Park Ji-Sung started his military career like he did his Manchester United one, with lots of potential and a hint of mystery. Traditionally - and for every serving conscript before him - the minimum age for joining would be between 20 to 30 years old. Park joined at 15. Even at that age, it became apparent to those above him that Park was no ordinary solider, in fact he wasn't even a normal human. On one routine training exercise in orienteering, Park was seen jogging out of the designated zone. Two weeks later he arrived back at the compound, having run to Mongolia and back. No-one knew why. Unlike previous conscripts before him, Park was used in ever-increasingly strange ways to service the military and nation. One example was the order given to him alone, to run the entire perimeter of the country in thirty days, wearing a GPS tracker in order to provide the basis for an advanced sat-nav layout. He did it in 15. Park faced a brief period of action after a skirmish had broken across the DMZ. He received high praise for his unorthodox tactics in breaking down the enemy lines, and constantly harassing their soldiers, allowing them absolutely no space at all. North Korean soldiers admitted it was simply no fun, and withdrew to the safe zones. After a nine year spell, his military service came to an end, with Park apologizing for the brief contribution, and ending his campaign as he started it, with a lap of honour around the nation.