Movies you can watch again and again

I could watch The Godfather Trilogy a million times. (Yes even part 3, despite the obvious drop in quality).
I've watched One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest quite a few times too and never get bored with it. Jack Nicholson's finest performance, I reckon.

But other than that, even films I love, I think I'd need to leave a long gap between viewings, in general.

Then there are some films that I wouldn't regard as favourites, that I could watch again and again. For instance Braveheart was on TV a few weeks ago and I watched it from start to finish. I wouldn't regard it as one of my favourite films yet I've seen it loads and it's one I could watch again and again. Rambo: First Blood and the likes of T2 Judgement day would fall into that category too. Although Judgement Day is amazing so probably shouldn't be lumped in with those.

Comedies can be watched more regularly than any other genre I reckon. One of the lads was going to see Ted 2 recently so we watched Ted again and enjoyed it even though I've seen it quite a few times.

Also, films I liked when I was a kid, I could watch over and over, probably just for nostalgia's sake. Films like The Goonies, Flight of the Navigator, Field of Dreams, I've seen a million times.
Most have been mentioned I'm sure, but...

Legends of the Fall
Inglorious Bastards
reservoir Dogs
The Usual Suspects
Shawshank Redemption
The Notebook :nervous:
Bourne Trilogy
Godfather 1 and 2
Pulp Fiction
A Beautiful Mind
Fight Club

Are a few I've e joyed watching multiple times, for various reasons.

Never enjoyed the Matrix. Might have to give it another go...watched it when I was younger and lost interest about halfway through.
Damn, Shawshank Redemption does come to mind, just one of those rare films where all the ingredients come together to make something almost everyone loves and I never get tired of watching it.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Groundhog Day
Midnight Run

In fact when it comes to comedy's from the 80's and early 90's I could list too many, nostalgia gets me.
Lord of the rings
Star Wars
Bourne trilogy
Interview with the vampire
Crazy stupid love
Inglorious bastards
Wolf of wall street
There's loads of movies I could watch again and again. They just tend to be great movies. I think a more interesting question is really good movies you've seen that you wouldn't watch again.

A few off the top of my head:
Requiem for a Dream
The Machinist

I'll think of more but it's usually because they've disturbed me somehow, or left me a depressed shell of a man.

I will watch it again I think but have avoided re-watching Inception because it really tripped me out and had me questioning reality.
From my experience, Dredd (2012), The Longest Yard and Sunshine. Probably Hardy's Mad Max, come to think of it. But I especially like Dredd. Brilliant action movie. I think it's terribly underrated.

There's loads of movies I could watch again and again. They just tend to be great movies. I think a more interesting question is really good movies you've seen that you wouldn't watch again.

A few off the top of my head:
Requiem for a Dream
The Machinist

I'll think of more but it's usually because they've disturbed me somehow, or left me a depressed shell of a man.

I will watch it again I think but have avoided re-watching Inception because it really tripped me out and had me questioning reality.

Took mushrooms a few days after watching Inception. My whole trip was about me being paranoid of being stuck in time. Eventually calmed myself down watching a football match and seeing the clock running on the screen.
Predator, Aliens, Terminator 2, Die Hard, Anchorman
Empire Strikes Back - thats universally loved even if some of the others aren't.
Indiana Jones
Its a wonderful life (i end up watching it every damn christmas so that one's been tested.
I might go on a murderous rampage next time i see it or tear out my eyes out possibly but 20 odd years in a row isn't a bad run)

Young Frankenstein is a good one but anything with gene wilder imo. I like laurel and hardy too
Cyrano De Bergerac - i just like that movie.
Damn, Shawshank Redemption does come to mind, just one of those rare films where all the ingredients come together to make something almost everyone loves and I never get tired of watching it.

This and


Others for me are:

Indiana Jones series
Real Steel
Men in Black series
Mummy (at least the first 2 movies)
Aliens vs Predators (original)
Inglorious Basterds
Pulp Fiction
The Departed
This is the end (favourite comedy)
Wolf of Wall Street
Training Day
Catch me if you can
For some utterly strange reason, I cant seem to get enough of starsky and hutch... I dont particulary like it, but its hypnotizing in a weird way.

It started way back when, when I had a sleeping disorder and used DVDs around the house to rewatch whilst i tried to sleep. Starsky and hutch worked, and I've watched it dozens of times since, to fall asleep to. Even awake, I can see it every day.

I dont think I am autistic... Do autistic people know they are autistic?
Whats the appeal?
well its purpose is to appeal isn't it? I have a weird obsession with mass rallies, seeing how a great number of people can enthusiastically follow a political cult. guess that's partly a result of my upbringing
Many of the ones I watch over and over are already mentioned, but not these ones it seems:

- Amelie
- The Darjeeling Limited
- Moonrise Kingdom
- Ensemble, c'est tout (not sure what the English title is)
- Welcome to the sticks

All pretty easy going but still very entertaining, the Wes Anderson ones are of course in a totally different class on all levels. I think I've watched Darjeeling 20-30 times over the years.
Many of the ones I watch over and over are already mentioned, but not these ones it seems:

- Amelie
- The Darjeeling Limited
- Moonrise Kingdom

- Ensemble, c'est tout (not sure what the English title is)
- Welcome to the sticks

All pretty easy going but still very entertaining, the Wes Anderson ones are of course in a totally different class on all levels. I think I've watched Darjeeling 20-30 times over the years.

Oddly I think these are the only 2 Wes Anderson movies I haven't seen. I think I'll rectify that this weekend.
well its purpose is to appeal isn't it? I have a weird obsession with mass rallies, seeing how a great number of people can enthusiastically follow a political cult. guess that's partly a result of my upbringing

Mass rallies are cool though...
Cult film that quite a few people have not seen.

Such a great film.
Yeah 'cult' is the right word.

In the past I've always brought with me it when going skiing with my mates. If the hangover was particularly bad or the weather was shit we would stay in and watch Hot Rod.
- Amelie
- The Darjeeling Limited
- Moonrise Kingdom
- Ensemble, c'est tout (not sure what the English title is)
- Welcome to the sticks

Excellent choices. If you like Audey Tautou you should check out Priceless.
I watched Conair 3 times in one day and probably a total of 30+ times. Love it!!
I used to convert movies into MP4 and watch it on my iPod classic when it was functional. I watched movies like Ocean's trilogy Bourne trilogy and then others like never back down, step up 2, get smart, forbidden Kingdom, push etc. (movies that released around that time-2007/08/09 period) at least twice in a week. But now it's been 7 years since I have seen them. Feeling nostalgic :(