Mourinho tells Paul Pogba he'll never captain Manchester United again

The footballing operations side of this club is run so poorly it's inconceivable at times
I can't believe this is true. I really can't.

We're gonna end up losing Pogba and Martial and then still end up sacking Mourinho.

I think I should quit following football for a few years.
He says he doesn’t have to give a reason, as he was the one that deceived to give it to him in the first place, so he can take it away.

He basically said because he can: that he gave him the 2nd, and he can take it away and that he doesn't have to explain his decisions. No rift, he said.

he's a fecking prick.
Wow, I'm gonna start heating up some popcorn, this is quite a move by Mourinho....a dumb one, but quite a move nonetheless.
So Jose leaked it directly to the media today? What does he intend to achieve by all the negativity? Why does this even need to be made news?

So needless and just puts the club in more bad light.

Does he want to get sacked? Is he trying to force Ed’s hand?
After he was the one positive against Wolves, when he showed the initiative to try and get us the win. Mou even took Fred off after the Wolves goal after he spent an eternity getting back when Wolves initially broke, whilst he laid on the floor. This can only be Pogba’s comments, not the mistake.
Well this is only going to accelerate the battle between the two because it's now one or the other. Both can't stay at the club after this.
Again why are people obsessed with the need for quotes.

It was obviously true ffs.
There's a difference between speculation and fact. With the confirmation, there is now no doubt about the problems behind the scenes as opposed to the notion it's just the press causing troubles with lies.
None of this needs to be so public, he can't win this battle in the media.

He's not an idiot mou, he's been around long enough to know how this works. Neither is pogba (or his advisor) they're both putting the club in an awkward position right now and I've no doubt it'll be affecting the rest of the players.

Maybe we should feck them both off
So Jose leaked it directly to the media today? What does he intend to achieve by all the negativity?
When you are an egomaniac who deflects poor performance by telling people "look at my record, I'm not shit" normal logic cant apply. This job is to big for him. He is fighting against the idea of looking like a cnut.
I think this is the start of the end for him at United. However, I can understand him. He made Pogba captain, and praised him after the game, only for Pogba to criticize him five minutes later. Very unnecessary, and he is still talking to the press while not performing at an expected level. Understand that Jose has to put the foot down and show who's the boss, but it's not looking good at all.
Sick of both Jose and Pogba. If I had to choose it’ll probably be Pogba still. Jose has lost the players and can’t inspire us.

We need someone new in ASAP.
There's a difference between speculation and fact. With the confirmation, there is now no doubt about the problems behind the scenes as opposed to the notion it's just the press causing troubles with lies.

It was never the press causing problems, only extremely naive people believe this. When a story comes out in various outlets, it's been leaked and in those cases there is never smoke without fire, even if the headlines are sensational at times.
There's a difference between speculation and fact. With the confirmation, there is now no doubt about the problems behind the scenes as opposed to the notion it's just the press causing troubles with lies.

Every media outlet wrote about it. They aren't going to give a direct quote, never.

It was obviously true we didn't need Jose to "confirm" it.
Mourinho's way of saying no to attacking football then? Bye Pogba...or Mourinho...
Cheers. That's pretty clear cut then, although the media have sensationalised it a bit.

I watched it live and there is a bit more about not having to give a reason for it and that it’s his decision to remove it as he was the one that give it to him in the first place. Don’t have a direct quote though.
Being a captain means jack shit anyway. It's whether he will permanently froze him out of the team or not that will be truly telling

That's true, the alleged quotes from Pogba are damning whether people want to admit it or not. Though, if the quotes are genuine then there is no chance that Pogba is the only player thinking that way.
Feck me...
Nothing was worse than LvG, but if you gave him the squad we have now I think we'd be doing better. At least we'd try to dominate matches and not only do Fellaini long balls constantly. LvG played with Blind, Darmian, Schneiderlin, Memphis, Rooney, Herrera, Mata and a retiring Carrick... if Dalot, Shaw, Pogba, Fred, Pereira and Sanchez would perform like Martial and Rashford did we'd be another team completely.
While I think Pogba shouldn't be a captain, taking it away mid season is just crazy.
He had it for less than 1/6th of a season. Even moyes can last in management longer than that...
I struggle to understand what Pogba had said that is wrong. Should United play like cowards at OT?
Going off to media to mouth when club has problems? Undermining the manager publicly?

I don't really think Jose is doing a great job, but a player can't really be mouthing in the public all the time and not expect repercussions.
Well on the plus side, at least we got to see a poster definitively proven wrong in the space of a page, which is always nice.

*cough* @vangagal *cough*
He says he doesn’t have to give a reason, as he was the one that decided to give it to him in the first place, so he can take it away.
Didn't Pogba say it was Carrick who talked to him? Jose might've given that decision but yea these two don't belong to each other.
How come it is always circus with us? I don't see problems in Liverpool, Spurs, Barca, Bayern. This season is becoming disaster
United are still big news. As is Jose. As is Pogba

If you think everything is hunky-dory from top to bottom at those clubs you’re sadly mistaken