Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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My guess from that statement is he behaved like an arsehole but its quite clear he didn't do anything illegal, in which case mob justice has wrecked his career and lost us a huge talent.

Now we need to get him shipped off to Saudi for the best possible amount, and do it in time to buy a player in. It was unlikely he would be the same player who last trained almost 2 years ago anyway.
Unless Saudi come in then who is going to buy him? And Mason will have to agree to terminating his contract surely, he is sat on £75 k per wk here, I can't see him getting close to that in Europe for a while at least.

I can honestly see us loaning him out to an average European club, and us paying 80 % of his wages.
So we save 20%.

Ok with me.
Judging by the response to the Mendy verdict, a lot of Footballer’s would be very sympathetic to Greenwood’s situation.

Potentially, true. I haven’t dug too deep - I find footballers beyond their ability to play football a fairly depressing bunch - but slightly different cases?
My guess from that statement is he behaved like an arsehole but its quite clear he didn't do anything illegal, in which case mob justice has wrecked his career and lost us a huge talent.

Now we need to get him shipped off to Saudi for the best possible amount, and do it in time to buy a player in. It was unlikely he would be the same player who last trained almost 2 years ago anyway.
No one wrecked his career but himself.

Saudi won't want the bad publicity.
Judging by the response to the Mendy verdict, a lot of Footballer’s would be very sympathetic to Greenwood’s situation.

The only difference is they wouldn't show it openly. Some weirdo took screenshots of all the players who liked Memphis and Pogba's statements in support of Mendy following his acquittal.
No it's pragmatism and understanding that some club, most likely based in a country with lower opinion of women will take a punt on him.

Ideally no club will, but that's not realistic.

Nah, it wont have anything to do with women. And everything to with the fact that all charges are dropped and he is free to play football. No need to go deeper than that for a foreign club.
It’s a well worked PR strategy to leak a story and guage reaction before making a final decision.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the original decision was leaked purposefully to The Athletic to get an idea of how people would respond.

No doubt about it. It’s a good move tbf.
My guess from that statement is he behaved like an arsehole but its quite clear he didn't do anything illegal, in which case mob justice has wrecked his career and lost us a huge talent.

Now we need to get him shipped off to Saudi for the best possible amount, and do it in time to buy a player in. It was unlikely he would be the same player who last trained almost 2 years ago anyway.
This and weak management from the club's higher structures. They obviously didn't do him any justice by the way they concluded the whole thing.
You think the clubs legal council would let them make that statement without being fully convinced they could stand by it if forced to?
They would simply have said they could not ascertain his guilt or that it remained inconclusive, they would not make such a statement to say they are "satisfied he did not commit the offense he's was charged with" that's a matter of fact statement
What do you mean be forced to stand by it

By who?

All they’ve done is helped him to leave the club, saying we don’t know wouldn’t help him.
People will read “we can’t prove he’s innocent” not “we can’t prove he’s guilty”
Obviously the club is saying they believe he's innocent, they were planning to reintegrate him until this shitstorm kicked off. Saying anything other than that they think he's innocent would be one of the few things that could make the club look any worse right now.

I do wonder what the legal implications would be for Utd and Greenwood if the statement had appeared to imply that he was guilty of some or all of the charges. As in, could MG have claimed damages, unfair dismissal etc.
Potentially, true. I haven’t dug too deep - I find footballers beyond their ability to play football a fairly depressing bunch - but slightly different cases?

They’re not like for like, but to me, the response to Mendy made it clear that a lot of Footballer’s very much view women in a ‘Us v Them’ kind of light.

One false claim could be conceivable, 6 being brought before a jury, with a further 12 unwilling to put themselves through the agony of a trial just seems farcical.
Not read the thread but my reaction from the club statement is that his girlfriend must have lied?

The club could clear this up but have chosen not to. If he’s guilty he’d be gone for gross misconduct. The fact he’s still on the payroll suggest there is strong evidence he didn’t commit the crime, the same evidence the police came across and promptly dropped all charges??

of course once she gets pregnant there is no way the lie can be revealed.

So badly handled.

Or you know there's the more plausible opposite reason, more in keeping with how cases of domestic abuse go.
That maybe the case, but not all crimes are necessarily prosecuted so it still could be either

Something I still don't fully understand is that this first came to light in Feb 2022 (I think), apparently the GF asked the police to drop the case in Apr 2022, the police obviously didn't do that but he wasn't charged until Oct 2022 and the case was then dropped in Feb 2023, so what happened between Apr and Oct 2022, if she wanted the charges dropped she wasn't going to testify, they must have known that - something odd going on here to me but I'be no idea what!

In the context of this case, I can’t see any circumstance where Greenwood would admit to a criminal offence and not be charged. His “mistakes” will not be criminal.

My view is that, based on the club statement, we can be certain that the club believes that Greenwood did not commit the original offences or any other criminal offences. Quite why they can’t tell us more we can only speculate.
My guess from that statement is he behaved like an arsehole but its quite clear he didn't do anything illegal, in which case mob justice has wrecked his career and lost us a huge talent.

Now we need to get him shipped off to Saudi for the best possible amount, and do it in time to buy a player in. It was unlikely he would be the same player who last trained almost 2 years ago anyway.
Mason Greenwood wrecked his career and lost us a huge talent. Nobody else.

But the "lost us a huge talent" line is also pretty telling for a lot of folks in here. I'd bet the very same people who are up in arms because the poor innocent boy should get a second chance at United would quickly find their "morals" if the same allegations were made about a player who's not as highly thought of.
You can say that you're not accusing her, and you can say that you don't know what happened. The only thing you're not allowed to do, is to accuse her of making a false allegation. This means that you do believe that she is guilty, you're just not saying it (even though you are saying it), and your reason for not saying it has nothing to do with "innocent until proven guilty", or any legal principle, it's because you don't want to get banned.

This is how it is in almost all cases, people saying the things you do are full of shit. You have no qualms about accusing people of crimes they've not been convicted of. You say do you, but you lie.

I don't know what happened, I feel like there is more to what happened than we all know and the United statement only further proved that.

What that is we will never know frustrating to see that this comes to light so late on after people have already labeled him.

Mason leaving is best for all involved.
It's pretty clear what you believe.

Lucky it wasn't GB you're tagging to have a moan.
Got another warning.
I do wonder what the legal implications would be for Utd and Greenwood if the statement had appeared to imply that he was guilty of some or all of the charges. As in, could MG have claimed damages, unfair dismissal etc.
They aren't dismissing him though. Which I'm now assuming they aren't dismissing him because they haven't found any legal ground to do so,.based on the statement.
Mason Greenwood wrecked his career and lost us a huge talent. Nobody else.

But the "lost us a huge talent" line is also pretty telling for a lot of folks in here. I'd bet the very same people who are up in arms because the poor innocent boy should get a second chance at United would quickly find their "morals" if the same allegations were made about a player who's not as highly thought of.
In fairness, the only reason there's a on going discussion is because of how he was thought of as a player. If like 90 to 95 of the players that come through the academy,.he wasn't good enough, united probably wouldn't even have bothered with an investigation and just cut ties as soon as they could.
Mason Greenwood wrecked his career and lost us a huge talent. Nobody else.

But the "lost us a huge talent" line is also pretty telling for a lot of folks in here. I'd bet the very same people who are up in arms because the poor innocent boy should get a second chance at United would quickly find their "morals" if the same allegations were made about a player who's not as highly thought of.

This is not a gotcha.

Similarly, some of those who are pro MG dismissal, would be on the other fence if it was Mbappe instead.
It’s a well worked PR strategy to leak a story and guage reaction before making a final decision.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the original decision was leaked purposefully to The Athletic to get an idea of how people would respond.

I don't disagree with this. But why the heck the left for the last 10 days of August?
That maybe the case, but not all crimes are necessarily prosecuted so it still could be either

Something I still don't fully understand is that this first came to light in Feb 2022 (I think), apparently the GF asked the police to drop the case in Apr 2022, the police obviously didn't do that but he wasn't charged until Oct 2022 and the case was then dropped in Feb 2023, so what happened between Apr and Oct 2022, if she wanted the charges dropped she wasn't going to testify, they must have known that - something odd going on here to me but I'be no idea what!

Maybe it makes sense to complete the investigation and then make the call on whether there's enough evidence for a realistic chance of conviction? Aside from the fact that they could technically try and get a conviction without witness co-operation if the evidence was strong enough, there's also the chance of the victim changing her mind again a few months later.

I don't know how it works but given the nature of domestic violence, I'd like to think the police wouldn't immediately wash their hands of the situation as soon as the victim expressed a reluctance to proceed. Especially if they know/suspect the alleged perpatrator has been making contact with her.

Also, in real terms, they knew this was a very high profile case and they would be under a lot of scrutiny. So there would be more incentive to be seen to be absolutely thorough in approach.
This is not a gotcha.

Similarly, some of those who are pro MG dismissal, would be on the other fence if it was Mbappe instead.

I really don’t think they would. That’s baseless conjecture. Greenwood was potentially Man Utd’s striking crown jewel for the next decade.
I'm not making a judgement. My judgement was made long ago. He shouldn't be anywhere near the team and the only reason they even started an investigation was because he was a good footballer which it should not have come down to. Let me make that perfectly clear.

The United statement says we have concluded did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged.

I'm questioning how they can even make that statement.

Because their judgement can only be on the limited evidence available. They also aren't held to a factual legal ruling, its just a reasonable judgment and if the victim explains it away the club are supposed to challenge her? Of course not.

There's a reason they highlighted the limitations of the investigation but still people seem to want to make more of it.
They’re not like for like, but to me, the response to Mendy made it clear that a lot of Footballer’s very much view women in a ‘Us v Them’ kind of light.

One false claim could be conceivable, 6 being brought before a jury, with a further 12 unwilling to put themselves through the agony of a trial just seems farcical.
To be fair, there was evidence of collusion between the women who accused him. Plus evidence (as in phone messages) of one or two of them bragging to have fecked him, and calling the ‘night of rape’ as ‘the best night of her life’.

It looked a case of trying to get advantage of the situation (Mendy’s brother not being there to do the usual video of the girl consenting to have sex with Mendy and co) so they could get money out of Mendy.

False rape accusations by all means are incredibly rare, but that looked to have been one of them. When the case goes to a jury, in the UK, the person who is getting accused is found guilty around 75% of cases. Mendy was found non guilty so it is easy why players sympathized with their colleague who got his career destroyed in pretty much false accusations.
Seems more like a recourse to help him find another club somewhere.

But why pay off his contract when they could let him go for gross misconduct…?

Seems very odd to purposely and actively go out of their way to declare him innocent, when they simply could’ve stated that after conducting their investigation Utd have decided to part ways with the player.

Whole thing is just utterly bizarre, and reads like they spent 6 months investigating it, found him to be innocent (which they’ve stated), tried to bring him back and then back tracked because Adam Crafter and Rachel Riley kicked off about it.

It’s very difficult to see it as anything other than that whether you wanted him gone or back at Utd.
This is not a gotcha.

Similarly, some of those who are pro MG dismissal, would be on the other fence if it was Mbappe instead.
nah. Greenwood was labeled "starboy" and whatnot, there weren't really a lot of "bigger" players at United when this happened. And still, many fans are happy to see him gone.

Sometimes a knobhead is just a knobhead, no matter how good a footballer he is. And it's a fair stance as a fan to not want a knobhead wearing the shirt, even if it's a talented knobhead.
One thing I find odd is all this ‘away from Old Trafford’ in the official stuff. When players are sold or leave, they usually say stuff like ‘departed the club’, ‘leaving Manchester United/the club’. Just though it was a bit weird.
My guess from that statement is he behaved like an arsehole but its quite clear he didn't do anything illegal, in which case mob justice has wrecked his career and lost us a huge talent.

If this is true then mob justice did not wreck his career. Him behaving like an arsehole wrecked this career.

A scandal like this one would have consequences in any workplace even if you weren't a public figure and there were no 'mob.'
They aren't dismissing him though. Which I'm now assuming they aren't dismissing him because they haven't found any legal ground to do so,.based on the statement.

Sorry, I meant constructive dismissal. Completely wrong term. The one where the employer makes your position untenable.

It was mentioned in one of the papers a year ago that the worst possible scenario would be what has now transpired. No grounds to cancel his contract and pursue wages paid since Jan 2022, and yet no real way of keeping him as a player and an asset.
His next club (abroad) will be happy to get him for nothing.

He will come back to a top english club in a couple of years and most people will have no problem with that.
Can I point you toward the case of David Goodwillie?

I’d say given the graphic and horrifying media surrounding him, the vast majority would still object in years to come if MG returns to English football.
Again with the "mob justice" tripe.

Greenwood has told you he set this all off with "mistakes". Arnold has fanned the flames with awful statements and attempting to bus the women. There is unrefuted evidence that puts someone in incredibly bad light at least.

But yeah, it's people on the internet who are the bad guys :rolleyes:

If he didn't actually do what he was accused of he should be able to resume his career with us, simple as that. The only reason he isn't is because of the public backlash.
I really don’t think they would. That’s baseless conjecture. Greenwood was potentially Man Utd’s striking crown jewel for the next decade.

I know 2 people personally who hold that opinion, and MG is not close to Mbappe, so no, it's not baseless conjecture. Plus, I said some.
No it is not until it is corroborated.
You can't just not play someone because someone said they did xzy, anyone can come and said you did xyz.

In the case of Greenwood there was actual evidence in the form of a recording, that's the difference here.
Now its unlear whats actually happened in this case because of what both the CPS and United have said, but its in no way comparable to the situation with the Arsenal player as far I can see

Have you not seen the text messages?
nah. Greenwood was labeled "starboy" and whatnot, there weren't really a lot of "bigger" players at United when this happened. And still, many fans are happy to see him gone.

Sometimes a knobhead is just a knobhead, no matter how good a footballer he is. And it's a fair stance as a fan to not want a knobhead wearing the shirt, even if it's a talented knobhead.

See my reply above. Also, some =/= all. Also, Mbappe >> Greenwood.
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