Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Oh, Jim. What have you just said?

It would have been better to say nothing.

I can't support anyone, even United, if they allow Greenwood to represent the club again.

Probably felt that he could not go with a no comment there. He has not actually said much of anything, just kicked the can down the road for the summer in as diplomatic a way as possible. Once they figure out the wording for the official statement the decision is still going to be that Mason is continuing his career at another club and most likely in another country.
Oh jesus this latest news is bringing the worst of the worst on the cafe to say how great this is :rolleyes: fantastic
Probably felt that he could not go with a no comment there. He has not actually said much of anything, just kicked the can down the road for the summer in as diplomatic a way as possible. Once they figure out the wording for the official statement the decision is still going to be that Mason is continuing his career at another club and most likely in another country.
Oh jesus this latest news is bringing the worst of the worst on the cafe to say how great this is :rolleyes: fantastic
Are you surprised?
Hm, surprising that Radcliffe has even suggested Ineos might reconsider given the feeling around this issue. Then again, he doesn't seem to be a man who is easily led by the popular opinion, so I can see them holding their ground.

Personally, if I have to bet, this is a great way to make sure we don't seem completely desperate to sell him at all cost in the summer and extract maximum value from a pure profit asset.
Oh, Jim. What have you just said?

It would have been better to say nothing.

I can't support anyone, even United, if they allow Greenwood to represent the club again.
Yep I'm in the same boat as you, I don't think i could continue to support the club either.
There’s nothing in those Greenwood quotes at all. He quite clearly is not being drawn on the subject if you read the full interview.
In joe public's eyes I think a video of animal abuse like Zouma's would always stir up more direct anger than Greenwood's audio clip.

Didnt cat bin lady have to go into hiding?
Please tell me your not being serious?
Probably felt that he could not go with a no comment there. He has not actually said much of anything, just kicked the can down the road for the summer in as diplomatic a way as possible. Once they figure out the wording for the official statement the decision is still going to be that Mason is continuing his career at another club and most likely in another country.

True. I think I reacted too quick and envisioned Greenwood back in a United shirt.

Another point being that Atletico and Barca seem interested and we don't need to give them any reason to low-ball us with offers. A bidding war would be welcomed.
There’s nothing in those Greenwood quotes at all. He quite clearly is not being drawn on the subject if you read the full interview.
Yeh thank feck for that, I was worried for a bit. But it's really brought out the dregs of the cafe again in this thread
Hm, surprising that Radcliffe has even suggested Ineos might reconsider given the feeling around this issue. Then again, he doesn't seem to be a man who is easily led by the popular opinion, so I can see them holding their ground.

Personally, if I have to bet, this is a great way to make sure we don't seem completely desperate to sell him at all cost in the summer and extract maximum value from a pure profit asset.

“The process will be: understand the facts not the hype and then try and come to fair decision on the basis of values which is basically is he a good guy or not, and answer could he play sincerely for Manchester United well and would we be comfortable with it and would the fans be comfortable with it.”

Basically, it's his/INEOS' responsibility to make the final decision and his character, the fan stance, and the practicality of a return will be the factors behind said decision.

At least one of those factors will certainly go against a Greenwood return - quite possibly all three.
Hm, surprising that Radcliffe has even suggested Ineos might reconsider given the feeling around this issue. Then again, he doesn't seem to be a man who is easily led by the popular opinion, so I can see them holding their ground.

Personally, if I have to bet, this is a great way to make sure we don't seem completely desperate to sell him at all cost in the summer and extract maximum value from a pure profit asset.

A man like him does not listen to popular opinion. He makes up his own opinions. There is a reason why he is where he is and it is not because he is doing like everyone else.

For my own part, it's mostly about information out to us fans. Without any kind of new information, it makes the most sense to sell him.
Longer quotes on Greenwood from The Guardian.

"It’s a fresh decision. It wouldn't be fair to talk about Mason directly without speaking to him first. All I can do is talk about the principle of how we will approach these decisions. The principle is the important one. We will have other issues going forwards so what we need to do when have issues like this is understand real affects - not the hype - then we need to make a fair decision in the light of the club’s values.

You are dealing with young people who have not always been brought up in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and they don’t always have the guidance they should have. All young people get in trouble from time to time but these factors magnify it.

There is no decision that’s been made. It’s quite clear we have to make a decision. The process will be: understand the facts not the hype and then try and come to a fair decision on the basis of values, which is basically is he a good guy or not? Is he the right type of footballer, are we happy with the … is he a good person or not? We'll make a decision. And we'll justify it one way or another."
There’s nothing in those Greenwood quotes at all. He quite clearly is not being drawn on the subject if you read the full interview.
He says that whatever decision they make, it will be justified.

He also implies that several conditions must be met before bringing him back:
  • Is he a good footballer (check)
  • Is he a good person? (evidence would indicate no)
  • Would the fans be comfortable with it? (evidence would indicate no, at least not broadly)
I don't think he will decide to bring him back.
Longer quotes on Greenwood from The Guardian.

"It’s a fresh decision. It wouldn't be fair to talk about Mason directly without speaking to him first. All I can do is talk about the principle of how we will approach these decisions. The principle is the important one. We will have other issues going forwards so what we need to do when have issues like this is understand real affects - not the hype - then we need to make a fair decision in the light of the club’s values.

You are dealing with young people who have not always been brought up in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and they don’t always have the guidance they should have. All young people get in trouble from time to time but these factors magnify it.

There is no decision that’s been made. It’s quite clear we have to make a decision. The process will be: understand the facts not the hype and then try and come to a fair decision on the basis of values, which is basically is he a good guy or not? Is he the right type of footballer, are we happy with the … is he a good person or not? We'll make a decision. And we'll justify it one way or another."

Play the audio clip to Sir, Jim... Should settle it within 60 seconds.
Very sensible from Sir Jim imo, he wont let social media influence his decision. He'll obviously have access to the internal investigation as well.

On the contrary, Ineos will absolutely allow social media to influence their position.

Today's pronouncement are to 'test the water', so to speak, to see what they can get away with. Ratcliffe referring to Greenwood as 'Mason' and talking about his upbringing is ominous.
Contrary to the popular opinions, I would welcome a fresh investigation into it this summer

But I can’t understand why the player and his partner won’t sit down and give an interview to tell their side. It’s the only way to clear a path for him In English football
Are you being serious?
Please tell me your not being serious?

What's your issue?

First of all a video is obviously much worse than audio, because there's no avenue for ambiguity, but also this country gets fervent about animal abuse in a way it just doesnt about anything with human victims.

You're immersed in it as United fans but did Greenwood's audio get as much mainstream media traction as Zouma? Have more football fans watched Zouma kick that cat or listened to Greenwood's tape?
Contrary to the popular opinions, I would welcome a fresh investigation into it this summer

But I can’t understand why the player and his partner won’t sit down and give an interview to tell their side. It’s the only way to clear a path for him In English football
I agree, that would be the best move. Whether they will or not is highly questionable
First, that's fair enough, although I don't think clubs usually ask opinions from everyone before signing new players. Maybe the context here is different but, in my (humble and worthless in reality) opinion, the usual chain of decision-making for all players should be applied in this case.
Secondly, I expect them to do that for good PR but that doesn't necessarily mean a lot privately as they failed to do the same for Antony as I would have expected them to do for the sake of coherence.
Thirdly, United deals with more circus than MG would bring, that I'm quite sure. The relative silence over him in Spain and even talks of bigger clubs being interested makes me think we overestimate this effect of bringing him back, maybe I'm wrong.
Lastly, like I said, he's not a senior player so can't be seen as a role model fot the younger ones. Also, his career has gone through so much at such a young age that I don't think any of them can see him as getting away with anything. CR seems to have gotten away with similar stuff, yet I don't think it necessarily affects younger players around him in his different clubs.

And yes, redemption can be anywhere, that I agree, only I think it can also be here, and I wouldn't mind it.

Yes because the attitude towards women in Spanish football circles is definitely one to emulate.

It would be a ludicrous decision to take him back into the first team that would take a torch to our standing in the community.
It sounds like he's more interested in the person he is now, and looking forward, rather than whats happened. Hence the wanting to speak with him first. If it's just about the past then the door would be firmly closed.
It sounds like he's more interested in the person he is now, and looking forward, rather than whats happened. Hence the wanting to speak with him first. If it's just about the past then the door would be firmly closed.

he’s also interested in facts not the hype. Fair enough
That quote reads disappointingly from the Ratman
Looking at the evidence to make an informed decision is good. Swaying to please public opinion is bad.
Ah I can see now what side of the fence your on. Your one of the ones I mentioned in a post earlier today, that's grand, good to know.
Club needs to reveal the evidence they have that explains the situation and why they are considering bringing him back, potentially.

Even then I don’t think it will appease the fans and sponsor and the right thing to do is to sell up now. Hopefully all this talk of bringing him back is a ploy to get more money for him.
Don't be an ass. It sounded like he was saying there are some magic facts out there that's going to make it ok for greenwood to come back, where anyone with an ounce of sense knows there isn't. There's that audio and those pictures, they're the only facts that matter.
You are making a judgment without full context and from incomplete evidence. Don't call me an ass please.
Longer quotes on Greenwood from The Guardian.

"It’s a fresh decision. It wouldn't be fair to talk about Mason directly without speaking to him first. All I can do is talk about the principle of how we will approach these decisions. The principle is the important one. We will have other issues going forwards so what we need to do when have issues like this is understand real affects - not the hype - then we need to make a fair decision in the light of the club’s values.

You are dealing with young people who have not always been brought up in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and they don’t always have the guidance they should have. All young people get in trouble from time to time but these factors magnify it.

There is no decision that’s been made. It’s quite clear we have to make a decision. The process will be: understand the facts not the hype and then try and come to a fair decision on the basis of values, which is basically is he a good guy or not? Is he the right type of footballer, are we happy with the … is he a good person or not? We'll make a decision. And we'll justify it one way or another."

This is an entirely sensible stance for him to take and appropriate way to bring it across.

He literally officially took over yesterday. There are a million issues at the club currently. It benefits no one for him to come out with strong language immediately one way or another.

Him/Brailsford/Whoever will likely talk to Greenwood himself and see what he has to say, probably canvas the feelings of the manager and squad and then make a decision. If we are trying to sell him in the summer then it won't do our negotiating position any good now to say he's never coming back, and if they do decide to try to re-integrate him into the team then that is something they have to approach carefully as well, so I think this is about as good as big Jim could have handled a question regarding Greenwood.

And importantly, he said that they will justify it one way or another, which was arguably the biggest failing in the way Arnold handled it. They tried to give a weak justification for bringing him back, then when they were met with backlash sent him away to Spain without justifying why that was done if they believed there was more to it than what people think.
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