Media Thread

I'm guessing he means communism, not the social-democracy that's practiced in Europe.

Yeah I'm unsure too, just think it's a fair question. He keeps making these types of statements like recently where he said he would fight tooth and nail against universal healthcare. I just think if you say things like that you should at least justify why.
Fox News is going to sink with Trump. Disgrace of a channel.
What a childish nasty, spireful little cnut Tucker is. I'd love to smash his smug face in.

Creepy porn lawyer dig at the end was just taking the piss.

Yep....shows his fake politeness at the beginning was just a ruse to lull Avenatti into the idea that they might have a half way normal chat ....all the while Tucker instructs his crew to troll Avenatti via the chryon.
Yep....shows his fake politeness at the beginning was just a ruse to lull Avenatti into the idea that they might have a half way normal chat ....all the while Tucker instructs his crew to troll Avenatti via the chryon.

Sorry for the violence threat in the post but his passive aggressive holier than thou stance really upsets me. He's a pathetic troll. Fox sure do have a nack for picking despicable cnuts. Judge Wonky eye, Hannity, Tucker and Ingrham are so despicable. They race bait, gaslight, provoke and cause division on a scale the White House would envy. I am 100% sure they are all reading from the same hymn sheet and that 30% of the USA is mesmerized and brainwashed so much so that they could be asked to do anything.
Sorry for the violence threat in the post but his passive aggressive holier than thou stance really upsets me. He's a pathetic troll. Fox sure do have a nack for picking despicable cnuts. Judge Wonky eye, Hannity, Tucker and Ingrham are so despicable. They race bait, gaslight, provoke and cause division on a scale the White House would envy. I am 100% sure they are all reading from the same hymn sheet and that 30% of the USA is mesmerized and brainwashed so much so that they could be asked to do anything.
It's not knack, it's more like a frigging requirement! Such a pathetic, childish and despicable channel.
It's not knack, it's more like a frigging requirement! Such a pathetic, childish and despicable channel.

I agree, it really is. When Tucker first started he wasn't too bad at all. Yes he was right wing, but he seemed to bè reasonable to a point and he appeared to have some compassion and sense. Damn, @Dwazza loved him and defended him. But now he seems to have truly crossed over to the dark side and is lost to the point of no return.
I agree, it really is. When Tucker first started he wasn't too bad at all. Yes he was right wing, but he seemed to bè reasonable to a point and he appeared to have some compassion and sense. Damn, @Dwazza loved him and defended him. But now he seems to have truly crossed over to the dark side and is lost to the point of no return.
He started becoming more unreasonable after Trump became president right? At least some people are pivoting :rolleyes:
I agree, it really is. When Tucker first started he wasn't too bad at all. Yes he was right wing, but he seemed to bè reasonable to a point and he appeared to have some compassion and sense. Damn, @Dwazza loved him and defended him. But now he seems to have truly crossed over to the dark side and is lost to the point of no return.

It's true. I had a huge man crush on Tucker back in 2000. He was wonderful on Crossfire with James Carville. Best show on TV for a while.
It's true. I had a huge man crush on Tucker back in 2000. He was wonderful on Crossfire with James Carville. Best show on TV for a while.

He actually tried to make some decent arguments on behalf of his causes at the time. Today he's just a charalatan who plays to management.
He actually tried to make some decent arguments on behalf of his causes at the time. Today he's just a charalatan who plays to management.

He was compelling, and utterly wasted every night. It was brilliant.
Greg Gutfeld is hilarious though. Basically what I’m like in real life!
Why on earth would people in their right mind go to his show anyway?

Also I found him annoying as hell back in his CNN's day just like now from the clips I have seen.
Not sure how brilliant can you be when you get owned on your show by Jon Stewart and then lost your job as a result. Even Bill O' Reilly managed not to.
I was listening to some conservative talk radio while driving yesterday and today. One thing became very clear. All the talk radio firebrands of the right spend half their radio shows "explaining" liberals, the left and Democrats to their audience. This contrasts greatly with all the "liberal media" like MSNBC, CNN where the hosts might have a liberal bias but they have conservative guests on every day. So even if CNN and MSNBC tilt liberal their audience is still hearing conservative views presented by actual conservatives. This is basically the opposite of the conservative talk radio where they never have on liberal guests ever and the audience's only exposure to liberal/left/Democrat ideas is simply whatever Rushitty tells them it is.

This distinction is very important and got me thinking about the old Fairness Doctrine which was installed by the FCC in 1949. The theory was that the broadcast airwaves essentially belonged to "the people". The people were essentially allowing the broadcast airwaves to be used by corporations for profit so the broadcast companies had a duty top present controversial issues of the day in a fair, balanced and equitable manner giving both sides of issues air time. This long enraged the socially conservative think tank Heritage and it was something the whole Goldwater-Reagan movement attacked. The conservatives didn't like a regulatory agency that was supposed to represent the people telling corporations they had to present controversial issues of the day fairly.

So the Fairness Doctrine was ended in 1987 by Reagan's FCC. And Rush Limbaugh propaganda began broadcasting in 1988.

Anyone what he was trying to say?