Masterpieces that were initially hated by critics.

It's also incredibly well shot. So much so, that you could make 1000 different posters from the scenes.
The way the story is told is almost poetry too.

I enjoy the film but I don't think the cinematography is especially brilliant (not saying it is bad) or that the story is that well told (again not saying it bad). It misses much of the nuance of the source material and is mainly carried by the likability and charisma of the two main actors IMO. I like the film, it is a nice well rounded film, but I don't think it gets close to being a masterpiece.
Carlito's way maybe? I'm too young to remember but I don't think that film got the credit it deserved. Now it's seen kind of seen as a classic.
Also, the film "Warrior". The storylines in that are bybical. The acting is top too.
Carlito's way maybe? I'm too young to remember but I don't think that film got the credit it deserved. Now it's seen kind of seen as a classic.
It is a classic, very watchable film with some great performances, although I think you are right it didn't get much of a reception at the time. I went to see it at the cinema - 1994 I think maybe or thereabouts - thought it was good but watching it again it really is excellent. When I saw it the first time I felt a bit daft, I was wondering when Sean Penn was going to appear before I realised who he was. The book is pretty good as well, After Hours I think it is called.
The prequel - Carlito's Way The Rise to Power , I think - is dire, I gave up after about 20 minutes, it really is bad.
Maybe someone on here can answer a question of mine thats been annoying me.

A dutch artist a few centuries got commisioned by the king to do a painting for his house/castle/a church - I can't remember exactly but it was somewhere prominent. Anyway the king hated the painting and wouldn't have it displayed, today it is seen as a masterpiece...has anyone any idea which painting I am talking about, it really annoys me that I can't remember!!!
Rembrandt's Night Watch was rejected by the militia that commissioned it but there was a lot of scepticism around his talent as an artist during his time., with many unhappy patrons.
Rembrandt's Night Watch was rejected by the militia that commissioned it but there was a lot of scepticism around his talent as an artist during his time., with many unhappy patrons.

The Night Watch was lingering in the back of my mind and to be honest I think that's it but I probably remembered the story wrong. Thanks a lot!
John Berger is great on Rembrandt.