Moderator edits post to say something entirely different

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New Member
Mar 4, 2017
I would like to lodge a complaint about the moderating of a post of mine headlined Brandon Williams Appreciation Society.

The theme in one line was how his attitude contrasts to that of Pogba. And if he showed any of the desire and commitment that Williams showed, then we might go somewhere. And whoever the moderator was took exception.

An unidentified moderator edited the post to say: "What an example this boy is to the rest of our team and especially me who can't praise one of our players without shitting on another.".

The last sentence was edited to say: "We don't need shit posters on the Caf, we need a group that play for each other and that is what we got tonight against Chelsea."

Now I don't know whether the moderator was drunk or not, but that is no way to moderate anything let alone a discussion forum.

I fully appreciate that people will disagree, that is the nature of forums, but to edit someone post, in this way is clearly wrong.

It is one thing to disagree with criticism of Pogba's attitude, which was (from memory) only in one sentence, quite another to corrupt the whole message so it says something that I did not say.

Not only that it was changed to give the feel that the rest of the team did not show the same commitment and drive as Williams did. That is not the case and is actually a bigger diss on players than I had ever written in the first place.

I appreciate that me posting this complaint will probably just lead to me being banned, that's fine, I know I have done nothing wrong, but whoever moderated this should not be responsible for moderating on Redcafe.

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Can we get a Coleen Rooney-esque reveal of who it was?
Hey @Ranchero, I used to find my posts edited all the time to make me sound like Catherine Tate's nan. Don't take it to heart you fecking shitc**t

Oh, okay. I have never encountered that before. So this is acceptable is it? Genuine question.
It's a bit of fun, that's all. It's just a forum, it's good to have a laugh at yourself sometimes!

He (or she) won't have a career in stand up. As I said, I suspect, looking at how poorly constructed and illogical the edit was, it was done after a few sherbets.

People have been banned from this forum - from what I have heard - for far less. But a moderator?? Sorry, I have never encountered this before. Even the late lamented official site messageboard were not as rogue as this. Albeit, that they scrapped it completely, which granted, is far more extreme.
That's not on. If you're mates with someone it's different but this is cyber bullying.
You should've had your rights removed to start threads anyway after your summer threads with pictures that read like daily mail articles.
Most people have had a cheeky mod edit their posts before haven't they?

I'm surprised this is Ranchero's first rodeo.
Should have just quoted it and changed it inside that really. *Preparing to see this quoted and changed*
You should join my campaign #bodsagainstmods. How dare they take away your right to make stupid posts.
I think the moderating staff on this site are pretty damn good. I should probably have been banned one time but they handled it well. I will say that what you’ve described in the OP is unfair, but also kind of funny.
I'm particularly horrified that the Mods have clearly altered the OP to make it seem embarrassingly whiny. This is a disgrace.
Im not familiar with Ranchero’s work so cant tell if he is a good poster or not.

That said i dont think we should be editing peoples posts unless they break a rule. If its a shit post, ban/infract him, otherwise leave alone.
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