Love it now there is more internal fighting and lawsuits. Drag out all the dirt will only help Dominion prove their case.
And SmartMatic, they are suing for when more money than Dominion.Love it now there is more internal fighting and lawsuits. Drag out all the dirt will only help Dominion prove their case.
They HAVE to be quietly working on settlement terms. This case has so much evidence that is already public notice now due to the disclosures I don't see how Dominion/Smartmatic can possible lose at trial. Now you have your own people who were involved suing and they want to win their cases too ready to spill everything that hasn't been told behind the scenes.There seems to be a legit chance Murdoch will be forced to make some changes at Fox - the likes of Hannity, Ingraham, and even Tucker shouldn't feel to safe in their jobs at the moment.
If Fox loses and has to pay the damages requested I can see it shutting downThere seems to be a legit chance Murdoch will be forced to make some changes at Fox - the likes of Hannity, Ingraham, and even Tucker shouldn't feel to safe in their jobs at the moment.
If Fox loses and has to pay the damages requested I can see it shutting down
Given what's been said by their "stars" about Trump they're going to lose a sizeable chunk of their viewers and thus advertisers, I can't see the My Pillow guy advertising as much in future.
Whilst Fox News has the highest ratings on Cable TV News in reality it's a tiny audience compared to the network channels
Not sure about shutting down, but there would be a massive restructuring where it would be forced to comply with certain standards and possibly return to more regular news instead of evening propagandist shows. If no changes are made, then advertisers will be under increasing pressure to leave.
The withdrawal of advertisers was a major accelerant for the closure of that tabloid, News of the World in the aftermath of the phone hacking and bribery scandal.
A settlement has been reached in a Venezuelan businessman’s defamation lawsuit against Fox News and host Lou Dobbs over statements accusing him of helping tilt the 2020 presidential election.
In a letter to U.S. District Court Judge Louis Lee Stanton filed in the Southern District of New York over the weekend, lawyers for the two parties wrote they had reached an agreement to resolve the matter. Financial terms of the agreement were not specified.
Majed Khalil filed his lawsuit in 2021, alleging statements made on Dobbs’s social media and by pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell on Dobbs’s Fox Business show defamed him by accusing the businessman of executing an “electoral 9/11” and helping change ballot counts in voting machines.
“The 2020 Election is a cyber Pearl Harbor: The leftwing establishment have aligned their forces to overthrow the United States government,” Dobbs wrote in a Twitter post that remains online.
According to Khalil’s complaint, as Powell was appearing on one of his shows, the host asked, “You say these four individuals led the effort to rig this election. How did they do it?”
The Republican party everyone. @Eboue was right, there are no good republicans. None. Conservatism is a disease that should be excised from any society claiming to be "civilized".
Maybe, but he has the most watched show in cable television, so millions of "actual conservatives" have decided that this is what should inform their decision making.I don't really see the likes of Tucker as conservatives anymore. They are basically for profit grifters who have found a way to successfully monetize an audience through division. Its been like this for the past 15 or so years when O'Reilly wrote this culture war book and the Tea Party took off after Obama's first election.
Maybe, but he has the most watched show in cable television, so millions of "actual conservatives" have decided that this is what should inform their decision making.
Are the viewers actual conservatives or are they simply older, easily led people who have been brainwashed by the nightly torrent of divisive rhetoric ? Most Fox viewers I know (some in my family) are more in the latter category. If you asked them to argue for a conservative position, they wouldn't know what to do other than parrot the latest thing they heard Tucker or Hannity say in recent days.
Are the viewers actual conservatives or are they simply older, easily led people who have been brainwashed by the nightly torrent of divisive rhetoric?
I think you just described a large portion of conservatives since maybe Crassus.
I'd go back further than Obama. It started with Limbaugh and the rise of talk radio. Back in those days I was still in the Republican portion of my life and would listen to talk radio (790 KABCNot if you've been around to watch the devolution of conservatives over the past 4 decades. There was a palpably noticeable lurch to the right about 15 years ago when Obama showed up and right wingers began to see cultural and monetary value in pushing culture war issues. Consider for example the rhetoric on immigration between Bush and Reagan in 1980 and the flaming "build the wall" xenophobia of today. What was once considered ordinary, mundane conservatism has been subsumed by culture war politics.
I'd go back further than Obama. It started with Limbaugh and the rise of talk radio. Back in those days I was still in the Republican portion of my life and would listen to talk radio (790 KABC) all afternoon when in the lab as an undergrad. Even then the shit being spewed seems horrific when looking back. Back then it was Beck/Larry Elder/ and Rush. Take a look at their show list now: Shaprio/Walsh/Knowles/Bongino/etc. Same shit, just different guys who no longer need to mask or frame it. No longer need to message subliminally when you can just say the quiet parts out loud. Maybe my view is different and more militant because I moved into a progressive mindset much later in life and can remember how easy it was to swallow that garbage. It is why Fox News and talk radio/podcasts are so effective and melting the minds of their audience. Grievance is a powerful force when pitted against personal accountability and self reflection.
Not if you've been around to watch the devolution of conservatives over the past 4 decades. There was a palpably noticeable lurch to the right about 15 years ago when Obama showed up and right wingers began to see cultural and monetary value in pushing culture war issues. Consider for example the rhetoric on immigration between Bush and Reagan in 1980 and the flaming "build the wall" xenophobia of today. What was once considered ordinary, mundane conservatism has been comprehensively subsumed by culture war politics.
Don't you dare criticize someone who has been drug free since February 17, 2021. Shame on you. Just look at the work he's put in.It really started with the likes of the current Minister of Propaganda in Purgatory, Rush Limbaugh.
Started a stand alone thread...The trial case of Dominion vs Fox was supposed to start tomorrow but now has been pushed a day, leading to speculation that Fox wants to settle.
And later reports are that Dominion doesn’t want to settle.
Watch this space, I suppose.
If they do settle I hope we get to hear the amount and a public apology from Fox.
None of this “we accept no wrongdoing…” bs.