Gaming Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Yeah whatever about ME3, it had one of the best trailers of anything, ever.

Still brilliant. Done correctly there's great potential for a TV show based on the games, 10-13 episode seasons for each game would be ample imo. Come on Netflix ye bastards.
According to Jeff Grubb this won’t be announced tomorrow. Doesn’t mean it’s not coming though.

There will be a BF3 remaster announced tomorrow though.
According to Jeff Grubb this won’t be announced tomorrow. Doesn’t mean it’s not coming though.

There will be a BF3 remaster announced tomorrow though.
You raised my hopes by bumping this thread and dashed them quite expertly. Bravo.
I'm not showing off or anything here, but do you know when people say stuff like. Damn I wish I could forget this game so I could play it again for the first time...?

Well I've never played these games
Mass effect 2 is probably the best game I ever played. Really hope they do a good job with the remaster

Sorry @Shane88.

Jeff Grubb saying announcement could be made next week.


(It's been 8 but still...)
Mass effect 2 is probably the best game I ever played. Really hope they do a good job with the remaster
I started with ME2. I wasn't even into sci-fi all that much back then but I kept reading all over how it was amazing before I went "Fine, I'll play it!". Such an amazing game.
My 2nd favourite series ever. I’ve been waiting so long to play this trilogy again. Can’t fecking wait. :drool:
I’ve never played it, would it be worth getting once this comes out?
If they redo ME:1 with the gameplay of ME:2 / 3 that would be all kinds of great.

Has by far the best story of all the games
I’ve never played it, would it be worth getting once this comes out?

Mass Effect 3 was the single best gaming experience of my life - until the last 5 mins. I played the whole game in 2 sessions. ME2 is also incredible. ME1 did not age quite as well, but hopefully the remaster can improve the gameplay as the story is great.

I have a cat named after one of the ME characters
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I'm not showing off or anything here, but do you know when people say stuff like. Damn I wish I could forget this game so I could play it again for the first time...?

Well I've never played these games

I started one of them but didn't get far as something else came out which was newer and shinier..

This remaster might make me play them!
Mass Effect 3 was the single best gaming experience of my life - until the last 5 mins. I played the whole game in 2 sessions. ME2 is also incredible. M1 did not age quite as well, but hopefully the remaster can improve the gameplay as the story is great.

I have a cat named after one of the ME characters
It’s Tali isn’t it? Or liara?
ME 3 probably has the best DLC ever with the Citadel. That was such a fun DLC.

I loved the Citadel DLC! Just sitting around chatting with so many of my favourite characters in gaming. Shame HK-47 couldn't have joined them
I wish they hadn't done a half assed job with Andromeda. I actually liked the story and it sucked they never properly finished it. The poor quarians :(

Hah! I knew it would be Tali. That’s a cool cat:D

Her brothers are Ash and Garfield, also named for obvious reasons!
See, look at the bottomless pit behind those eyes. I would’ve named it after a Geth.

I guess I should put this in a spoiler

In my first playthrough I didn't realise the legion mission was a big deal, I let Cerberus have him as soon as I recovered his body and he never became part of my team!
I replayed all three of them back to back maybe four or five years ago, with all DLC, and the alternate ending, and loved it. The ending to three is still a bit of a stinker but the great DLC like Citadel softens the blow quite a bit.

1 definitely has the best story arc but 2 is the best game, it had the perfect balance of great combat, set pieces and companions, even if the main story with the collectors was a bit pointless overall.

I'd fecking love a remaster of all three, hell, even just the first, would be incredible, because story aside it's held up really, really badly as a game compared to the other two. GIMME.
Mass Effect 3 was the single best gaming experience of my life - until the last 5 mins. I played the whole game in 2 sessions. ME2 is also incredible. ME1 did not age quite as well, but hopefully the remaster can improve the gameplay as the story is great.

I have a cat named after one of the ME characters
Thanks, I think I’ll have to give it a go then if the remaster is any good. I’m not really sure how I missed it entirely but i do always hear good things.
I have been desperate to replay all 3 (for like the 8th time) ever since reading this thread yesterday. But if a remaster is going to be out in a few months? Probably better to just hold off.
That's such a shame. ME on the Switch would be beyond great.
Mordin surely. Or is it Legion because it is a soulless killing machine?

Don't do Legion like that. He was much more than a soulless killing machine. He even asked if he had a soul. Even though we only had him for a short period of time, Legion was one of my favorite companions.
My first playthrough of the Mass Effect series was the only playthrough I did, as I played all three games in succession, and my choices, the way things played out, it was all perfection to me, and I didn't want to ruin that perfection by replaying it and doing something else. I preferred to keep the memory of it as it was.

I'll definitely go for it a second time around with the remastered version though, although I can't see myself choosing anything differently. Most games with choices I always go for different routes the second time around, but Mass Effect is too amazing, and I'm too attached to the characters to choose anything differently.
Electronic Arts still hasn’t revealed Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and that’s for a reason. The publisher originally planned to launch the remastered trilogy, that I first reported on back in May, with an October reveal and release. But now EA and developer BioWare are pushing that release into early 2021, according to people familiar with the development.

The primary factor holding up development, beyond the pandemic, is the original Mass Effect game. It currently does not live up to the quality of the rest of the package. It would make a poor first impression for new players, and it might disappoint fans who then won’t go on to play and experience the impressive upgrades for Mass Effect 2 and ME 3.

But one aspect those fans won’t get to experience regardless of how much time BioWare gets is the multiplayer. EA doesn’t plan to include the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer in this package.

Not surprising that ME1 needs the most work.