More little kids gunned down in America by the Well Regulated Militia (Nashville)

I assume because other countries where you can buy firearms do a much better job of background checking people.

That, and most probably realise that there is literally no need to let random civilians carry powerful assault rifles besides financial reasons.

Yes, background checks, licencing, waiting periods, etc all help.

But definitely the biggest difference is that carrying a firearm in public is considered normal in the US. In most other countries carrying a gun in an urban area will result in a significant response from citizens and police.
Isn't the fact that the shooter was transgender germane to why this shooting even happened?

129 mass shooting events in the US in 2023 alone and you're asking if the gender identity of the shooter is a key factor in one of those as if it matters?
The shooter wanted to commit suicide going by his last few text messages to a friend. Why take the lives of little kids with you?!
Read my response to calodo

I'd be wary of initial speculation purely because of the notion of a trans conspiracy that's permeating the right side of the political spectrum recently. It would simply be used to take the spotlight off of yet another mass shooting.

The root cause of these events is easy access to firearms and the normalization of carrying guns in public. A shooter's motivations are largely irrelevant if there is interest in stopping these events from occurring.
The shooter wanted to commit suicide going by his last few text messages to a friend. Why take the lives of little kids with you?!

Presumably a fecked up desire for infamy. Which the media invariably provide. One of the best ways to keep the number of these atrocities down (albeit nowhere near the actual best way, making guns harder to own) would be strict rules around the sort of coverage the press are allowed to give.
Presumably a fecked up desire for infamy. Which the media invariably provide. One of the best ways to keep the number of these atrocities down (albeit nowhere near the actual best way, making guns harder to own) would be strict rules around the sort of coverage the press are allowed to give.
Strict rules, never gonna happen, first sign of "censorship" and the first amendment is being breached!
I thought it had? I know there is lots of speculation that they acted in response to recent legislation in KY banning transitioning. Also that their parents weren't supportive.
Have not heard such as of yet. Can you link up some speculation, would be interested in reading it?
I'd be wary of initial speculation purely because of the notion of a trans conspiracy that's permeating the right side of the political spectrum recently. It would simply be used to take the spotlight off of yet another mass shooting.

The root cause of these events is easy access to firearms and the normalization of carrying guns in public. A shooter's motivations are largely irrelevant if there is interest in stopping these events from occurring.
I get all that. Wasn't meaning to imply that being trans was intrinsic to this shooting, but rather an extreme reaction to society's attitudes and ignorance to transgender issues esp. with the recent legislation passing in TN. The lax US gun laws in some states I will never wrap my head around.
Maybe I have missed a trick (which I apologise for) but being offended doesn’t give free reign to go shoot some innocent kids. Whether it is him, her or they…they are sick fecks.

No laws or restrictions on your gender is an alibi for killing 9 yr olds. Sick bastard whatever their gender.
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Maybe I have missed a trick (which I apologise for) but being offended doesn’t give free reign to go shoot some innocent kids. Whether it is him, her or they…they are sick fecks.

No laws or restrictions on your gender is an alibi for killing 9 yr olds. Sick bastard whatever their gender.
Of course not. Would never allude to such. Will amend my post to reflect this, can see why you thought it.
Of course not. Would never allude to such. Will amend my post to reflect this, can see why you thought it.

Just came as a surprise and guessing you worded it wrong as I usually enjoy your posts over the US stuff.

No offence meant
The answer is that to gun owners those 6 people’s deaths are a price worth paying. As long as the price isn’t paid by them or (in most cases) their loved ones it is a price they are willing to let others pay.

To gun owners and the country in general. If they or it gave a damn then Columbine (I was 9 seeing my mom watch Oprah in the aftermath) would have been the last
Yes, background checks, licencing, waiting periods, etc all help.

But definitely the biggest difference is that carrying a firearm in public is considered normal in the US. In most other countries carrying a gun in an urban area will result in a significant response from citizens and police.
This would depend on where you live. Carrying a firearm in public might be considered normal in rural red states but it absolutely is not considered normal anyplace else. Even in red states like Texas, major cities like Houston, Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio are bastions of liberalism, and carrying a gun openly there wouldn’t be normal, although more common.
I’m ready for the gun-strokers to become gun victims.
It hardly matters. If a politician loses a family member and becomes anti-gun, he will just be defunded by NRA and their friends. And then they will start paying for another politician who will take the place.
Police actually did their job and went in this time, it could have been a lot worse. RIP makes no sense for these kids and teachers to be killed like this.
I’m ready for the gun-strokers to become gun victims.

If only there was some magical way for victims of gun crime to exclusively be gun owners, that would be great. We could all not give two fecks then, get on with our lives and just let them AR-15 themselves to pieces. Win-win!
One of the many things utterly wrong with America, Americans.

If only there was some magical way for victims of gun crime to exclusively be gun owners, that would be great. We could all not give two fecks then, get on with our lives and just let them AR-15 themselves to pieces. Win-win!

See the life expectancy for Americans thread. When a species or demographic starts to devolve, extinction is often not far away. Nearly always self inflicted.
This would depend on where you live. Carrying a firearm in public might be considered normal in rural red states but it absolutely is not considered normal anyplace else. Even in red states like Texas, major cities like Houston, Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio are bastions of liberalism, and carrying a gun openly there wouldn’t be normal, although more common.

Don't all 50 states allow citizens to carry a handgun? I'd say that's pretty normalized.