Most Overrated Bands / Artists

:lol: better get your ears syringed and your taste buds serviced mate

youre i come to think of it 3 good songs each was a touch generous...lets say 1 good song each....though for the life of me i cant think of an eagles one.
youre i come to think of it 3 good songs each was a touch generous...lets say 1 good song each....though for the life of me i cant think of an eagles one.

and you also need a brain transplant too - if that doesn't work then and you still cannot appreciate talent then - sorry - its off the Travellers yard for you :D
You forgot to add 'in your opinion'

Great guitarist - the song is everything to him and he does enough to enhance everything about it he can. He does use the effects box but that's what an fx box is for Jonny Greenwood uses it even more if you listen
Both use it brilliantly imo

Well Edges whole guitar sound is unique - free from widdling solos and almost orchestral in places just as May's is in Queen. Great variety in the tunes as well

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

7 good eagles songs?

go on enlighten me.

The Best of My Love
Bitter Creek

Certain Kind of Fool


Doolin-Dalton/Desperado Reprise
The Disco Strangler
Doolin-Dalton Intstrumental


Funky New Year

Get Over It
The Girl From Yesterday
A Good Day In Hell
The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks

Heartache Tonight
Hollywood Waltz
Hotel California

I Can't Tell You Why
I Wish You Peace
In the City
Is it True?

James Dean
Journey of the Sorcerer

King of Hollywood

The Last Resort
Learn to be Still
Life in the Fast Lane
Life's Been Good
The Long Run
Love Will Keep Us Alive
Lyin' Eyes

Midnight Flyer
Most Of Us Are Sad
My Man

New Kid in Town
New York Minute

Ol '55
On the Border
One of These Nights
Out of Control
Outlaw Man

Peaceful Easy Feeling
Please Come Home for Christmas
Pretty Maids All In A Row

The Sad Cafe
Saturday Night
Seven Bridges Road

Take it Easy
Take It To The Limit
Take the Devil
Teenage Jail
Tequila Sunrise
Those Shoes
Too Many Hands
Train Leaves Here This Mornin'
Try and Love Again
Twenty One

Victim Of Love

Wasted Time
Witchy Woman

You Never Cry Like A Lover

My favs :D
This thread was great last night, what happened?

wankers :mad:

Couple of cracking tracks on that first album 'Rose', 'Sewn' are excellent imo and 'Fill my Little world' is'nt bad either

Have heard a bit of the latest and it so far doe'snt sound as good

However as a band very good on the harmony vocals and the guys can play guitar but like all things musical its personal taste
The Best of My Love
Bitter Creek

Certain Kind of Fool


Doolin-Dalton/Desperado Reprise
The Disco Strangler
Doolin-Dalton Intstrumental


Funky New Year

Get Over It
The Girl From Yesterday
A Good Day In Hell
The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks

Heartache Tonight
Hollywood Waltz
Hotel California

I Can't Tell You Why
I Wish You Peace
In the City
Is it True?

James Dean
Journey of the Sorcerer

King of Hollywood

The Last Resort
Learn to be Still
Life in the Fast Lane
Life's Been Good
The Long Run
Love Will Keep Us Alive
Lyin' Eyes

Midnight Flyer
Most Of Us Are Sad
My Man

New Kid in Town
New York Minute

Ol '55
On the Border
One of These Nights
Out of Control
Outlaw Man

Peaceful Easy Feeling
Please Come Home for Christmas
Pretty Maids All In A Row

The Sad Cafe
Saturday Night
Seven Bridges Road

Take it Easy
Take It To The Limit
Take the Devil
Teenage Jail
Tequila Sunrise
Those Shoes
Too Many Hands
Train Leaves Here This Mornin'
Try and Love Again
Twenty One

Victim Of Love

Wasted Time
Witchy Woman

You Never Cry Like A Lover

My favs :D

rip-offs, copies, not an original thought in there at all....dont get me wrong theyre talented enough musicians...its just there are so many bands who did the same thing, before they did and better.

they stole their career from CSN & The Byrds....and their most famous song is just lifted from We Used to Know by Jethro Tull..
The "stupidest thing ... ever" would surely be somebody saying that's 'the stupidest thing ....ever' unless they could back up that view with a reasoned intelligent argument

.....I'm all ears


Why would I want to debate with a fan of U2 about how shit they are?

The fact that you believe Edge to be a great guitarist displays either a great lack of understanding about guitar playing or a blinkered fanboy view, either way, I'm not interested in explaining to you why you're wrong, just accept the fact that you are and go and kill yourself.

Why would I want to debate with a fan of U2 about how shit they are?

The fact that you believe Edge to be a great guitarist displays either a great lack of understanding about guitar playing or a blinkered fanboy view, either way, I'm not interested in explaining to you why you're wrong, just accept the fact that you are and go and kill yourself.


Why would I want to debate with a fan of U2 about how shit they are?

The fact that you believe Edge to be a great guitarist displays either a great lack of understanding about guitar playing or a blinkered fanboy view, either way, I'm not interested in explaining to you why you're wrong, just accept the fact that you are and go and kill yourself.


It was the bit comparing him to Jonny Greenwood that got me.
Couple of cracking tracks on that first album 'Rose', 'Sewn' are excellent imo and 'Fill my Little world' is'nt bad either

Have heard a bit of the latest and it so far doe'snt sound as good

However as a band very good on the harmony vocals and the guys can play guitar but like all things musical its personal taste

They seem pretty harmless to me, wouldn't go out and buy there album but wouldn't turn the radio over if they came on.

Actually saw them live at the V Festival, were pretty good because everyone new the words to the hits and could sing along.

As for overrated, bloody jayZ.

Why would I want to debate with a fan of U2 about how shit they are?

The fact that you believe Edge to be a great guitarist displays either a great lack of understanding about guitar playing or a blinkered fanboy view, either way, I'm not interested in explaining to you why you're wrong, just accept the fact that you are and go and kill yourself.

while i generally agree with the sentiment, its like trying to argue with a beatles nut that ringo wasnt a great drummer or even a good one really....though obviously U2's sound is much more indebted to the playing of edge than the beatles sound is to ringo.
rip-offs, copies, not an original thought in there at all....dont get me wrong theyre talented enough musicians...its just there are so many bands who did the same thing, before they did and better.

they stole their career from CSN & The Byrds....and their most famous song is just lifted from We Used to Know by Jethro Tull..
CSN and the Byrds never did their music pared down in its simplest form, as the Eagles did. I don't always want new stuff, occasionally I want the old stuff done well.
while i generally agree with the sentiment, its like trying to argue with a beatles nut that ringo was a great drummer....though obviously U2's sound is much more indebted to the playing of edge than the beatles sound is to ringo.

Indebted to Edges effects box you mean.
CSN and the Byrds never did their music pared down in its simplest form, as the Eagles did. I don't always want new stuff, occasionally I want the old stuff done well.

eh? CSN never did their music pared down to its simplest form? 1 guitar, 3 voices.

and out of them groups the eagles were the new stuff....though im not too sure what youre getting at with that line.
Indebted to Edges effects box you mean.

yep...but he undoubtedly has made a very successful career out of those effects pedals and used them to write songs that millions of people love...ok those millions mightnt realise its 2 chords and some effects...but also they dont care for the most part...same as most eagles fans dont really care that theyre just bland rip-off copyists.
without even opening that im guessing that its bill baileys take on it....while undoubetedly funny ive always got the feeling theres a huge amount of jealousy from a bloke who studied music for all them years and couldnt make it, whereas a bloke who knows A + D and can use 2 strings and an effects pedals ends up in one of the most popular groups of the last 20 years.

thats gotta be annoying really:D
eh? CSN never did their music pared down to its simplest form? 1 guitar, 3 voices.
It's really quite intricate though. Suite Judy Blue Eyes is... multilayered? Probably the best word.
and out of them groups the eagles were the new stuff....though im not too sure what youre getting at with that line.

Well, either they stole their ideas from CSN and the Byrds or they didn't. If they did then they weren't new were they? They were certainly influenced by CSN, I'll give you that.

Why would I want to debate with a fan of U2 about how shit they are?

The fact that you believe Edge to be a great guitarist displays either a great lack of understanding about guitar playing or a blinkered fanboy view, either way, I'm not interested in explaining to you why you're wrong, just accept the fact that you are and go and kill yourself.

Shame about the lack of intelligent debate / discussion on here these days

I am not a 'fan' of U2. If you can read you'd have seen I said that before, however I do think they are a great band who have come up with some quality tunes a lot of which is down not only to the song writing itself but also to the gifted playing / arranging by the Edge who is imo an excellent guitarist.

No one ses you have to like them however to judge someones guitar playing ability with the term they / he is "shit" requires that you maybe elucidate on why you think he's shit rather than hoping the world agrees with you

Clearly his guitar playing has had a large hand in selling a zillion albums so maybe he's not so shit as you think

Go on tell me what's so bad about his guitar playing. As you say maybe I lack understanding in this help me understand

It was the bit comparing him to Jonny Greenwood that got me.

So you think Jonny Greenwood doe'snt use fx box's, does'nt lay down track upon track in the studio or live to pad out the sound, never plays single notes from simple D and A chords to create simplistic ( but brilliant imo) tunes like No Surprises, for instance, Doe'snt use tremolo, which is absolutely all over, is everywhere on nearly every single song on The Bends, Pablo Honey ( Creep) Ok Computer etc etc

Conversely you don't think the Edge has ever done a solo

They both use the technology at their disposal to enhance some great songs, sometimes they over do it ( Greenwood has been known to ) and it doe'snt work but generally both are brilliant on their instruments in an incredibly 'musical' way

I'd say it's quite clear that the Edge is every bit as good as Jonny Greenwood and I bet Greenwood would acknowledge that too

If you cannot hear the musicallity in the playing of the Edge you'd have to be deaf imo and of course that doe'snt mean you have to like him or U2
I hate Sting.

Guy that said the Feeling were wankers is spot on. Drivel, spasticated ponce-arse drivel.

U2 are shite. (ok they once weren't but that doesn't excuse them for now being utterly wank)

Muse, worst live band i've ever seen. If you want to watch a band wank off on stage then by all means.

Artic Monkey, shite. Not terrible but what do they actually have to offer apart from music that is dripping with influences without anything remarkable about it. Totally unorigonal.

Also to the lad that mentioned Hendrix tracks. Bold as Love is a total gem you failed to mention.
It's really quite intricate though. Suite Judy Blue Eyes is... multilayered? Probably the best word.

oh i dont deny they did intricate multi-layered stuff but then they also did helplessly hoping, lady of the island, you dont have to cry...which are all pretty basic.

ok im probably being overly harsh on the eagles...its just theyve always left me cold....always felt it was music by numbers to me....they knew what to put out to make the money and did so.
An fx box merely adds different treatment to the original signal you play into it

Going out on a limb I'd say no fx will make a shit guitarist sound any good

Depends on your meaning of shit guitarist, If you mean someone that can strum a few chord and keep in time to a beat then yes they can, just as a certain piece of software called Autotune can make a shit vocalist sound amazing.

As for your other post, I really can't be bothered argueing with you about how good the Edge is, he is an average guitar player at best, but has the ability to co-write very popular and catchy tunes that sell to lots of people who don't give a shit about decent music.
oh i dont deny they did intricate multi-layered stuff but then they also did helplessly hoping, lady of the island, you dont have to cry...which are all pretty basic.

ok im probably being overly harsh on the eagles...its just theyve always left me cold....always felt it was music by numbers to me....they knew what to put out to make the money and did so.

The Dude, "lebowski" hates the Eagles. That's good enough for me.
An fx box merely adds different treatment to the original signal you play into it

Going out on a limb I'd say no fx will make a shit guitarist sound any good

It can add complexity where there's none though. The Edge never struck me as someone who put texture into his music - how can he, when he doesn't play that many notes?

Always preferred guitarists like John Frusciante, who likes to riff and improv, plain and simple.
oh i dont deny they did intricate multi-layered stuff but then they also did helplessly hoping, lady of the island, you dont have to cry...which are all pretty basic.

ok im probably being overly harsh on the eagles...its just theyve always left me cold....always felt it was music by numbers to me....they knew what to put out to make the money and did so.

Yeah, I'm arguing for the sake of arguing now. Different tastes for different folks.