Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Why is then the club saying this? Wouldn't the statement be much easier without it? They're basically siding with Greenwood. "Based on the evidence available to us, we have concluded that the material posted online did not provide a full picture and that Mason did not commit the offences in respect of which he was originally charged".

They're saying he's gone because the public made up their minds about him.

I don't understand this. Then again it's United, we're a shit show of a club.

Because whoever made that statement is a moron. And they try to justify their initial decision.
The threshold for him being able to realistically play for us again would be publicly demonstrating that the video and audio in the public domain were not in fact a clear demonstration of domestic abuse.

Being unable to demonstrate what it was instead has massively weakened any argument in favour of bringing him back into the fold.

The fact no credible explanation has been offered as to what it might be instead should really end any debate.
Well he's not been convicted of anything, so legally I'm pretty sure they can't say he's done anything. Last thing United need after this is Greenwood sueing them. Just put the statement out and get rid.Job done.
I agree with this. 100% +1.
Why did it take so long. This all should have been done and dusted before the summer and he should have been gone already
Very happy this is the conclusion, it would have been difficult to see him play for Utd again.

I have to say I'm surprised as everything seemed to indicate the contrary, but I'm glad and proud of the club for making this decision.
So to wrap things up:

1- We need him (obviously).
2- He was legally proven not guilty.
3- Made peace with his fiancee.

BUT the minority mob in power wanted to cancel him, so, we should cancel him.

After ronaldo, de gea and him now, I'm getting the impression that a bunch of wankers are running the club.
Can see it proving a problem now to shift him. No club in England is going to touch him. Is he going to want a move abroad with a young family?
Even from a footballing perspective it’s the right call. The lads not played in nearly 2 years.
glad we can now draw a line under this one to be honest.
That would depend on what the evidence is, if it looks bad on his wife then the amount of abuse she'd receive from Greenwood fanboys and a certain part of the United fanbase would be too much.

The right decision in the end, let's just move on now as a club and concentrate on the season.
But if there's proof out there that made it look all made up, Greenwood wouldn't even get back with her, would he? There's no way if there's proof or an explanation that clears him, that it would not be out there by now.
Have you met Thomas Partey?
This is different from Partey. Partey is more similar to Antony/Ronaldo, at the moment they are nothing but accusations.

As soon as the girl posted the recordings online and pictures, his career in England was over.
Man City ? Why not ?

1) Cheap on a free. Low on wages too.
2) Pep being pep. The cynical side of him just to spite or twat Man Utd. Imagine MG scoring a winner against Man Utd ? Can you imagine his smug look ?
3) I doubt the owners of Man City would a give shit on such issues. Not that their home country is any saint.

No chance that happens. Even they will be aware of the backlash.
Very happy this is the conclusion, it would have been difficult to see him play for Utd again.

I have to say I'm surprised as everything seemed to indicate the contrary, but I'm glad and proud of the club for making this decision.
It looks like a u turn to me.
It seems no one deserves a second chance now.

He has got a second chance to earn millions elsewhere.

Most of us would also lose our jobs if we had a public case of probable physical/sexual assualt.

Mason has come away from this with a relationship intact, a baby and a future career. He's been very fortunate and I don't think he's too worried that the club has released him.
Yeah just because he didn't meet the technical standard of attempted rape doesn't mean his behaviour wasn't appalling.

Which I think is what the two statements are saying.

Not technically guilty but still really poor actions etc
So you dont know.

Not only is there not any clarification on whats happening with him, but the statement also says he didnt do it.
What we do know and the important part is that he won't continue putting on the United's jersey.

Whether we will receive a fee for him is another matter and not really fully dependent on United.

If you mean whether the statement in regards to whether or not United take a side in the charges - then yes, that part is conflicting and the PR team have done a poor job once again putting the whole message through.
So to wrap things up:

1- We need him (obviously).
2- He was legally proven not guilty.
3- Made peace with his fiancee.

BUT the minority mob in power wanted to cancel him, so, we should cancel him.

After ronaldo, de gea and him now, I'm getting the impression that a bunch of wankers are running the club.
He wasn't 'legally proven not guilty', you fecking cretin.
Everyone will have their opinion, but if CPS and club are sighting evidence not in the public domain, then I'm going to go with that to be honest

CPS actually said that key witnesses and new information meant there was no longer a 'realistic prospect of conviction'. That doesn't imply he's innocent. To me it is obvious what has happened.
The club do not have access to all of the evidence as they have outlined in their statement.

The CPS did, and we know what they said. Specifically this: "In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction."
You think the majority of United fans post on internet forums & subscribe to The Athletic or are you extrapolating the views of the extreme section that spends days/weeks typing away on their keyboards like we all do on here?

:lol: We're a bunch of weirdos, no doubt. Polls elsewhere (eg UWS, which probably has a higher proportion of regular matchgoers than the caf) also demonstrated a clear majority in favour of moving him on.

To be fair, I don't think I'd like to see the results of a poll on Twitter, though...
Gala/Fenerbache probably preparing an £8M bid as we speak
Hopefully we can install some kind of substantial sell on clause
You seem to have missed out this bit:

In a statement in February, the CPS said: "In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction."

We don't know what this is and never will but I do know everyone was saying Mendy was guilty from day one but two juries disagreed. We do not know anything like the full story and the evidence was never testing in court - and wasn't strong enough to put to a court
It could simply mean that there was no chance of conviction because key witness withdrew and that they convinced her to say it was some RP sex gone wrong if she was "forced" to testify. If your main witness says that, wether it's true or not, your case is dead. Pointless to go further. Plus key witness pretty much means her and/or her family. So there is nothing to rely on.
Everyone seen the statement email from Richard Arnold?

Now that we have concluded and announced the outcome of the club's investigation into Mason Greenwood, I want to be direct and transparent with our fans about the process and the reasons for our decision.

This was an internal disciplinary investigation between employer and employee which would ordinarily take place outside of the public eye. Given the public nature of the allegations and Mason's profile, I acknowledge that this was not an ordinary situation, but I felt it important that we still follow due process and, so far as possible, avoid media comment until I had made a definitive decision.

When audio footage and imagery was posted online in January 2022, my feelings were of shock and concern for the alleged victim. Her welfare, wishes and perspective have been central to the club's approach ever since, as have the club’s standards and values. While we immediately concluded that Mason should be suspended pending investigation, we were also conscious of our duty of care towards him and the importance of making a decision based on full information. Until February this year, this was a matter for the police and the Crown Prosecution Service. It was only when charges were dropped that the club discussed the allegations with Mason and others involved in the case.

Our investigation sought to collate as much evidence as possible to establish facts and context. This was not a quick or straightforward process for a variety of reasons. It was essential for us to respect the rights and wishes of the alleged victim. Also, we have limited powers of investigation which meant we were reliant on third party cooperation. Timings have also been influenced by my desire to minimise the impact of the investigation on our men's and women's teams, as well as our Lionesses. I acknowledge that this gave more time for speculation, but the alternative would have been to compromise due process or create untimely disruption.

While we were unable to access certain evidence for reasons we respect, the evidence we did collate led us to conclude that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with. I am restricted as to what I can say for legal reasons, including the alleged victim's ongoing right to anonymity, but I am able to share the following with you which should give you some insight into the complexity of this case:
The alleged victim requested the police to drop their investigation in April 2022.
We were provided with alternative explanations for the audio recording, which was a short excerpt from a much longer recording, and for the images posted online.
The alleged victim's family participated in the process and were given the opportunity to review and correct our factual findings.
Last week the media reported that we had decided to reintegrate Mason and that elements of a plan to do so had been leaked to them. Reintegration was one of the outcomes we considered and planned for. For context, over the course of the past six months several outcomes have been contemplated and planned for, and my view has evolved as our process progressed. While the ultimate decision rested with me, I was taking various factors and views into account right up until the point of finalising my decision.

While I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with, Mason’s accepted that he has made mistakes which he takes responsibility for. I am also mindful of the challenge that Mason would face rebuilding his career and raising a baby together with his partner in the harsh spotlight of Manchester United. Further, this case has provoked strong opinions, and it is my responsibility to minimise any distraction to the unity we are seeking within the club.

Although we have decided that Mason will seek to rebuild his career away from Manchester United, that does not signal the end of this matter. The club will continue to offer its support both to the alleged victim and Mason to help them rebuild and move forward positively with their lives.

Thank you for your continued support,

Richard Arnold
Chief Executive Officer
She leaked all the pics of her with busted lip / bruises etc.. She had only one goal there (if it didnt happen), make it out like he was beating her up. Im assuming she done it late one night with a drink in her and instantly regretted it as i think she tried to delete, but damage was done.

Im not sure how the audio clip got out there.. but its from her phone, so she's def sent that to someone. And for me me theres no debate whats going on in that

My point is, if thats the case, going by this statement, and she has in fact made it out that he beat her up when he didnt. thats pretty damning on her end. If my missus done that, she wouldnt be my missus anymore! simple as!

Yeah, this is what makes the whole thing very confusing.

You would think that no matter what the truth is, one of them would have been dumping the other one. Can't get my head around it tbh.
From day 1 of this happening, I found it a very calculated situation.

I don't believe for one that the girl wanted any police involvement, I believe she was after the court of public opinion to lynch him.

And am assuming here looking at the outcome that she wanted something from it.

She releases the video and audio, it gets picked up by CPS but ends up staying with him and having his baby?

Let's say if the relationship was about to end because it was a violent one, she gets nothing but see what she gets now

I know some people said abusers have babies as a control measure but she seems to have come out OK after it all

I hope you’re banned.
So to wrap things up:

1- We need him (obviously).
2- He was legally proven not guilty.
3- Made peace with his fiancee.

BUT the minority mob in power wanted to cancel him, so, we should cancel him.

After ronaldo, de gea and him now, I'm getting the impression that a bunch of wankers are running the club.

No he fecking wasn't. Do make stupid statements which aren't true, goodness me.
the "he'll tear it up for our rivals" crowd is deluded too. If you think any club in England, Germany, Spain etc. will touch that PR nightmare, then I don't know what to tell you. He'll have a hard time finding a club willing to do this ... wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in Saudi Arabia.
Surely the people who make posts like this can’t be more than 14 years old?

Any time I see the words "CANCELLED" or "WOKE" my first thought is to how old the poster must be...

Either that or they're just inspired by Donald Trump... who to be fair is a 14 year old in a 90 year old mans body.
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