Mortal kombat

how is the multiplayer? i'd imagine in fighting games, matches would be really shitty if even the tiniest of lags is present.

Couldn't tell you, PSN has been down for me for ages. Sucks.

Good news is that the Story mode (whilst cheesy) goes on for hours.
There are rumours that Freddy and Jason might be dlc characters in the future, pretty much only because of who owns the rights. Nothing substantial to go on, but they would be some fantastic extra characters if it were ever to happen
In fact, this isnt anything to do with MK but check out this fan made game featuring characters from the horror genre. Just as a sample of how cool they'd be in a game. And how cool this game is too. Its called Terrordrome and I think it has issues with copyright claims so it might be hard to find a download

My pre-order finally came today :nervous: But it was worth the wait.

Story mode is fast, furious and absolutely epic. Its so many levels above other fighting game's single player modes and so far its done absolute justice to the story. Brilliant game so far
In fact, this isnt anything to do with MK but check out this fan made game featuring characters from the horror genre. Just as a sample of how cool they'd be in a game. And how cool this game is too. Its called Terrordrome and I think it has issues with copyright claims so it might be hard to find a download

:lol: That looks fantastic.
Except the Ash vs Chucky fight. Why does he have this pillar blocking the fight :S
That game looked good except the bullshit of Jason beating Michael. The Shape for the win!
In fact, this isnt anything to do with MK but check out this fan made game featuring characters from the horror genre. Just as a sample of how cool they'd be in a game. And how cool this game is too. Its called Terrordrome and I think it has issues with copyright claims so it might be hard to find a download

Wow that looks fantastic.

Has that eeriness that the original MK had.
2d fighting > 3d fighting. Who cares about step in step out? Is that really what you want to be worrying about?

Replay comes from several modes and an outstanding story mode and lots of content. All way beyond your favourite 3D fighter - those are the ones with no replay value
2d fighting > 3d fighting. Who cares about step in step out? Is that really what you want to be worrying about?

Replay comes from several modes and an outstanding story mode and lots of content. All way beyond your favourite 3D fighter - those are the ones with no replay value

Don't get me wrong, I still think every fighting game is stupid, not stupid but it gets boring after a while

There's not much you can in 1minute round and it's just a contest of who gets the "OMGWTFZOMGLEET" 100+ instant death combo like in Tekken
Don't get me wrong, I still think every fighting game is stupid, not stupid but it gets boring after a while

There's not much you can in 1minute round and it's just a contest of who gets the "OMGWTFZOMGLEET" 100+ instant death combo like in Tekken

Well thats what this one has over the others.

It has a 300 level challenge tower, It has a story mode which goes on for many many hours, it has a lot of unlockables and it has a tag mode

I dont normally buy fighters anymore as I find them so limited. Even Street Fighter 4 which is heavily praised, I liked it and I completed it a few times but I was done with it in a day

This has been a great buy. They sorted out literally everything. I'm not even done with the story mode or challenge tower yet and already I'm looking forward to the dlc, as Boon has said that they want to put out some quality dlc.

As for the combos... Well you can do a lot of damage with the right circumstances. But the new x-ray feature means the guy who just got beat up real good can land his shot and get right back into the fight. If he misses it, he's got a lot of work to do.
Agreed with Ekeke on this...brilliant game and just how I remember it (from SNES days), next game they have to revive is Killer Instinct
Completed the story. Its a very interesting point to continue the series from given all that happened.

We're used to people dying and coming back in some form, during the Mortal Kombat story. But so many people died in this one that it would be a bit cheap to bring them all back and say "Oh they're all Spectres like Scorpian" or something. I figure a couple will be back as something less than human and possible with an evil alignment, but perhaps a few more will stay dead

Only 50-60 challenges into the challenge tower so far... Another 250 to go. Most of it hasnt been a chore, yet...

Cant wait for dlc... or like the PSN so I can get my klassic Reptile green ninja skin
I bought this on a whim, arrives tomorrow. Looks pretty cool.
Ive been addicted since I got it on Friday. Story mode is fantastic, I got it for Ps3 because I prefer the D Pad for fighting games so Ive not even been online yet. Very happy with it
Have to admit I got bored, but mainly because of no online and therefore not being able to use my classic reptile. And because I like to main Noob Saibot and he isnt very good... But hopefully when someone figures out his secret moves he will be a bit better. He cant combo mid-screen :( Didnt get bored till after playing through Story twice, 160 or so challenge tower challenges and half the cast through arcade

So for now I'm going back to Super Street Fighter 4. Hopefully PSN is back before Arcade Edition is released :(

In case you wonder what I'm talking about, it seems like pretty much every character has at least 1 secret move thats not in the command list. For example if you input two of jade's special kicks very quickly they link together for a double kick. Supposedly there's a 3 teleport slam for Noob, and I've seen a video where someone does some weird blue thing that comes out but nobody can figure out how to do it on purpose.
I'm assuming you mean Noob's portal move? Noob is actually a cracking character to use but his moves can be quite complex

Teleport slam with 3 portals. Ex-version is 2 portals, normal version is 1 portal

Not the black hole opposition portal if you're thinking of that

Blue thing is blue thing...

Noob is a zoning character, just keep them back with shadow charges and up close use shadow up-knee. But his mid-screen combos dont go over like 30% without meter. Basically every other character has 40% combos there.

Once you get them to the corner you can unleash real punishment, there Noob is strong. But if you're playing one of the teleport characters it shuts him down. He cant use shadow tackle and his normals and combos are slow to punish teleports even if you know someone is going to do it

Would be nice if they buffed him a tad in the balance changes they are doing. I mean this is the guy who foiled Quan Chi and Shinnok both in Mythologies Sub Zero. He should be a legit threat
Move lists give me headache. So many combinations.. I end up mashing the buttons like an idiot.

Though I did find out that holding the block at almost every opportunity really helps. I managed to beat Shang Tzung and the other wizard cnut in the story mode by simply blocking all the time and placing well-timed uppercuts.
Blocking is everything and nothing at least compared to SF.

Its not particularly effective for strings because you still lose plenty of life so you cant sit there defending waiting for an oppertunity, but if you block an unsafe move you can usually do a full combo from it and turn the tide. Best bet is to be offensive and get your move in before they do
My brother bought this a few days back.

Is it worth playing?

I was a huge MK fan growing up but I can't see how I'd enjoy the single player mode of a fighting game. Enlighten me caftards.
My brother bought this a few days back.

Is it worth playing?

I was a huge MK fan growing up but I can't see how I'd enjoy the single player mode of a fighting game. Enlighten me caftards.

The story mode carries on from the end of Armageddon, the final battle in this timeline. As all is about to fail Raiden sends a vision back to himself at the original Mortal Kombat game's tournament (Technically the 10th Earthrealm Mortal Kombat. Shao Khan needs 10 wins to enter and conquer Earthrealm. This is 10th attempt for Earthrealm with 9 losses already...) from the visions Raiden has to figure out what needs to happen and what needs to not happen. But changing one thing can change all things. The story mode spans the full story of Mortal Kombat games 1-3 and in it you start off with one non-selectable character, play 3 or 4 fights and then the story moves on with another character. And another and another and so on till, I believe, 16-18 chapters are done.

The sequences between fights are really good and they blend into the actual fights fantastically. Its easily the best single player in a fighting game and it'll give you something to do if you are feeling the lack of PSN. Its probably the only fighter thats worth playing single player

For the "Pros" :lol: the game may lack a little bit of depth that Street Fighter 4 has. But as an overall package the game is the shit. Plenty to do, fun, entertaining to watch, and some depth there for "high level" gaming. Personally I just wish one or two characters that I'm personally interested in were a bit better so they could keep up with the top characters. But really there's a good 4 or 5 that can match each other.
Are there really better characters to play with? I always thought they're all more or less balanced and you can beat anyone with anyone.
Are there really better characters to play with? I always thought they're all more or less balanced and you can beat anyone with anyone.

At "high levels" (ie. if you and your friends are nerds who play a lot, or troll online :D) then yes, big differences in ease of use and damage characters are capable of.

For the best players, Kung Lao, Sub Zero, Ermac, Reptile, Cyrax and Raiden have been used to dominate the 3 fighting game tournaments that have been on in the U.S since Mortal Kombat was released. "Tom Brady" who won the first tournament and did some of the testing on the game before its release has said something about a balance patch, so hopefully a few more characters become legit threats. Right now Baraka, Sheeva, Noob and maybe Jax could all use a little help. But for different reasons. Baraka only has 1 or 2 combos, Sheeva is a bigger target and at the moment that makes Sheeva-only (opponent) combos possible. Terrible thing. Noob doesnt have much for the 25 characters with teleports and Jax is a bit slow. Everyone else is pretty good and has a fair chance against any opponent.

Street Fighter was a more balanced game but it had none of the single player content and unlockables that this game has. Although in truth most of them are artwork trash, who actually cares about unlocking that? But you can unlock 2nd costume and another fatality in the krypt which are more useful than the colour palette swaps and extra taunts in street fighter.
That's some nice info, thanks. I knew those coins after each fight will be useful somehow. If you can unlock 2nd costume for every character, it'd be neat.
I feared they'll milk it with dlc's like street fighter.
They probably will, but cant do anything till the PSN is back online. So far the confirmed DLC (other than classic outfits) are Kenshi and Skarlet. After that we'll wait and see... Lets hope the dlc characters are useful but not overpowered
Right, I'm digging this now. Story mode reminds me of a Saturday night out.

Scorpion was always my favourite character when the originals came out. He is the best I have used in this one, so far.
He has fairly easy combos and teleport and of course his harpoon, but playing the cpu is different to playing a good player. Depending on the skill level you're playing on, you can do extremely well just waiting for the cpu to activate a projectile or special and do your tele punch. But a good player will always make sure to block it and then Scorpian rolls in the air and eats a full combo

Scorps was my favourite in MK1, in MK2 I went with Reptile and then Kung Lao in MK3
Alright so Netherrealm released a few tweaks yesterday including fixing the online issue for ps3 users. You can now select online and go straight online without the enter online code screen

Theres a full patch coming in 2 weeks and should be the first dlc character Skarlet coming soon after
I first played Mortal Kombat in the arcade in Manchester in the early 90s. MK2 was the best one of the lot though. This new one takes the first, second and third games and works the story mode around them. Finished the story mode the other day - what a bitch Shao Kahn is when he wants to be! Test Your Luck is a hilarious new addition. I've found myself lying on the floor looking at the TV upside down when Psycho Kombat spins in. The fatalities are pretty grizzly and some of the characters are still better than others (Cyrax, Sektor and Mileena still kick ass with Sub Zero and Scorpion). Chaining Raidens jumping kick then torpedo push isn't as easy as it used to be, which holds him back a bit.

Scorp's toasty is downloadable content, which cannot yet be downloaded on PS3 due to the PS Store being down.
At "high levels" (ie. if you and your friends are nerds who play a lot, or troll online :D) then yes, big differences in ease of use and damage characters are capable of.

For the best players, Kung Lao, Sub Zero, Ermac, Reptile, Cyrax and Raiden have been used to dominate the 3 fighting game tournaments that have been on in the U.S since Mortal Kombat was released. "Tom Brady" who won the first tournament and did some of the testing on the game before its release has said something about a balance patch, so hopefully a few more characters become legit threats. Right now Baraka, Sheeva, Noob and maybe Jax could all use a little help. But for different reasons. Baraka only has 1 or 2 combos, Sheeva is a bigger target and at the moment that makes Sheeva-only (opponent) combos possible. Terrible thing. Noob doesnt have much for the 25 characters with teleports and Jax is a bit slow. Everyone else is pretty good and has a fair chance against any opponent.

Street Fighter was a more balanced game but it had none of the single player content and unlockables that this game has. Although in truth most of them are artwork trash, who actually cares about unlocking that? But you can unlock 2nd costume and another fatality in the krypt which are more useful than the colour palette swaps and extra taunts in street fighter.

Kabal was a monster on mk3.
The only bad part is its not Englund's Freddy.

But still, brilliant news and should keep more people playing the game after Evo 2011 next week