Just seen it now, feckin quality film.
Looking Busy said:I thought that was a mint?
Jon Paul said:No, that's mento's, mento's btw when mixed with diet coke, fizz up like craazy.
Looking Busy said:I think everyone has seen that. Unfortunately you can't buy them here, not widely available anyway
Jon Paul said:They are dangerous, all the stupid little yanker kids who don't know about diet coke and mentos all of a sudden their heads fly off in a fizzy explosion.
topper said:Never caught it first time round but maybe I'll take Jon Paul word for it .. if its that good
Jon Paul said:He means the story, starts at the ending and ends at the start.
RedCanadian said:Anyone have the special edition DVD of the movie? There is like 100 easter eggs (hidden special features). I've only found 15, gave up after that. Great movie though. Nolan is a top class director.
If you get a certain number of questions right you can watch the movie in chronological order. Don't know why you'd want to though.RedCanadian said:Anyone have the special edition DVD of the movie? There is like 100 easter eggs (hidden special features). I've only found 15, gave up after that. Great movie though. Nolan is a top class director.
olesmyhero said:If you get a certain number of questions right you can watch the movie in chronological order. Don't know why you'd want to though.
that`s racist! you should be bannedbigjet66 said:Marcos, why are you green?
you should now ... and how come you are still living? didn`t we have an agreement? c'mon mate, honour your wordUBERScholes said:A mouth's a mouth
keep on the good work!!!!!UBERScholes said:It's not as pleasant as you'd think trying to masturbate yourself to death, I'm chafing
marcosdeto said:if you guys liked memento you should see Mulholland Drive, by David Lynch, it`s a wierd but excellent movie.
The version I have you just have to press play when a certain image pops up on the main menu, it gets you to the 'Memento Mori' section. Never bothered watching it though. Its brilliant enough as it is.RedCanadian said:Yeah, I've heard of that one but have never been able to unlock it. But I have a feeling it won't be half as good.