Definitely. Jaap was 6ft 3 but solidly built and very well balanced. Even in tennis for example guys like Murray are really tall but well balanced and agile, good at turning in tight spaces and with Jaap you never felt he was off balance or easy to get at if you're a dribbler. Just a class defender.
Guys like Boateng and Smalling, Varane - tall but again you would trust these guys against nimble players so it isn't height alone which renders you vulnerable but a lack of balance and agility.
Obviously I have never watched the OP player in a full game to say for sure what I think of him but based purely on that video wasn't fully convinced.
The thing is, and I’ve only seen those highlights, but his style reminds me of stam. The way he covers the ground, the way he tackles, the way he doesn’t dive in, hell even 1 header was stam like. Worth scouting to see