Other Michael Sheen declares himself a ‘not-for-profit actor’ | 7th March 2025: Upgrades to for-loss actor

Salt Bailly

Auburn, not Ginger.
Apr 23, 2017
Actor and activist announces he will use future earnings to fund social projects after ‘turning point’ of organising 2019 Homeless World Cup

Hollywood star Michael Sheen has said he is now a “not-for-profit actor” after selling his houses and giving the proceeds to charity.

The actor and activist, 52, said organising the 2019 Homeless World Cup in Cardiff was a turning point for him. When funding for the £2m project fell through at the last moment, Sheen sold his own houses to bankroll it.

“I had a house in America and a house here and I put those up and just did whatever it took,” he told the Big Issue for their Letter to My Younger Self. “It was scary and incredibly stressful. I’ll be paying for it for a long time.”

Sheen said that when he “came out the other side”, he realised he could do these kinds of things and, if he could keep earning money, “it’s not going to ruin me”. He’s pledged to carry on using the money he earns from acting to fund more projects.

“There was something quite liberating about going, all right, I’ll put large amounts of money into this or that, because I’ll be able to earn it back again. I’ve essentially turned myself into a social enterprise, a not-for-profit actor.”

Throughout his career Sheen has worked with a number of social enterprise organisations. In 2017, he set up the End High Cost Credit Alliance to help people find more affordable ways of borrowing money, and he has pledged £50,000 over five years to fund a bursary to help Welsh students go to Oxford University.

He’s a patron of a number of British charities and was a vocal supporter of the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.

Sheen, star of Twilight, Good Omens and Frost/Nixon, revealed the first “turning point” in his life was after a 72-hour production of The Passion through the streets of his hometown Port Talbot in 2011.

“I got to know people and organisations within my hometown that I didn’t know existed. Little groups who were trying to help young carers, who had just enough funding to make a tiny difference to a kid’s life by putting on one night a week where they could get out and go bowling or watch a film and just be a kid.

“I would come back to visit three or four months later, and find out that funding had gone and that organisation didn’t exist anymore.”

He said he realised the difference between that child’s life being a little bit better or not was ultimately a small amount of funding. “And I wanted to help those people. I didn’t just want to be a patron or a supportive voice, I wanted to actually do more than that. That’s when I thought, I need to go back and live in Wales again.”

Last year, Sheen said he had handed back his 2009 OBE after taking a “crash course” in Welsh history, stating that he didn’t want to be a “hypocrite”.


Top man.
I think the title 'not-for-profit actor' on the surface makes him sound like the typical luvie bellend but if you were to read the article you'd realise that he's a really decent bloke.
Fair fecks, not many would be willing to put their money where their mouth is. Everyone has a ‘foundation’, how many actually go the extra mile?
What’s the big deal? Most actors are not for profit, unless you count the temping jobs, waiting tables or occasional paid sex holidays in Dubai.
Eh? He is a very fine actor. Also to make a comment like that on a thread like this just makes you look like a bit of a tool.
Well that's a bit of an overreaction. Are you like die hard Sheenian or something? To be honest I don't know who he is or what is acting is like. I was poking some fun
Seems like a top bloke, though I’m interested to see what @Sweet Square thinks.
I feel were hypernormalizing @Sweet Square here.
Mr Sheen will get special treatment after the revolution!

Tbh It's a nice gesture but will not create any real lasting change and I often feel the praise that is given towards these types of acts creates a barrier to the real goal of as Oscar Wilde puts it to reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible.
Tbh It's a nice gesture but will not create any real lasting change and I often feel the praise that is given towards these types of acts creates a barrier to the real goal of as Oscar Wilde puts it to reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible.
Yeah, it's an argument capitalists use - that philanthropists do the good the state can't or shouldn't do. But they do it selectively and insufficiently. That's not to bash philanthropists, cause it's great that they do what they can, of course; but they're not the solution, just a bandaid, and a symptom of the issue.
He didn't need to sell his own houses, give his OBE back and move back to Wales but he has, so either he is genuinely a top bloke who truly cares about the causes he backs in public or he's a world-class method actor who's fooled me and many others. He deserves praise either way really.
Well that's a bit of an overreaction. Are you like die hard Sheenian or something? To be honest I don't know who he is or what is acting is like. I was poking some fun
Go watch Apocalypse Now immediately.
Tbh It's a nice gesture but will not create any real lasting change and I often feel the praise that is given towards these types of acts creates a barrier to the real goal of as Oscar Wilde puts it to reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible.

I don't think anybody was saying he was going to change the world or anything, just applauding the guy for appearing to genuinely care about his local community and help keep groups running from his own pocket. Just because it won't change the 'system' doesn't mean it's not worth doing or being glad there are people like him who do.
Yeah, it's an argument capitalists use - that philanthropists do the good the state can't or shouldn't do. But they do it selectively and insufficiently. That's not to bash philanthropists, cause it's great that they do what they can, of course; but they're not the solution, just a bandaid, and a symptom of the issue.

I don't think anybody was saying he was going to change the world or anything, just applauding the guy for appearing to genuinely care about his local community and help keep groups running from his own pocket. Just because it won't change the 'system' doesn't mean it's not worth doing or being glad there are people like him who do.

Tbh I would almost go as far a Wilde as say this type of philanthropy holds up the system(Although its very cnuty thing to say)

The majority of people spoil their lives by an unhealthy and exaggerated altruism – are forced, indeed, so to spoil them. They find themselves surrounded by hideous poverty, by hideous ugliness, by hideous starvation. It is inevitable that they should be strongly moved by all this. The emotions of man are stirred more quickly than man’s intelligence; and, as I pointed out some time ago in an article on the function of criticism, it is much more easy to have sympathy with suffering than it is to have sympathy with thought. Accordingly, with admirable, though misdirected intentions, they very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Indeed, their remedies are part of the disease.

They try to solve the problem of poverty, for instance, by keeping the poor alive; or, in the case of a very advanced school, by amusing the poor.

But this is not a solution: it is an aggravation of the difficulty. The proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty will be impossible. And the altruistic virtues have really prevented the carrying out of this aim. Just as the worst slave-owners were those who were kind to their slaves, and so prevented the horror of the system being realised by those who suffered from it, and understood by those who contemplated it, so, in the present state of things in England, the people who do most harm are the people who try to do most good; and at last we have had the spectacle of men who have really studied the problem and know the life – educated men who live in the East End – coming forward and imploring the community to restrain its altruistic impulses of charity, benevolence, and the like. They do so on the ground that such charity degrades and demoralises. They are perfectly right. Charity creates a multitude of sins.

There is also this to be said. It is immoral to use private property in order to alleviate the horrible evils that result from the institution of private property. It is both immoral and unfair.


Nice thats it's helping people in some small way but imo it shouldn't be praised.
The only good member of the Sheen Family

Tbh I would almost go as far a Wilde as say this type of philanthropy holds up the system(Although its very cnuty thing to say)

That gives way too much agency to the individual. I don’t think it’s a cnuty thing to say because there’s a point there, but the system being held up by the philanthropist is a desperate thing to say.
He's always annoyed me a bit after his turn in 30 rock. Where he was playing an annoying person, so he must be a good actor. But, about this cause, good on him, hope more people follow his lead.
Tbh I would almost go as far a Wilde as say this type of philanthropy holds up the system(Although its very cnuty thing to say)

Nice thats it's helping people in some small way but imo it shouldn't be praised.

Seeing as it’s a mere 130 years since that was written it surely can’t be more than another century or two before this communist utopia comes to fruition. I guess we just have to hope that the beneficiaries of philanthropic gestures are as willing as you are to take a long term view.
Been a fan of his for a while. Coincidentally I was on holiday recently in Wales with the family and it was only when we were leaving, that the owner of the house we rented told us he lived 4 doors down.

Good for him.
That gives way too much agency to the individual. I don’t think it’s a cnuty thing to say because there’s a point there, but the system being held up by the philanthropist is a desperate thing to say.
Just meant that it acts as an another pillar that holds up capitalism, not that it's the only thing keeping everything going. Get rid of all the nice rich people(tbh they are the most annoying) and we would of course still have this shite system reproducing itself.
Just meant that it acts as an another pillar that holds up capitalism, not that it's the only thing keeping everything going. Get rid of all the nice rich people(tbh they are the most annoying) and we would of course still have this shite system reproducing itself.

It's not you I'm criticising, I think that's a valid opinion to hold, and one I ultimately agree with. It's the actual piece, I've always hated it, and I hate Zizek's viral video that I got spammed with a decade ago even more. The basic crux of the futility of fighting these ills within a capitalistic framework I can get on board with, but it's the work as a whole I hate.

I can give Wilde a pass because he was born into aristocratic wealth a million years ago, into intellectual circles and all that jazz. So when he says "The majority of people spoil their lives by an unhealthy and exaggerated altruism" I kind of get it, but Zizek has a worse speech impediment than I do, he should surely get human nature, he doesn't even have my good looks to soften the pain. I mean I imagine he lives on a campus but he must mingle with others sometimes.

Mainly while Pogue is being glib
Seeing as it’s a mere 130 years since that was written it surely can’t be more than another century or two before this communist utopia comes to fruition. I guess we just have to hope that the beneficiaries of philanthropic gestures are as willing as you are to take a long term view.

I think there is a point there. The problem I have with the soul of man and Zizek's coattail riding is that it offers nothing. If you're not actively deconstructing the system you're contributing to it. But there's nothing substantial there. No insight, no plan, just abstract musings where they have nothing at stake. At least the nerd who ran the foodbank had heinz to offer.
I think the title 'not-for-profit actor' on the surface makes him sound like the typical luvie bellend but if you were to read the article you'd realise that he's a really decent bloke.

This. The headline is not doing him any favours. I had the usual :rolleyes: until I actually read the whole thing.
Guy bangs Kate Beckinsale. He's someone we should have already all been looking up to
I'm sure many of you have seen this, but have lost count how many times I have watched it!

Incredible seeing a master of their craft at work.
So good.

Apparently he’s since been asked by the Welsh team to come and do something similar for real.

I saw some comments saying "Well, am sure it wasn't just off the cuff..."...as if that diminishes it! I don't care if he had 6 months to write that – it's fantastic! I don't think I've seen a better rousing speech like that in any movie!