bravo for sharing on the caf!
Thanks man, and thank you for watching. Really means a lot when people give up their time to support creative work, which is usually a financial loss haha.