This is remarkable! There are people in this thread
throwing out accusations at people such as rape apologists and lack of morals. Which most common sense folks would classify as 'unhinged energy'. But you '
draw the line" supposedly at my spelling mistakes (off a language that is my second language

) and me wondering why you are so bothered that am replying to posts directly responding to me. Which you label as 'some paranoia about shutting down debate and free speech" ? Like I didn't just get a temp ban for simply highlighting the hypocricsisy and virtue signaling of people labeling others "rape apologists, intellectually dishonest and lacking in morals" just because we aren't as eager to condemn Greenwood as a criminal as they are?
To top it all you have been directly attacking me since I returned. Mocking my spelling, my comprehension ability and my overall intelligence. Now you have labelled me paranoid. Just because I told YOU to take a chill pill. I haven't responded in kind once.
As stated earlier. You have issues and I will now leave you to them.