Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus


Had to get the old customary airline crash in there didnt they :lol:

The guy at the end sitting in the plane, looks out the window, "Holy shi...."...yes, theres i giant flying shark about to bite the plane.

Such a stupid looking film i bet its hilarious

The guy at the end sitting in the plane, looks out the window, "Holy shi...."...yes, theres i giant flying shark about to bite the plane.

Such a stupid looking film i bet its hilarious

All it needs is Samuel L Jackson and it would be oscar worthy "I'm fed up of this motherf*cking Shark in the motherf*cking sky"
I downloaded this last night (coincidentally) and saw the first 20mins and it's brilliant (if you're into shit films).

The acting is the worst thing by far. There's a scene were the shark jumps all the way from the sea to the sky and takes down a plane :lol: I recommend it.
I downloaded this last night (coincidentally) and saw the first 20mins and it's brilliant (if you're into shit films).

The acting is the worst thing by far. There's a scene were the shark jumps all the way from the sea to the sky and takes down a plane :lol: I recommend it.

Well thank god no devious fiend has pm'd me a link to somewhere i could download this. That would be deplorable.
I thought this was one of those 'Jurassic Fight Club' episodes...

The power rangers should be involved with megazord IMO.
Looks fantastic. I'd be gutted if someone was sending around pms with a link to where I could download this.
Has anyone watched the full film yet?

I have a feeling the hilarity of the trailer won't extend to a full 90 minutes.

Or will it?
Im hoping its up there with the classics such as-
Python vs Cobra - A ginat python escapes, so the Government release a ginat cobra to hunt it down

Pterodactyl - yep, pretty much what it is. Pterodactyl eggs inside a volcano, they hatch, bad shit happens.

and Super-croc - Giant crocodile, lots of hotties. Good shit

If it is i'll be quite happy.

Everytime I see that trailer I piss myself.

That scene right at the end where the guy looks out the window.... Amazing.
Deborah Gibson? Is that the same Debbie Gibson the shit popstar from the 80s?

It is Debbie Gibson from the 80's yes. Though we will have to disagree on the shit part. I hadn't realised she was still going! but has done alot of Broadway apparently.
Ahhhhhh Shake your love!!!!!!!!
From the looks of things, it knows that it's shite.

Yeah, being a recently renewed Debbie Gibson fan (well okay pervert - she has a really good bod these days!)
I saw an interview where she says they basically shot the film with no preparation and her acting was shit!!