Most Overrated Bands / Artists


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
Not necessarily bad, but overrated...

1. Led Zeppelin - Great session musicians that got famous stealing other people's songs. Tarnishes their best recordings for me.

2. Oasis - Living off their first album, which in retrospect isn't all it's cracked up to be. All image, little substance, no innovation.

3. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Have done some classic stuff, but albums often filled out with rubbish. Generally poor live.

4. Arctic Monkeys - Treated like the second coming, but in reality nothing out of the ordinary or special at all.

5. Muse - Decent band, especially live, but no way near what some people make them out to be.
Fecking hell, Arctic Monkeys are one of my absolute favourite bands, and even I agree that they're hyped to feck.
I'd say pretty much all mainstream music is overrated really. The true quality is in the obscure.
I forgot Snow Patrol, they are without doubt the most overrated thing known to man.
U2 are fecking amazing

I don't care if you think Bono is a cnut
Personally do not like the Beatles and their whole aura around them but their music changed the music scence and to some extent was a major influence on lives in the 60's & 70's. When you listen to their albums and remove the Beatle personna away they are excellent. Same for Elvis imo.

I have always had a thing against the likes of Dido, James Blunt & Macy Grey. 1 album wonders who daytrippers latched onto overnight and thought they were excellent and a breath of fresh air.
Not necessarily bad, but overrated...

1. Led Zeppelin - Great session musicians that got famous stealing other people's songs. Tarnishes their best recordings for me.

This one alone makes this thread pointless.
Most pointless fecking thread ever.

I hate threads like this, what the feck is the point ?? who has the decideing vote on what is Over-Rated ?? by Over rated you mean who has had the most chart success ?? who has the better write ups in the NME ??

If you had a brain worthy of debating music you'd know that they are both horse piss ways of judging a band's like trusting a transfer story from the sun.

Take your argument to the people...U2, Oasis, Led Zep pull in massive crowds as do most of those other Bands, People are the ones who decide these sorts of things and guess what...they speak in favour of U2, Oasis and the Arctics.

Horse piss thread.
Most pointless fecking thread ever.

I hate threads like this, what the feck is the point ?? who has the decideing vote on what is Over-Rated ?? by Over rated you mean who has had the most chart success ?? who has the better write ups in the NME ??

If you had a brain worthy of debating music you'd know that they are both horse piss ways of judging a band's like trusting a transfer story from the sun.

Take your argument to the people...U2, Oasis, Led Zep pull in massive crowds as do most of those other Bands, People are the ones who decide these sorts of things and guess what...they speak in favour of U2, Oasis and the Arctics.

Horse piss thread.

most pointless post in the most pointless thread ever?

I decide by the way.

Most pointless fecking thread ever.

I hate threads like this, what the feck is the point ?? who has the decideing vote on what is Over-Rated ?? by Over rated you mean who has had the most chart success ?? who has the better write ups in the NME ??

If you had a brain worthy of debating music you'd know that they are both horse piss ways of judging a band's like trusting a transfer story from the sun.

Take your argument to the people...U2, Oasis, Led Zep pull in massive crowds as do most of those other Bands, People are the ones who decide these sorts of things and guess what...they speak in favour of U2, Oasis and the Arctics.

Horse piss thread.

:lol: We may as well close the entertainment forum then.

I have myself been to see U2, Oasis, Muse, Arctic Monkeys and Red Hot Chili Peppers live, doesn't stop me thinking people in general overrate them though (I wouldn't say U2 are all that overrated myself).
:lol: We may as well close the entertainment forum then.

I have myself been to see U2, Oasis, Muse, Arctic Monkeys and Red Hot Chili Peppers live, doesn't stop me thinking people in general overrate them though (I wouldn't say U2 are all that overrated myself).

Well there you go then, some people obviosuly do..Where does the "over rated" line get drawn ?

One or two people can over rate something...not a good portion of planet earth though. I.E The Beatles, Elvis, U2, Madonna.
:lol: We may as well close the entertainment forum then.

youd need to close down the whole internet for fecks sake!...

i wont hunt through the forum to find examples of those who object telling us that an obviously good footballer is shite/overrated (probably cause he doesnt play for us).
Yep that's what opinions are Stobzilla, and I thought a forum was a good place to discuss opinions. I guess I was wrong.

I see you don't argue with me that Snow Patrol are the most overrated thing in the world ever. So you do know utter shite when you see it. ;)
no one really rates snow patrol though do they? sure loads of people like them...but theyre the type of people whose opinions are void and therefore cannot be construed as involved in rating music.
If it's not underground, it's overhyped.

I wouldn't say that. There are plenty of popular bands who, in my opinion (gotta be so careful nowadays), deserve the acclaim. The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Radiohead being some examples.
1. The Doors - I've never got it...just sounds boring to me

2. Nico - feck her off and give the songs to Reed, and it would have been an even better album

3. U2 - dull, boring, crap

4. Nirvana - One class album (same goes for Pearl Jam). Foo Fighters are pants.

5. Hendrix - superb musician, and a far better lyricist and singer than he's given credit for... but the songs are a little overrated

Not necessarily bad, but overrated...

1. Led Zeppelin - Great session musicians that got famous stealing other people's songs. Tarnishes their best recordings for me.

2. Oasis - Living off their first album, which in retrospect isn't all it's cracked up to be. All image, little substance, no innovation.

3. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Have done some classic stuff, but albums often filled out with rubbish. Generally poor live.

4. Arctic Monkeys - Treated like the second coming, but in reality nothing out of the ordinary or special at all.

5. Muse - Decent band, especially live, but no way near what some people make them out to be.

I'd agree with that, except Led Zepp. Most of that's hearsay... Page may have nicked a few riffs, but there's still a shitload of quality original material there

Spot on re Oasis. They were fun when I was a pissed up student... in retrospect they have about five top songs, mostly off the first album, and a lot of dross, and even their good songs mostly have terrible lyrics.

Muse aren't even in Oasis' league... just a blatant, and blatantly inferior, copy of Radiohead.

I found an old Kingmaker record the other day, a band pretty much universally regarded as ridiculous in its time, and listening to it they were far more original than most of the crap around today, the likes of Arctic Monkeys, Kaiser Chiefs, The Editors (what an amazingly rubbish name btw) etc.
I'd agree with that, except Led Zepp. Most of that's hearsay... Page may have nicked a few riffs, but there's still a shitload of quality original material there

It's more than you think; I did a research project on it whilst at university. I'll see if I can dig it out when I have a chance.

Agree with most of your sentiments, but disagree about Hendrix, I think he has written a lot of first rate songs.
It's more than you think; I did a research project on it whilst at university. I'll see if I can dig it out when I have a chance.

Agree with most of your sentiments, but disagree about Hendrix, I think he has written a lot of first rate songs.
Didn't all those white men steal the blues?
Didn't all those white men steal the blues?

Yes a lot did, and very few gave credit and royalties to the original artists. People think that its just little riffs or chord progressions that were 'lifted', but you'd be surprised how many songs are just plain cover versions (lyrics, melody and harmony) cynically stolen. A lot of the black blues artists who wrote the songs never saw a penny in royalties before they died.

“Curiously enough, the one time we did try to do the right thing, it blew up in our faces. When we were up at Headley Grange recording Physical Graffiti, Ian Stewart [the Rolling Stones' unofficial keyboard player] came by and we started to jam. The jam turned into "Boogie With Stu," which was obviously a variation on "Ooh My Head" by the late Ritchie Valens, which itself was actually a variation of Little Richard's "Ooh My Soul." What we tried to do was give Ritchie's mother credit, because we heard she never received any royalties form any of her son's hits, and Robert did lean on that lyric a bit. So what happens? They tried to sue us for all of the song! We had to say bugger off. [laughs]” - Jimmy Page
Yes a lot did, and very few gave credit and royalties to the original artists. People think that its just little riffs or chord progressions that were 'lifted', but you'd be surprised how many songs are just plain cover versions (lyrics, melody and harmony) cynically stolen. A lot of the black blues artists who wrote the songs never saw a penny in royalties before they died.

Yeah bit it's more complicated than that, as your example illustrates. The blues was an oral tradition, there's a fine line between 'theft' and doing exactly what the black musicians were doing themselves. Obviously the racial element and context complicates it of course...
Yes a lot did, and very few gave credit and royalties to the original artists. People think that its just little riffs or chord progressions that were 'lifted', but you'd be surprised how many songs are just plain cover versions (lyrics, melody and harmony) cynically stolen. A lot of the black blues artists who wrote the songs never saw a penny in royalties before they died.
Yeah at the time people used to say "It sounds nothing like Robert Johnson" but in fact that was due as much to equipment, amplification production as any fundamentals. Apart from the drum solos of course (which were crap).