It's amazing how much of his feed is dedicated to US domestic stuff. Really drives home how much of a superpower it is.
This is a more comprehensive analysis -
What military presence does turkey exactly have in Idlib?
What options does turkey actually have to respond to the inevitable attack?
On the other map/graphic of their report are "Turkish observation posts" and there have been many pictures showing Turkish military convoys entering idlib. I always assumed that Turkish soldiers have actually set up shop in some areas and not just shuttled their proxies to these areas.
The phrasing in the link is somewhat ambiguous: "in fact, the Turkish military has to negotiate with HTS just to send soldiers and equipment to its own observation posts on the frontlines with the Syrian army. "
+ This tweet and the next would indicate that she thinks that there are Turkish soldiers around.
Turkey in Northern Cyprus?@2cents
How many countries just annexed (openly or via indefinite occupation) parts of another country in the post WW2 era (not including contested border conflicts or issues of self-determination)? Russia in Ukraine+ georgia. Israel/Golan. It feels like there should be more examples but I can't think of any.
How many countries just annexed (openly or via indefinite occupation) parts of another country in the post WW2 era (not including contested border conflicts or issues of self-determination)? Russia in Ukraine+ georgia. Israel/Golan. It feels like there should be more examples but I can't think of any.
Turkey in Northern Cyprus?
To be fair, both Crimea (and Donetsk plus Lugansk if you count them) and Ossetia/Abkhazia are an issues of self-determination. Putin used those issues to his advantage and in no way am I defending his actions, but still.How many countries just annexed (openly or via indefinite occupation) parts of another country in the post WW2 era (not including contested border conflicts or issues of self-determination)? Russia in Ukraine+ georgia
How many countries just annexed (openly or via indefinite occupation) parts of another country in the post WW2 era (not including contested border conflicts or issues of self-determination)? Russia in Ukraine+ georgia. Israel/Golan. It feels like there should be more examples but I can't think of any.
Looks like an interesting read:
Interesting. Is this reliable/true though ?
It's amazing how much of his feed is dedicated to US domestic stuff. Really drives home how much of a superpower it is.
Ahmadinejad is now quoting Tupac: