Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus

Gibson hinted on an interview that a sequel may be in the works. "Because God knows what else is in the ocean" :lol:
This is perhaps the greatest thing I've ever seen.
Had the pleasure of watching a good half-hour of Komodo v Cobra the other day, it's awesomeness almost rivals that of Megashark v Giant Octopus.


And the title says it all. I mean at the end of the day what more could you want?
The Shark taking out a plane has been the highlight of my year so far


I love how the plane's clearly flying miles high, through fecking storm clouds. Yet when the Shark jumps out of the water (as the guy a few seats in happens to look out the window) there's not a cloud in sight, there's absolutely no ripple in the water - and you'd think a bloody massive shark like that would make some sort of ripple - and the plane's happened to have magically plummeted a good mile.

Just amazing.

I love how the plane's clearly flying miles high, through fecking storm clouds. Yet when the Shark jumps out of the water (as the guy a few seats in happens to look out the window) there's not a cloud in sight, there's absolutely no ripple in the water - and you'd think a bloody massive shark like that would make some sort of ripple - and the plane's happened to have magically plummeted a good mile.

Just amazing.

All I'm seeing is you trying to bring this great movie down by talking minute details.

As opposed to a shark eating a fecking airbus out of the sky.
I really can't understand what agenda do people who made this film had?:lol:

I swear it was a drunken or stoned arguement about what would win, a giant shark or a giant squid, which led to them writing a script in their drunken/stoned state and making a film out of it.

And for that i am eternally grateful.