Most Disappointing Video Games - 2011

Did you play the previous ones? I have played all but the most recent one. I suspected they were taking the piss releasing them so often so I skipped it.

Yeh, I enjoyed them and had some spare money and got this. I don't even know why I dislike it. It just feels rushed and really ruff around the edges. Struggling to get into it, maybe it gets better later on.
The new Assassins creed is wank. I can't get into it and despite it having a few cool things to try I found it poor.

I wouldn't go as far as wank, as I still enjoyed it for what it was... but it certainly seemed to regressed significantly from Brotherhood... which was outstanding.
Enjoyed most of the game a lot but last year's biggest disappointment was the ending of Rage - awful.

Duke Nukem was a festering turd of a game but I guess it wasn't a surprise.
Problem with AC:Revelations is that it's effectively the same game as Brotherhood, which in turn was effectively the same as AC2. It's all become a bit COD-like with the releases, the difference being that AC has the potential to improve and expand with a good storyline, an opportunity which I felt was missed in AC:R.
LA Noire was a brilliant concept but the setting really hampered the gameplay. Really needed to be modern day/sci fi (bladerunner like) for it to be enjoyable.
Revalations was by far the smallest of the series. All in one location apart from a small underground village section. No tombs and few side missions. The graphics are rough aswell and it's such a dark game, at night you can't see a thing. It's not a very good looking game really which was the biggest drawer for me in previous games.
The second game was the best, multiple city's flying sections and the graphics were awsome. The current game appears an afterthought in comparison.