What specs do you need to run it?
Wow, you seem to be quite knowledgeable about it, I was really thinkin of a simple multiplayer survival server, nothing too fancy
That would be the easiest thing. The only problem is that you can have people come and either steal or destroy all your stuff - 'griefing'. To prevent this there are commands that you can enable to protect your chests and any blocks that you lay down, or you can set up a white-list (a list of acknowledged players, only these are allowed to play on the server). I would suggest setting up a white-list to prevent the server becoming completely packed.
I just don't get the concept behind this but I'm going to acquire it so that I can finally find out if it's overhyped or not. If I become addicted I'm blaming the angels!!
Try not to look too much up at the start, and play on hard. It's incredibly frustrating at the start, but you never get that feeling of freshness back.
I remember I built about 100 "bases" when I first started, as I could never ever find them again. This was before beds and compasses.
Playing on hard is a nightmare. Especially now they've added in the hunger stuff, finding food all the time is always such a pain.
It's brilliant. I love the added challenge, hard isn't that hard. In fact if you wear Iron armour very little will kill you even on hard really.
I adore those mineshafts.
Anyone on the server atm?
I don't know, for me it just makes it such a hassle trying to do anything as you have to keep stopping all the time...
Do you mean the already built mineshafts with the cobwebs in? Those poison spiders are a right pain in the arse!
Yeah, I love it. I know what you mean, it adds an extra factor of difficulty at the start, but once you get to some point you probably build a farm to have near infinite food anyway. And the ability to run is well worth the price, especially running on ice
I love those pre-built mineshafts, they basically took away the need to strip mine ever, although they are more rare now. Creepers with lag are a pain, I'll say that about multi player.
server: redcafe.tanganaika.net
it's 1.0.0 (vanilla)
we can always migrate it to a different host later, that's just for testing.
I've no idea what the commands or admin stuff are at all
I'll take a more serious look at this when I'm back home from work, but I'll leave it running anyway so whoever wants to give it a try is welcome
feck this bastarding game, I'm now extremely tired.
The lack of instructions was a pain in the arse at first, thankfully I seemed to make the right decision in building an underground shelter rather than one above ground.
I didn't go on hard rcoobc as didn't know how hard it would be and didn't see your post, going to have to continue on this mode for now as I NEED to progress lol.
Bloody angels