Most emotional scene you've seen in a film

YouTube - The Shawshank Redemption - Ending

Best ending ever.

"I find it's the excitement only a free man can feel - a free man at the start of a long journey, whose conclusion is uncertain"

"I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.. I hope."

Great shout..I also love the..

"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

Just pure chills!

and the bit where Leonidas dies and there's an exchange with another Spartan.
"It is an honour to die by your side" - Spartan Soldier
"It has been an honour to live by yours" - Leonidas


..Awful film.

When I was a kid the death of Robert Vaughn in The Magnificent Seven always got to me for some reason.

The bookshop scene at the end of The Lives of Others.

Cagney's execution in Angels with Dirty Faces.
Great thread, I just don't want to read it though because I haven't seen some of the films mentioned yet!

For the record:-

1) The speech William Wallace gives his troops in Braveheart gave me goosebumps (the "You will never take our freedom!" one).

2) It's a Wonderful Life might be ancient but it remains a classic and the ending is not to be watched if you're big on preserving your dignity.

3) The ending of The Iron Giant - Really under-rated cartoon.
Some great scenes mentioned, but from an emotional point of view nothing will ever touch some of the (scenes?) in the Darktower books
Eddie, Jake and Oy's deaths
I fecking howled like a banshee.
Surprised this hasn't got a mention.

I was in bits the first time I watched it.

Just a shame the music is recently more readily associated with a cack trance remix.

That scene fecks me up every time. As does the "Hey, Boo" scene from To Kill a Mockingbird.

It's at about 2 hours, but obviously it's not much without context.
The one that disturbs me is in Sophie's Choice when the camp guard asks her to choose between her children. What parent can do that?
Probably a very odd choice but I foundthe ending in V for Vendetta where the whole city of London shows up wearing the masks, quite liberating.

In Harry and the Hendersons where John Lithgow has to hit harry because he belongs in the wild and otherwise he won't go. :(
Classic John Candy scene.

The whole ending to Last of the Mohicans

Leon end scene

Just a few of my favourites!
Just on this page i've spotted mockingbird, dirk kuyt and mohicans - good stuff!

I may be in a minority but i loved vanilla sky, amazing soundtrack as well.

Dog day afternoon, my favourite pacino film, and dangerous liaisons as well.
Watership down obviously. Oh and the snowman.

Actually yeah definately the snowman. How could it not be? :(
When Maria runs over the mountain with the family at the end of the sound of music. That was emotionally inspiring.

Hang on, am i right in thinking no one has given alastair ANY shit for this post?! The sound of fecking music?! Jesus wept. If that wasnt bad enough he also uses the term 'that was emotionally inspiring'. it's just as well i'm already sat on the bog with the shits or i might have just defecated in my pants at such bumfluffery.
Also, one flew over the cuckoos nest. A couple of extremely bleak moments in that.

I agree about the start of 'up' as well. The best 5 mins disney has ever done?
In 'Apocalypse Now' when...

Clean gets killed in the ambush and the tape from his mother is playing on after he dies. Just all the stuff she's saying and the fact that he got to hear part of it only to die before it's over.
Dunno if its been mentioned but the end of "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" was pretty moving..... maybe only if you're Irish.
Dunno if its been mentioned but the end of "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" was pretty moving..... maybe only if you're Irish.

I'm British and found that very moving.

I wanted to find a clip of it and can't, but the scene in 'Truly, Madly, Deeply' where she's talking to the therapist, and also when Jamie first comes back, both of them hit me quite hard each time!

I think it's quite a hard film to get hold of these days, but it's so brilliant I'd really urge everyone to watch it if they can.
Hang on, am i right in thinking no one has given alastair ANY shit for this post?! The sound of fecking music?! Jesus wept. If that wasnt bad enough he also uses the term 'that was emotionally inspiring'. it's just as well i'm already sat on the bog with the shits or i might have just defecated in my pants at such bumfluffery.
