Gaming Monster Hunter World

You're right this is my first MH :) Did do some reading on it, since it's known for throwing you off the deep end. Anyway, I'll try it solo, after one more attempt at that stupid, unfair, frustrating GRAAAH Dark Souls 3 Dlc.

thanks for the info.

Yeah to be fair it's not really their fault, there's a ton to it. It gives you some brief tutorials when you encounter (some) new things but it's hard to take it all in, it feels like it's not even easy to get some of the answers you want from google either so other player experience is definitely the way to go in my opinion
@KirkDuyt most of it is just recognising monster patterns and spotting when you’re in the shit. i did so much grinding of just low end monsters at the start but personally I think that comes in handy later in the game as to make a lot of the weapons you follow a tree and you have most of the parts. Also certain things like a Jagras mane are quite valuable at a certain thing you’ll come across in the future and that’s an easy monster. Add in you’ll get better with your weapon choices and your Palico can level up whatever gadget it is using. So I’m an advocate of the grind.

Like @Grib I tend to do a mix, I mostly solo, especially if it’s a hard monster or it’s a quest that has a lot of rewards as people carting can become frustrating. The monster difficulty does increase the more people you have but I think it’s mostly just it’s health and possibly how many times it become enraged. However sometimes you’ll get a decent group and you can kill some of the harder monsters in about 5 minutes.

What are you playing on Xbox or PlayStation?

The game doesn’t really give that much info about itself but if I had any tips it would be.

1:As soon as you can buy the powercharm and defence charm and stick them in your item pouch. Later you can upgrade these with a certain monster part. Buy them again as they will stack on top of you’re power talon and defence talon. Just keep them in your pouch.

2:Start main lining production of flash bugs as they are probably the greatest weapon in the game. Auto craft them, then add it to the radial menu and always carry 10 flashbugs with you.

3:Poogs (the pig) once you get him to show you enough love and follow you about if you pick him up and walk around your controller will vibrate when you’re above a hidden item that he’ll dig up. If you carry him up to the kitchen next to your partner he’ll sometimes dig up meal vouchers which are awesome as using them you get a 100% Of getting the food skill you want.

When I was first starting I got a lot of info from this guy on YouTube Tag. He has a lot of little tips and stuff. Be careful tho as there are some spoilers in his videos.
@KirkDuyt most of it is just recognising monster patterns and spotting when you’re in the shit. i did so much grinding of just low end monsters at the start but personally I think that comes in handy later in the game as to make a lot of the weapons you follow a tree and you have most of the parts. Also certain things like a Jagras mane are quite valuable at a certain thing you’ll come across in the future and that’s an easy monster. Add in you’ll get better with your weapon choices and your Palico can level up whatever gadget it is using. So I’m an advocate of the grind.

Like @Grib I tend to do a mix, I mostly solo, especially if it’s a hard monster or it’s a quest that has a lot of rewards as people carting can become frustrating. The monster difficulty does increase the more people you have but I think it’s mostly just it’s health and possibly how many times it become enraged. However sometimes you’ll get a decent group and you can kill some of the harder monsters in about 5 minutes.

What are you playing on Xbox or PlayStation?

The game doesn’t really give that much info about itself but if I had any tips it would be.

1:As soon as you can buy the powercharm and defence charm and stick them in your item pouch. Later you can upgrade these with a certain monster part. Buy them again as they will stack on top of you’re power talon and defence talon. Just keep them in your pouch.

2:Start main lining production of flash bugs as they are probably the greatest weapon in the game. Auto craft them, then add it to the radial menu and always carry 10 flashbugs with you.

3:Poogs (the pig) once you get him to show you enough love and follow you about if you pick him up and walk around your controller will vibrate when you’re above a hidden item that he’ll dig up. If you carry him up to the kitchen next to your partner he’ll sometimes dig up meal vouchers which are awesome as using them you get a 100% Of getting the food skill you want.

When I was first starting I got a lot of info from this guy on YouTube Tag. He has a lot of little tips and stuff. Be careful tho as there are some spoilers in his videos.
I play on ps4. Thanks for the write up, at least I know a few things now :)
Something I learnt today if you put two pieces of Legiana armour on you get a skill called Legiana’s favour. It gives you a good chance of increased quest rewards.
Combine that with 3 Kirin pieces and you get Kirins favour which gives you a high chance of increased capture rewards. So as long as you capture every monster you get lots of rewards.
So I’ve tested it and done a few investigations. Maybe did 5/6 of ODG and now have 4 ODG gems. Did another quest where I took out a Barroth, Rathian and Beetledick and got a Rathian ruby and a Bazeldick Gem. You basically fill the rewards box at the end with stuff. I use the plunder blade on my palico so he gets a lot of parts as well.

Anyway seems as long as you’re breaking the right parts on the monsters it’s quite easy to get the gems. I use a part breaker charm in with it to make that easier but seems like it’s working.

Also if you’ve got all the alcohol unlocked you can use the Lucky cat food skill.
@Grib have you done much Arena quests? This is how bad I am with the Glaive. Ok so it takes me about 8 minutes to kill a tempered Azure Rathalos and a Rathalos combined currently with duel blades. It just took me 22 minutes to beat a Rathian in the arena with the Glaive. It kept going blunt really quickly but it was horrible.

Did one with the bow after which is fairly easy weapon to use but they are so underpowered it’s horrible just spent 25 minutes firing arrows constantly at a Kizi. That’s just not fun whatsoever.
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No haven't done any arena really, though some of the weapons looks nice, just haven't given it the time yet

Just takes getting used to I guess, I don't bother attacking until I get my red up at least, rt launches the Kinsect on draw, sheath straight away if you hit a colour you already have. Managing it's stamina and buffs is pretty key, you can get full buff pretty quickly by draw launching then sheathing. Also blast type Kinsect for most hunts is op. Most damage should be on the ground but staying airborne you can dish out quite nicely too, especially if the monster is moving about a bit

My kill times are pretty good for the majority of hunts

Looking forward to the spring event, getting me that gs
No haven't done any arena really, though some of the weapons looks nice, just haven't given it the time yet

Just takes getting used to I guess, I don't bother attacking until I get my red up at least, rt launches the Kinsect on draw, sheath straight away if you hit a colour you already have. Managing it's stamina and buffs is pretty key, you can get full buff pretty quickly by draw launching then sheathing. Also blast type Kinsect for most hunts is op. Most damage should be on the ground but staying airborne you can dish out quite nicely too, especially if the monster is moving about a bit

My kill times are pretty good for the majority of hunts

Looking forward to the spring event, getting me that gs

Yeah that GS looks good, seems easy to get as well so will craft that up. I crafted the Indigo long sword yesterday to try it out and it’s pretty good so I might use that more often now.

Yeah about the buffs I wasn’t quite sure how that works. I did keep firing and recalling the bug and I was getting a mixture of red and white and I think yellow/orange but it was just stringing the attacks together. I do think the weapon options they give are really underpowered so that might also be an option. The Rathian actually ran out of so much energy it would try to fire bomb me and instead just sparks came out of its mouth. Performance issues.
I think an issue I had with both the bow and the Glaive was how long it took to put them away. The duel blades are pretty much instantaneous so I’ve gotten used to just rolling out or sprinting towards at the very last second to avoid anything. So in my set quick sheath gem will be going on when I finish it.

There is a challenge mission where you take on Nergigante in just your leathers with duel blades. I think i’d Rather do that than try that again.:lol:
I find the biggest draw back of the IG is it's animations cause a positioning nightmare. It's effectively just the Y,Y,B/triangle, triangle, circle infinite combo, but it's tragic for moving forward and needs countered with a roll back on occasion if the monster is down.
The forward jumping slash on the other hand is a good repositioning tool but only for closing the distance or attacking while moving forward to avoid a stamp or swipe attack. I think it also needs to be a high affinity build (and prob elemental/status IG) to help with damage output

The Blue Rathalos blade is it? Yeah I'm using that at the minute, I'm trying to get the hang of the foresight slash. Apparently grants immunity during the animation, tricky to time though. On the flip side the LS is so sweet for positioning compared to the IG xD you can even slightly readjust aim during spirit combos, not to mention the fade slash and being able to fade slash out of any combo at any point
I find the biggest draw back of the IG is it's animations cause a positioning nightmare. It's effectively just the Y,Y,B/triangle, triangle, circle infinite combo, but it's tragic for moving forward and needs countered with a roll back on occasion if the monster is down.
The forward jumping slash on the other hand is a good repositioning tool but only for closing the distance or attacking while moving forward to avoid a stamp or swipe attack. I think it also needs to be a high affinity build (and prob elemental/status IG) to help with damage output

The Blue Rathalos blade is it? Yeah I'm using that at the minute, I'm trying to get the hang of the foresight slash. Apparently grants immunity during the animation, tricky to time though. On the flip side the LS is so sweet for positioning compared to the IG xD you can even slightly readjust aim during spirit combos, not to mention the fade slash and being able to fade slash out of any combo at any point

Yeah that is the one, the final one in the Rathalos LS tree. That fade away slash is awesome and some of the combos are pretty cool. Seems a lot easier to use than some of the weapons. I think with the Glaive, it’s just getting used to it and adjusting how you play for certain weapons as well as the armour set up, most of mine are geared for duel blades so a bit of toying around is required. I think I’m going to keep working on a Bow build, have some ideas for it just need the parts.

Oh Augmentation, so I noticed that the lower level armour can all have the limits removed with just shard stones which you get 100’s of so some of the purple stuff I had is now the best armour I have. Although the price to upgrade them with armour spheres is ridiculous. I’m going through them like crazy.

I has some free time so I went and got that GS. It’s pretty fricken awesome looking.
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Tempered D-Jo is scum. That tail whip, duck through his massive swiping combo only to catch his tail in your face. Might have to get skilled with a Range or Glaive just to keep away from him.
Finally reached HR 100 which opens up which looks like an absolute byatch of an optional quest. I also managed to get an augmentation stone for my duel blades so I put health regen on a set and with some of the Vaal hazak armour and the rocksteady mantel I can just stand next to any monster let him hit me and I won’t budge and my health is constantly regenerating from attacking. It’s awesome.
Finally really started this game. Lot of info to process, but starting to get the hang of it.

After using several weapons I decided to stick with the hammer for now. It has such a satisfying oomph to it :)

Still a bit overwhelmed though. I saw a T-rex-ish thing walking around and though, hmmm let's whack it on it's head. And it instantly ate me and I died :(

Awesome game though :)
so I put health regen on a set

I put some nergi stuff on for the regent on attack, I was a bit underwhelmed, though haven't really been able to give it a good test yet
Finally really started this game. Lot of info to process, but starting to get the hang of it.

After using several weapons I decided to stick with the hammer for now. It has such a satisfying oomph to it :)

Still a bit overwhelmed though. I saw a T-rex-ish thing walking around and though, hmmm let's whack it on it's head. And it instantly ate me and I died :(

Awesome game though :)

It takes a while to get up to speed, from a combat perspective I'd find a YouTube that covers the weapon you use, useful explanation on combos and start

I've been thinking of trying a hammer next, I've one on my list to build. Need a blunt option to help break horns I think

The anjanth is the first wall you encounter, ultimately he isnt that tough, you just need to watch for his fire breathing attack, you can try to just stay close to his legs but watch out as he does a back kick with them
Finally really started this game. Lot of info to process, but starting to get the hang of it.

After using several weapons I decided to stick with the hammer for now. It has such a satisfying oomph to it :)

Still a bit overwhelmed though. I saw a T-rex-ish thing walking around and though, hmmm let's whack it on it's head. And it instantly ate me and I died :(

Awesome game though :)
I had problems with that Ajanath when I first came across him, eventually you’ll just get used to his move set and wipe the floor with him. Normally i’d Camp under his legs and in true Karate kid style “sweep the leg” or in this case hit them till he falls over then take your hammer and cave his face in.
Of course I would also put a good bit of fire resistance on your armour just incase he gets you, I used to build specific sets for specific monsters seemed to work out well so for him fire resistance and a water weapon. If he pins you down and you’re crawling along the deck when he goes for that eating you move you can flashbug him and you’ll save yourself. Did you try playing in groups yet?

@Grib yeah the Vaal Hazak armour, if you put 3 pieces together you get some special recovery skill and the chest armour also has recovery speed up so the health bar goes up by quite huge amounts. Very rarely do I have to stop to heal myself now.
Getting the augment stones is a complete pain in the ass by the way, I went on a tempered Elder killing spree and have only seen 2 hero stones and one sulied. What makes it worse when you go for the upgrade often you need one of the Elder gems.

You completed the HR50 limit quest now?
Ajanath, that's the guy.

I don't actually have to hunt him yet, I was just minding my own business fighting a great Jagras and he suddenly swooped in to crash the party, which was awesome.
I've only done a few story quests so far and now doing investigations and even quests. Should I just stick with story until I hit a wall and then do the side stuff to get stronger?

About playing in groups, I've done a few things with random online people, but for now I prefer going it alone.
@Andersons Dietician no still on 49, I've been too busy completing the event dailies haha

I'm not sure it's terribly efficient build various armours in low rank since they're all going to become useless after he unlocks high rank

Resistance isn't that important from what I gather in lr, having 20+ fire res won't stop him being one shot by fire breath

Personally I'd just go for what skills I like best and dress like a clown until hr
Ajanath, that's the guy.

I don't actually have to hunt him yet, I was just minding my own business fighting a great Jagras and he suddenly swooped in to crash the party, which was awesome.
I've only done a few story quests so far and now doing investigations and even quests. Should I just stick with story until I hit a wall and then do the side stuff to get stronger?

About playing in groups, I've done a few things with random online people, but for now I prefer going it alone.
Personally I focused on more of the optional quests and investigations than story, but i’d Probably take out that Ajnath as soon as you can so it opens up more options. There is no wrong or right way to do it, just do whatever feels right to you. Benefit of early grinding is you get used to your weapon and you’ll have a stockpile of monster parts. Plus the optional quests open up a lot of specialised tools and stuff that just make your life easier.

Speaking of swooping in wait till later, there is a monster who makes it his buisness to get involved in your fights. He’s a pain in the ass. He seems to just sense there is shit going down and shows up.

Have you bought that power charm and defence charm yet? Oh and I think at lower levels going solo is probably the best thing as it can be frustrating people fainting all the time,but once you get the experience it’s awesome in a group as you can dispatch some of the hardest monsters in the game in like 4 minutes.
Personally I focused on more of the optional quests and investigations than story, but i’d Probably take out that Ajnath as soon as you can so it opens up more options. There is no wrong or right way to do it, just do whatever feels right to you. Benefit of early grinding is you get used to your weapon and you’ll have a stockpile of monster parts. Plus the optional quests open up a lot of specialised tools and stuff that just make your life easier.

Speaking of swooping in wait till later, there is a monster who makes it his buisness to get involved in your fights. He’s a pain in the ass. He seems to just sense there is shit going down and shows up.

Have you bought that power charm and defence charm yet? Oh and I think at lower levels going solo is probably the best thing as it can be frustrating people fainting all the time,but once you get the experience it’s awesome in a group as you can dispatch some of the hardest monsters in the game in like 4 minutes.
Nope, where do I get these charms? There's so many different items to buy / craft / use. I just figured out you can capture a monster with traps and tranq bombs, which is awesome.
Should I just stick with story until I hit a wall and then do the side stuff to get stronger?

To a point, you still want to spend time doing investigations for armour cores to upgrade the defence on your armour and stock up on research points

Optionals should be done too, ones with speech bubbles next to them are generally linked to unlocking things, like ingredients, extra cultivation slots, maybe some mantles/boosters too I think?

There's no need to rush, it's good to spend time in Low Rank learning the game, monster & weapon mechanics, this will put you in good stead for when you unlock High Rank
Speaking of swooping in wait till later, there is a monster who makes it his buisness to get involved in your fights. He’s a pain in the ass. He seems to just sense there is shit going down and shows up.

Haha you mean when you're casually doing slay 10 vespoides and

the besel goose shows up
@Andersons Dietician no still on 49, I've been too busy completing the event dailies haha

I'm not sure it's terribly efficient build various armours in low rank since they're all going to become useless after he unlocks high rank

Resistance isn't that important from what I gather in lr, having 20+ fire res won't stop him being one shot by fire breath

Personally I'd just go for what skills I like best and dress like a clown until hr
It can’t really hurt tho :lol: plus if he has a fire set he can just slap in some antidote gems or a poison charm and he’s good to go against the Rathian, Rathalos and so on until he has better parts. He’ll still need this armour to take on HR until he gets HR parts, then he can just sell the old kit.

Now I focus more on the skills I want to best suit my play style but really I don’t think there is a right or wrong way to play it. Those dailies.... I wish they’d bring back the golden wyvern ticket. I have enough fireworks and spring blossom vouchers to make more fireworks :wenger: the armour spheres are good tho. Did you get the Mega man armour for your Palico? It’s crap, but looks cool, shame the blaster doesn’t work. Eh also there is a challenge where you dress as RYU and have to take on a GIANT Barroth, have you tried this yet?
Haha you mean when you're casually doing slay 10 vespoides and

the besel goose shows up
:lol::lol: That’s the one, except he now is in pretty much every tempered investigation there is. 1 investigation,
kill tempered Rathalos and tempered Azure Rathalos, went after 1 the other showed up but I was like I can do this, then I hear the flap flap and the roar from behind me. Chaos followed, explosions, fire, symphony of roars, it was just awful....:eek:
hose dailies.... I wish they’d bring back the golden wyvern ticket. I have enough fireworks and spring blossom vouchers to make more fireworks :wenger: the armour spheres are good tho. Did you get the Mega man armour for your Palico? It’s crap, but looks cool, shame the blaster doesn’t work. Eh also there is a challenge where you dress as RYU and have to take on a GIANT Barroth, have you tried this yet?

Yeah I don't get much time at the minute so it's a pain having to spend all of it doing them each day, but those armour sphere's will be worth it haha

Yeah I have done the mega man one yet, got the ryu armour it was a pain in the hole, teamed up with someone to blast it the other day
Yeah I don't get much time at the minute so it's a pain having to spend all of it doing them each day, but those armour sphere's will be worth it haha

Yeah I have done the mega man one yet, got the ryu armour it was a pain in the hole, teamed up with someone to blast it the other day
Yeah, I’ve been doing those dailies for armour spheres and yet I have no armour spheres left :wenger: so my advice would be get as many you can now. The Augment armour life is expensive :lol::lol:
Finally really started this game. Lot of info to process, but starting to get the hang of it.

After using several weapons I decided to stick with the hammer for now. It has such a satisfying oomph to it :)

Still a bit overwhelmed though. I saw a T-rex-ish thing walking around and though, hmmm let's whack it on it's head. And it instantly ate me and I died :(

Awesome game though :)

Same here, just started to get into it properly at the weekend there. I went with the switch axe myself but combat is starting to feel less clunky and button bashy and more deliberate and tactical now. I beat that big mud monster with the Frankenstein forehead and got my first live captures in a Great Jagras and Pukei-Pukei.

Whats the verdict on armour upgrades to the Monster Hunter vetrans in here, should I just keep making new sets as I kill more new monsters and keep the upgrade items for later or just upgrade any armour sets I like?
Same here, just started to get into it properly at the weekend there. I went with the switch axe myself but combat is starting to feel less clunky and button bashy and more deliberate and tactical now. I beat that big mud monster with the Frankenstein forehead and got my first live captures in a Great Jagras and Pukei-Pukei.

Whats the verdict on armour upgrades to the Monster Hunter vetrans in here, should I just keep making new sets as I kill more new monsters and keep the upgrade items for later or just upgrade any armour sets I like?

If your talking about the armour cores you can just use them, like LR armour the earlier cores become obsolete later in the game (you'll need more and better ones become available)

I wouldn't change pieces for the sake of it, only if it offers something useful, but ultimately that's up to you @Andersons Dietician has farmed a lot in lr and it's been successful, I haven't farmed to the lengths he did (might have if I had more time though) but I had no real trouble beating the LR content with my majority bone armour and a few different pieces set up

If you can Dodge well then it's not going to be too big an issue

On another note weapon trees don't become obsolete so feel free to invest mats in there to your heart's content
New (limited?) Content on Thursday

New elder drag and new area, shwing
New (limited?) Content on Thursday

New elder drag and new area, shwing
Heck yeah, it looks awesome as well, Kulv Taroth or something. Thought it would be that ice Kirin.

Read that they’ve made it so elders become more resistant to flash bugs the more you use them, the bastards :wenger: nothing like flashing the fook out of
and watching him drop from the sky as he tries to escape.

@ArmandTamzarian if it’s armourspheres just use them up. They go 1pt,5pt,20pt,80pt,200pt and if you’re where I am now it’s like 200pt to upgrade a level so those 1’s and 5’s are really of no use. So wouldn’t save those, just upgrade to your hearts content. Just keep an eye on the event quest and do investigations to get lots more.

Armour well you can just go with what suits your play best, personally I would like resistance just to make life easier but the thing is every weapon is different and forces you to have a different playstyle. Some weapons you’re right in the thick of it, some you’re skirting around the outskirts so dodging is a lot easier. Plus the dreaded missed animation when you’re locked in to a move and miss the monster and have to watch him line you up :lol::lol:

Edit: Grib seemingly new monster is like Zorah or something and I just read it’s multiplayer driven and up to 16 players...
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I've just read it's going to be one night only that's upsetting if true
I've just read it's going to be one night only that's upsetting if true
Surely it would be the whole weekend at least. 1 day seems weird unless it’s a tester. Supposedly it’s the 16 man lobby that fights it, but you do split in to the usual group of 4 but from the sounds of it you all have separate missions or stages of the fight.
Also I don't know why capcom tease these limited events. It's the same with the tenlered deviljho event....why not just make it a permanent fixture, it'll keep your playerbase healthy.
Same here, just started to get into it properly at the weekend there. I went with the switch axe myself but combat is starting to feel less clunky and button bashy and more deliberate and tactical now. I beat that big mud monster with the Frankenstein forehead and got my first live captures in a Great Jagras and Pukei-Pukei.

Whats the verdict on armour upgrades to the Monster Hunter vetrans in here, should I just keep making new sets as I kill more new monsters and keep the upgrade items for later or just upgrade any armour sets I like?
Don't bother upgrading anything until high rank, just keep making new gear. When you get to high rank you'll start creating specific builds that cater to your weapon and playstyle, that's when you upgrade.
Nope, where do I get these charms? There's so many different items to buy / craft / use. I just figured out you can capture a monster with traps and tranq bombs, which is awesome.
Sorry just noticed this now. So in the tradeyard the guy who stands on the pile of boxes. The shop merchant. Well he sells them. Think they are 36k each. But they add quite a bit to your stats. You have to put them in your item pouch for them to work. Later you’ll unlock a monster and you can use a part to upgrade those in your crafting list to the power talon and defence talon.
Yeah trapping comes in handy, sometimes people just use traps to stop monsters for a bit so the group can whale on it. You also tend to get more parts trapping monsters. I would get in to the habit of learning the weak spots and what parts are breakable on monsters and what gives you what parts. Because to get certain parts you have to break horns, fangs, talons, tails or whatever.

There is actually a tonne of stuff we could probably pass on but some of it would be quite spoilerish.
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Surely it would be the whole weekend at least. 1 day seems weird unless it’s a tester. Supposedly it’s the 16 man lobby that fights it, but you do split in to the usual group of 4 but from the sounds of it you all have separate missions or stages of the fight.
Yeah seems like it was a bit of fake news, should be on for a few days
@Andersons Dietician I killed the Kirin, all set for tomorrow haha

Was wasting my time using the wyvern ls for elemental weakness, switched back to the ig and bossed him
@Andersons Dietician I killed the Kirin, all set for tomorrow haha

Was wasting my time using the wyvern ls for elemental weakness, switched back to the ig and bossed him
Nice, heck I don’t think I could imagine anything worse than trying to take it on with a GS:lol: I tried a mission to kill two ODG’s in the arena with one and the only reason I got through it is because they give you 9 attempts. There is something satisfying about landing that massive combo when a monsters sleeping with the GS tho.
See in Events the very last mission, cherry blossom, snow Something. That’s worthwhile just doing on repeat to get level 2 threat investigations. It’s an easy mission and it gives lots of HR to boot.

I have nothing on the schedule for tomorrow so i’m Going to be all over it. The armour and the GS weapon I saw look pretty cool.
@Grib ive just seen a video of the armour and it’s stats. The Beta version looks is amazing with lvl2 and 1 gem slots on every part. Away to have a crack at it now.
I meant the ls, I did try it with the gs once tho, it didn't end well lol

Yeah I've been hitting the cherry blossom quest, it's nice XP and zenny
I meant the ls, I did try it with the gs once tho, it didn't end well lol

Yeah I've been hitting the cherry blossom quest, it's nice XP and zenny
Ah so I just completed my first run through. It’s pretty good. You are all working towards getting reasearch points basically and doing things like breaking items. Once you have enough points you complete the quest.

You then basically get something like stream stones but it’s weapons. Then you appraise them. I got a load of lvl 6 stuff and 1 rarity 8 axe. Going to see if I can give it another run through. Might need to change online session.