There were digital cameras all over the place years before. It is just silly mental gymnastics to excuse the constant whataboutism for those scratching and clawing to find a way to defend or pardon Greenwood's conduct. Not worth engaging with honestly.
I think this is just 2 hot couple with weird fetish having a really toxic relationship because they're young and successful.
Mason with lots of money and reputation will always have trust issues with his partner. Mind you Mason was caught red-handed ordering call girls with Foden.
These kind of relationships do exist, and I think this is one of the case.
There were no smart phones in 2006. But there is a women who is adament that it happened. She filled a complaint with the police. If you think the women is lying then gosh that opens up a whole can of worms.
Ultimately, if you are against Greemwood playing for the club then you should be against Evans as well. I don't get the inconsistency.
Would be one hell of a ballsy defence if you got caught on CCTV committing a crime and your defence was...if I committed a crime before CCTV was invented then there would be no evidence I committed the crime. Therefore the CCTV evidence you have is inadmissible.
That’s not how the world works these days. Once you’re “guilty”, you’re effed forever. Unfortunately for Mason, he’s made an example now. That’s what you get for being famous. It’s a sin to back him up in whatever form.
I think this is just 2 hot couple with weird fetish having a really toxic relationship because they're young and successful.
Mason with lots of money and reputation will always have trust issues with his partner. Mind you Mason was caught red-handed ordering call girls with Foden.
These kind of relationships do exist, and I think this is one of the case.
Isn't it crazy how this was all just part of a "fetish" and yet Greenwood saw his reputation destroyed for 18 months potentially losing millions and Man Utd losing tens of millions yet neither camp ever even remotely insinuated this for a year and a half when it would have ended the issues?
Quite frankly, I think he should have been allowed to play for us again regardless of what happened.
Let's take the absolute worst case scenario, that he did indeed say all that stuff, meant it, and did actually beat and sexually assault her. Well it's still (supposedly) in societies best interests to rehabilitate those who commit crimes and get them into employment etc. Places like Norway, Sweden that have low recidivism rates push this aspect, while places that focus more on punishments (US, UK) have much higher ones. This benefits absolutely no one, not the offender, not their future victims.
So regardless of what happened, if indeed anything happened, it's in societies best interests for this guy to get back to work and get his career back on track. If you're never allowed to come back and be a normal functioning member of society, even after the most serious crimes, then all that's going to be left is a criminal underclass that reoffends and reoffends and our prisons will be a revolving door.
Someone's going to say 'ah but he hasn't 'paid' for his crimes by way of a sentence so that justifies me continuing to harass him'. I don't think this stands up to scrutiny when you look at other criminal cases involving footballers. A few years ago, a guy called Ched Evans was convicted of rape, did his sentence, and was released. There were still calls to never employ him again, even after he 'served his time', and it eventually took a complete exoneration before he was able to resume his career. That's just completely bang out of order, but it does show these people who don't want him playing will NEVER want him playing, which says a lot about their attitudes to the rehabilitation of offenders.
If after you commit a crime it's fine for you to return to work but only bottom-tier work like stacking the shelves at Tesco (i.e. the 'he shouldn't be allowed a footballers life' argument), there's quite frankly no incentive for offenders not to go back to selling drugs or doing whatever they did before getting arrested. Offenders should be allowed all the opportunities of you and me and if they're particularly talented in a field like Greenwood is, yes, even to the point of being multi-millionaires. No one is willingly going to place themselves at the bottom of the economic food chain forever to satisfy the mobs requirement of extrajudicial punishment. I certainly wouldn't.
The only sensible thing at this point is to hope he gets his career back on track, has a good season, both for his own personal life and of course it'd be nice if we were able to get a decent fee for him at the end of it all.
What is being done is;
Loan him out, see if there is still a world class player. If there is, sell big, or hope everyone has forgotten and bring him back. The board don’t actually care. They want to profit from this.
I think this is just 2 hot couple with weird fetish having a really toxic relationship because they're young and successful.
Mason with lots of money and reputation will always have trust issues with his partner. Mind you Mason was caught red-handed ordering call girls with Foden.
These kind of relationships do exist, and I think this is one of the case.
Isn't it crazy how this was all just part of a "fetish" and yet Greenwood saw his reputation destroyed for 18 months potentially losing millions and Man Utd losing tens of millions yet neither camp ever even remotely insinuated this for a year and a half when it would have ended the issues?
The club did find more evidence it wasn't a rape as it was suggested. Full recordings and testimonies we will never know about.
The bizarre thing is they both got married, so based on my understanding and experience on this kind of relationship I really believed they're just two young toxic lovers.
The thing I’ll never understand is… the same people who idolize Ronaldo inspite of him being accused twice(he paid money to make the situation go away) are the same people so morally grossed by Greenwood’s situation they never want him to play for us again.
Given that they're a couple with a child, I'm sure neither will be interested in publicly discussing anything going forward given that the legal case is over and United's own investigation publicly concluded that "Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged". At that point, there's really nothing left to be said that hasn't already been adjudicated by the legal system and his employer.
I think this is just 2 hot couple with weird fetish having a really toxic relationship because they're young and successful.
Mason with lots of money and reputation will always have trust issues with his partner. Mind you Mason was caught red-handed ordering call girls with Foden.
These kind of relationships do exist, and I think this is one of the case.
Christ, that fact there are still idiots who think like this actually blows my mind.
Greenwood, at the age of 20 and on the verge of a breakout as one of the best young footballers around, throws this all away because he's ashamed to admit about a weird fetish?
Christ, that fact there are still idiots who think like this actually blows my mind.
Greenwood, at the age of 20 and on the verge of a breakout as one of the best young footballers around, throws this all away because he's ashamed to admit about a weird fetish?
It has to be something that is bad enough that while not criminal, it's hard to admit. I don't know what that could be though. I think the most likely is that he just keeps talking very badly and disrespectfully to her, but I wouldn't disregard the possibility of her also being violent and/or disrespectful in a way that cannot be understood by most people.
The thing I’ll never understand is… the same people who idolize Ronaldo inspite of him being accused twice(he paid money to make the situation go away) are the same people so morally grossed by Greenwood’s situation they never want him to play for us again.
Come on there wasn't any disgust from anyone on this forum when Ronaldo came back. If there was it was a very negligent amount. There was more discussion about his age if anything.
What is being done is;
Loan him out, see if there is still a world class player. If there is, sell big, or hope everyone has forgotten and bring him back. The board don’t actually care. They want to profit from this.
I think this is their line of thought now. Completely ignoring morality and and looking at it from an ice cold business perspective, they should have quickly sent him out on loan somewhere rather than even contemplating him returning to the squad. If he looked worth the trouble during his loan, then they'd PR the feck out of him being "rehabilitated" etc and tried to re-integrated him next summer. If not, then they might have have pumped up his value enough for a decent sale price.
The thing I’ll never understand is… the same people who idolize Ronaldo inspite of him being accused twice(he paid money to make the situation go away) are the same people so morally grossed by Greenwood’s situation they never want him to play for us again.
The only thing that’s ironic is people claiming they care so deeply about his partner while knowingly hounding her out of the country as a new and young mother.
The whole saga is largely filled - on both sides with people who are solely vested with what they want themselves, especially those like Crafton and Riley.
The same as you, then. Pretending to care so Greenwood can score goals for United.
Remember your speech when I called you a liar?
I think you’re confusing someone holding a different opinion to yourself and expressing it freely with ‘lying’, when they’re actually very different things. If you’re incapable of grasping that, it’s probably more indicative of your own inability to understand that different viewpoints are equally possible and equally valid than it is anything else.
The thing I’ll never understand is… the same people who idolize Ronaldo inspite of him being accused twice(he paid money to make the situation go away) are the same people so morally grossed by Greenwood’s situation they never want him to play for us again.
It’s just social preference at the end of the day. If the same thing leaked from CR7. His fanboys would all be out trying to protect his name with an interview request from Pierce Morgan.
But as it’s some arrogant kid who people feel no connection for except his amazing left foot it’s not quite the same.
I mean I still can’t get over the people that think the girl is going through some Stockholm syndrome like this is a Netflix documentary we are all visible to view. I guess it’s just the world we live in today.
It’s just social preference at the end of the day. If the same thing leaked from CR7. His fanboys would all be out trying to protect his name with an interview request from Pierce Morgan.
But as it’s some arrogant kid who people feel no connection for except his amazing left foot it’s not quite the same.
I mean I still can’t get over the people that think the girl is going through some Stockholm syndrome like this is a Netflix documentary we are all visible to view. I guess it’s just the world we live in today.
Which is my point. No one bloody does so instead of assuming just keep mute on these ridiculous opinions; all because it doesn’t suite your stance.
Woman/girl. Depends what age you feel people achieve adulthood. They was 17 at the time if I’m right and even then he was 17 I’m not sure the age difference of the two.
If we are intent on loaning him out and paying his full £75,000 a week salary surely they are hoping to bring him back into the squad at a later date?
Could they not have ripped up his contract due to misconduct or reputational damage? Paying a contract worth £3.9m a year, when it seems impossible he will play for United again, is crazy.
The thing I’ll never understand is… the same people who idolize Ronaldo inspite of him being accused twice(he paid money to make the situation go away) are the same people so morally grossed by Greenwood’s situation they never want him to play for us again.
If we are intent on loaning him out and paying his full £75,000 a week salary surely they are hoping to bring him back into the squad at a later date?
Could they not have ripped up his contract due to misconduct or reputational damage? Paying a contract worth £3.9m a year, when it seems impossible he will play for United again, is crazy.
What misconduct? United themselves came out and said there was nothing to it so if they did rip up his contract they’d be up ——— creek without a paddle.
He won’t be able to come back now, they and Twitter/social media activists have made it impossible.
What misconduct? United themselves came out and said there was nothing to it so if they did rip up his contract they’d be up ——— creek without a paddle.
He won’t be able to come back now, they and Twitter/social media activists have made it impossible.
Isn't it crazy how this was all just part of a "fetish" and yet Greenwood saw his reputation destroyed for 18 months potentially losing millions and Man Utd losing tens of millions yet neither camp ever even remotely insinuated this for a year and a half when it would have ended the issues?
The middle ground in all of this is the stance that none of us know and therefore have to put our trust in the likes of CPS, United as well as his partner's family. Of which the case was dropped, United said he didn't do what he's been accused of and the partner's family supported it. Therefore he should be allowed to resume his life where he left it. That's the middle ground.
There is no one in this thread on the extreme side of "Yeah he beat up his girlfriend and raped her and I don't care because he's good at football". I don't think anyone has taken that stance, a lot of people have taken the middle ground. However there are loads of posters such as yourself that are taking the extreme opposite side of he is a rapist and abuser and must never play for the club again or as an apparent "staff" member said he wouldn't mind if he gets his leg broken. Thats not a middle ground take, that's based on a lack of facts, a lack of context and just a general inherent decision to label him as guilty before he was even convicted. You know full well you have no idea when and what the story is behind the pictures. You know you have no idea what the rest of the audio was and the context. You know full well the partner's entire family supported United's decision. You know full well the partner supported Mason. And as for Mason coming out saying they had a bdsm style relationship, you know full well that both him and the partner could have skeletons in their closet that they don't want aired. So Jesus wept indeed, the guy has had charges dropped againts him, the club review finding he did nothing of what he was accused of, the partner's family agreeing, the partner agreeing but what is more important is that you get your blood.
"Manchester United forward Mason Greenwood will leave the club by mutual agreement after a six-month internal investigation into his conduct. "
"Will leave" implies that it's going to happen and that it's already been sorted, no? Or was this more of a "this is our plan" type of thing? The wording of the BBC article implies its a done agreement.
The middle ground in all of this is the stance that none of us know and therefore have to put our trust in the likes of CPS, United as well as his partner's family. Of which the case was dropped, United said he didn't do what he's been accused of and the partner's family supported it. Therefore he should be allowed to resume his life where he left it. That's the middle ground.
There is no one in this thread on the extreme side of "Yeah he beat up his girlfriend and raped her and I don't care because he's good at football". I don't think anyone has taken that stance, a lot of people have taken the middle ground. However there are loads of posters such as yourself that are taking the extreme opposite side of he is a rapist and abuser and must never play for the club again or as an apparent "staff" member said he wouldn't mind if he gets his leg broken. Thats not a middle ground take, that's based on a lack of facts, a lack of context and just a general inherent decision to label him as guilty before he was even convicted. You know full well you have no idea when and what the story is behind the pictures. You know you have no idea what the rest of the audio was and the context. You know full well the partner's entire family supported United's decision. You know full well the partner supported Mason. And as for Mason coming out saying they had a bdsm style relationship, you know full well that both him and the partner could have skeletons in their closet that they don't want aired. So Jesus wept indeed, the guy has had charges dropped againts him, the club review finding he did nothing of what he was accused of, the partner's family agreeing, the partner agreeing but what is more important is that you get your blood.
Name one “skeleton” that could be revealed by Greenwood explaining away the audio as BDSM and would be worse than the whole world thinking he’s a violent rapist?
The middle ground in all of this is the stance that none of us know and therefore have to put our trust in the likes of CPS, United as well as his partner's family. Of which the case was dropped, United said he didn't do what he's been accused of and the partner's family supported it. Therefore he should be allowed to resume his life where he left it. That's the middle ground.
There is no one in this thread on the extreme side of "Yeah he beat up his girlfriend and raped her and I don't care because he's good at football". I don't think anyone has taken that stance, a lot of people have taken the middle ground. However there are loads of posters such as yourself that are taking the extreme opposite side of he is a rapist and abuser and must never play for the club again or as an apparent "staff" member said he wouldn't mind if he gets his leg broken. Thats not a middle ground take, that's based on a lack of facts, a lack of context and just a general inherent decision to label him as guilty before he was even convicted. You know full well you have no idea when and what the story is behind the pictures. You know you have no idea what the rest of the audio was and the context. You know full well the partner's entire family supported United's decision. You know full well the partner supported Mason. And as for Mason coming out saying they had a bdsm style relationship, you know full well that both him and the partner could have skeletons in their closet that they don't want aired. So Jesus wept indeed, the guy has had charges dropped againts him, the club review finding he did nothing of what he was accused of, the partner's family agreeing, the partner agreeing but what is more important is that you get your blood.
That is absolutely not what is happening at all. To paint that as some centrist middle ground is insane. There is literal picture/audio proof and the club has said he will never play here again.
He was a massive star and he hasn’t been allowed to play football for 18 months because of his horrendous actions.
So many posters have posted so many words but NONE of them can explain that if this is all a BDSM style relationship or if this is just a small issue why United have not played him for 18 months or why Mason has admitted to mistakes.
We have seen and heard the inexcusable.
His partner was that concerned she started a police report that they were taking seriously.
A large majority of domestic abuse/sexual abuse is unpunished.
that’s it. They’re all the facts. No conjecture. No issues. Mason is a bad egg and best not having the honour of playing for United.
The middle ground in all of this is the stance that none of us know and therefore have to put our trust in the likes of CPS, United as well as his partner's family. Of which the case was dropped, United said he didn't do what he's been accused of and the partner's family supported it. Therefore he should be allowed to resume his life where he left it. That's the middle ground.
There is no one in this thread on the extreme side of "Yeah he beat up his girlfriend and raped her and I don't care because he's good at football". I don't think anyone has taken that stance, a lot of people have taken the middle ground. However there are loads of posters such as yourself that are taking the extreme opposite side of he is a rapist and abuser and must never play for the club again or as an apparent "staff" member said he wouldn't mind if he gets his leg broken. Thats not a middle ground take, that's based on a lack of facts, a lack of context and just a general inherent decision to label him as guilty before he was even convicted. You know full well you have no idea when and what the story is behind the pictures. You know you have no idea what the rest of the audio was and the context. You know full well the partner's entire family supported United's decision. You know full well the partner supported Mason. And as for Mason coming out saying they had a bdsm style relationship, you know full well that both him and the partner could have skeletons in their closet that they don't want aired. So Jesus wept indeed, the guy has had charges dropped againts him, the club review finding he did nothing of what he was accused of, the partner's family agreeing, the partner agreeing but what is more important is that you get your blood.
Very happy he is not with us this year at least, I don't think theres much of anything that would make me stop watching/supporting United but it would have been extremely difficult to cheer him on or watch him.
I'm sure it will be reviewed and dredged up again when he plays, scores and ultimately comes back to us next year, unless there are further statements from him or his partner I really can't envisage changing my mind on being okay with him playing at United.
As usual this thread is full of dross and complete bald faced insincerity. I still think the above screenshots are so horribly minimised. He's highly highly likely to be guilty of at least minor physical and sexual abuse and the words and injuries are horrible. The way that has been trivialised over the course of this disaster is in such bad faith and it will only keep being made lesser and lesser as time goes on or goals go in.
Hopefully they have an abuse free relationship from here on out, I think that unlikely, as is very well evidenced within domestic abuse, but it's not impossible.
Everyone does deserve second chances and I think this is probably better than could be hoped for in the circumstances, the complete lack of explanation or acceptance of any real guilt or error still really rankles me, Greenwood doesn't really owe it to us if he has made it privately but it does create a big barrier for many people to be able to view him as someone who deserves huge empathy and the opportunity to continue being a rich, famous, adored sportsman.
Railing against cancel culture, Riley, or other posters in spite of the above screenshots is completely daft, but it's always very fascinating/depressing how narratives can begin, develop and then dominate.
I'm personally not bothered about driving his price up or how we best sell him, I'd have been happier if we had of paid out his contract and he was now fully separate from us, hopefully, in absence of further info or statement, that still happens next year.
I think the club have done so so poorly. Their statement is a disaster, accepting they don't have all the evidence but are content he is innocent, without any engagement from the victim, is so obviously flawed, the insight into what their process was shows it was so limited, despite taking so very long. Then the timing of the outcome and of course the reporting that has highlighted their plans and approach, ultimately leading to a U-turn that was overall probably more damaging than if they had either just terminated his contract or decided to keep him.
A difficult and unique situation for them of course but it's hard to imagine how it could have been handled worse, the result has been divisive/unclear for pretty much everyone on any side of the debate.
The middle ground in all of this is the stance that none of us know and therefore have to put our trust in the likes of CPS, United as well as his partner's family. Of which the case was dropped, United said he didn't do what he's been accused of and the partner's family supported it. Therefore he should be allowed to resume his life where he left it. That's the middle ground.
There is no one in this thread on the extreme side of "Yeah he beat up his girlfriend and raped her and I don't care because he's good at football". I don't think anyone has taken that stance, a lot of people have taken the middle ground. However there are loads of posters such as yourself that are taking the extreme opposite side of he is a rapist and abuser and must never play for the club again or as an apparent "staff" member said he wouldn't mind if he gets his leg broken. Thats not a middle ground take, that's based on a lack of facts, a lack of context and just a general inherent decision to label him as guilty before he was even convicted. You know full well you have no idea when and what the story is behind the pictures. You know you have no idea what the rest of the audio was and the context. You know full well the partner's entire family supported United's decision. You know full well the partner supported Mason. And as for Mason coming out saying they had a bdsm style relationship, you know full well that both him and the partner could have skeletons in their closet that they don't want aired. So Jesus wept indeed, the guy has had charges dropped againts him, the club review finding he did nothing of what he was accused of, the partner's family agreeing, the partner agreeing but what is more important is that you get your blood.
We have seen and heard his deplorable behaviour, viewing that as more important than football is extreme?
What on earth are you talking about "skeletons in his closet" him and the girl coming out saying "It was roleplay" changes the entire view for the better and opens up no closets. Explain what you actually mean.
What we have seen and heard is disgusting, the vast majority of domestic abuse never results in charges and it is nearly impossible if the victim does not support the prosecution and the fact that there is not enough to charge with does not mean that it would be acceptable to give him a platform at our club.
Again please explain why no one on either camp who would benefit hugely from doing so has even remotely stated it was consensual role play. I'll give you a hint, because it wasn't.
No one should hope that he breaks his leg but equally no one should want someone who has done and said the things we already know about to play for our club again.
The club did find more evidence it wasn't a rape as it was suggested. Full recordings and testimonies we will never know about.
The bizarre thing is they both got married, so based on my understanding and experience on this kind of relationship I really believed they're just two young toxic lovers.
I keep seeing this but is there actually any truth to them being married or even engaged? From a quick online search, all I see are tabloids says he wants to marry her one day but nothing about them actually being engaged or married.