Gaming Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

This is the first game I've ever pre-ordered. Might even take a few days off work for it.
Can't wait, even though I'm expecting feck all improvement to the originals and for it to be a lazy remaster, I still can't wait and will play the whole thing.
I totally forgot this was coming out :drool:

It sounds like the combat is the same in Mass Effect 1 rather than the improved approach in ME2/3. That’s my biggest gripe. A shame but not a surprise. I’m sure rebuilding fundamental aspects of the game would have made this a much bigger project.

Hopefully at the very least the ME1 gun overheating has been relaxed and the aiming improved.

The new graphics will look awesome in ME1. That’s a big win as it has aged quite badly. I’d be inclined to get this just to replay ME1. The story is so damn epic. ME2/3 are great but I’m not sure if I’d play through them (for a third time) with slightly improved graphics the only real difference.
I'll probably wait then.

I'm debating whether to wait or not. It will come out on Game Pass for PC one day like the current Mass Effect's, but as EA games are a recent addition on GP we don't know how long they'll take to move across yet.
I'm debating whether to wait or not. It will come out on Game Pass for PC one day like the current Mass Effect's, but as EA games are a recent addition on GP we don't know how long they'll take to move across yet.
I'll wait for a while at least. As I said over in the PC gaming thread I'm downloading TW: Rome remastered so that should keep me busy for the next month at least. I can see where they are with it by then.

Just watched this. Fck it I'm buying this. The improvements to ME1 look so good and as probably my all time favourite XBox 360 games (I bought the console specifically to play ME1 and I've still got all three games having sold the console years ago) I defo want it on PS4 now :drool:
Just watched this. Fck it I'm buying this. The improvements to ME1 look so good and as probably my all time favourite XBox 360 games (I've still got all three games but sold the console years ago) I defo want it on PS4 now :drool:
"PS4" yeah right Niall we all know you have a PS6 because you're on Sony's list of Special Billionaire Elites.
Can snipers still one-shot you? Will the enemies still use cool biotic and tech abilities?

AI could definitely improve, but combat was the best in Mass Effect. 2 and 3 were basically shooters, with spamming powers only you and not the enemies use.
The ending is crap but I do think the extended ending and the Citadel DLC make ME3 a much more satisfactory conclusion to play now than when it first came out.
I swore off pre-ordering after Cyberpunk, but...I’ve sort of already had all these games so it doesn’t count, right?
I'll spoiler it just in case...

The stage was set for a brilliant ending. The push through London, the charge to the Citadel beam, the final confrontation with Illusive Man, final moments with Anderson. All great. Then Starchild, the little shit, shows up.
I can't help but be excited. Playing through the entire trilogy in 4K, especially the first with the quality of life improvements they've made, is going to be such a blast.
Still debating ordering it. I never finished the first one. But played all the rest probably multiple campaigns.
Never played 2 or 3, so kinda excited by this.

Don’t know whether I can be arsed to play the first again, have they changed anything?
Never played 2 or 3, so kinda excited by this.

Don’t know whether I can be arsed to play the first again, have they changed anything?
Guns are no longer class-locked and work better in general. Upgraded textures, lighting, shaders, etc. Still on the same Unreal 3 engine though.

And, most importantly, shorter elevator (lift) rides.
Never played 2 or 3, so kinda excited by this.

Don’t know whether I can be arsed to play the first again, have they changed anything?

Seems like they've changed a good amount of what made playing the first annoying. Load times, the Mako, the UI etc.
I'm so hyped for this. Brilliant series. I didn't even mind the ending really.
Surprised there hasn't been any big chunk of gameplay released to show the upgrades in a full mission or something. It's out on Friday.
They should have rewritten the main story in 2 and 3... Have a nice do-over (but keep the characters and their stories of course)
I kind of hope we get something similar for KOTOR and Dragon Age: Origins. Two other classics that need to be taken off the shelf and dusted.
Never played 2 or 3, so kinda excited by this.

Don’t know whether I can be arsed to play the first again, have they changed anything?

I would recommend playing 1 again if you intend to play the other 2, Not having a saved file for ME1 alters the narrative of the sequels due to the choices you made actually having consequences.
I highly, highly doubt Bioware will ever make an Origins style game again.
You're probably right and that's sad. Modern gamers most likely won't have the patience for that type of tactical combat system unfortunately.
There will be a 12-13GB day 1 patch, FYI. Just so you don’t get disappointed when you receive a physical copy and can’t wait to turn it on.

PC-master race can apparently get a discount at Fanatical, but I don’t know how that is on a pre-order as I’ve never used them.
Friday is an insane day for me. Love Death Robot and Castlevania binge with my mate and ME trilogy. Beautiful.