Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Regardless of how many incidents you being up, bullying your teammates should never be normalised (that's very different to tough love or trying to spur them on). Attempting to do that with your post is actually ridiculous.

No-one claimed he bullied them, just that some put downs were harsh.

My point was that the football environment actually encourages this as “banter”, and the vast vast majority of footballers are at it, it’s not specific to MG or “horrible individuals”.

Here’s from a separate article on “banter culture”.

Take banter, for example. Yes, men can be absolutely brutal to one another. Yet aggression is often employed not as the opposite of intimacy, but as a strategy to achieve it. While laughter bares teeth, this underestimates the complexity of what’s going on in that moment. It ignores the context – the sacred space of friendship, where there’s a tacit agreement that we don’t actually think or feel what we profess to think or feel. While there is a perpetrator and a victim, everyone is in on the joke. When that’s understood, mordant banter is actually a perverse form of love. It is, in a real sense, intimacy in action, communicating both “I know you” and “I know you trust that I’m not being cruel, that I have permission and that we are playing a game.”

And here’s the study.

It’s why I have an issue with people using Ladyman as proof he was some scumbag before this, when tonnes of teenagers can be moody, in fact, tonnes of adults on a bad day can be rude to each other on occasions so one example of him being moody in cab, is well… a nothing thing. An comment that his football “banter” could be brutal means nothing either.

What means something is what came next.

Ladyman’s piece feels like a journo desperate to get in on the MG action and generate clicks with some background that’s made out to be a character study of someone nasty, when in reality giving some harsh banter to teammates and one single occasion of being in a grumpy mood could be said about a million people all over the UK. He gives zero examples of the banter and the driver anecdote… when even was this? Before/after the shit hit the fan? What had the driver said, because apparently he was trying to “strike up a conversation”? About what? Was he trying to give him banter? Ask for some inside info? Talk the ears off him? He gives absolutely zero details so I’m not even convinced it aint made up, chinese whispers or just rumour. Where the feck has he even dragged this anecdote up from several years later?
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A question for people still having a go at the Athletic: It turns out they've never reported anything not true right? So what are you saying, it should all be covered up?

For once someone does a good job in that shit show journalism, and now he's the bad guy just because it's against our player. If it was deep diving the Suarez incident again, for example, it would be brilliant journalism. Once again I'll say, those of you who want to blame everyone and everything else for this situation are such hypocrites it's unreal. You believe that Greenwood is innocent of the charges because he and Arnold told you that, but you also want to blame everyone else when both he and Arnold have accepted responsibility for this entire situation and the handling of it.

You can't have it all ways. Greenwood and the woman caused this, whoever it is that is lying. But United clearly have made the situation worse and those leaks and the reporting have come from that. The only solution was always going to be him having to move on to rebuild, the problem now is all parties have caused so much damage to the situation that even the countries and teams we'd most expect to take him have baulked, even though a lot of clubs have accepted worse.

It's just such a desperately sad situation, and something that I think makes it even sadder is that lessons won't be learned. Regardless of what anyone thinks, United failed have definitely failed that lad. One of our own. And we continue to do so.
Hello everyone, this is my first post here but I was a United supporter since I can remember. I truly still love this club but I consider the way many fans have pressured the club into dismissing Mason Greenwood is deeply immoral.

While I understand that this isn't what they really wanted I still think it was the club's decision to take so long to bring him back, and seemingly trying to find ways to control the narrative so much that allowed the media, a large part of the fanbase and some influencers to take advantage of the situation and essentially lynch Mason Greenwood. I am sorry if what I say is shocking or ridiculous to you, but I truly feel very strongly about the moral implications and I don't feel that what has happened here is right at all, so I don't feel that it makes sense to continue support the club if this conflicts with the values I believe I hold.

The main point for me is this: I've read pretty much this whole thread, and I still haven't seen an actual reply as to why most people accusing Greenwood believe they are entitled to claim they know for sure that Greenwood raped, or beat his girlfriend based off of 2 bits of information posted on a social media platform? You may claim that the answer is already in the previous pages, but can you provide a quote or a link? I'm saying that it is actually impossible for you to know that, but still you felt entitled to pressure the club into deciding to part ways with him.

All that say it is still on the club for not having stood their ground and brought him back. I believe that a good system is built on truth and facts, but the club has shown a lack of spine to stand by that principle.
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He is gone.

If people don't like it, live with it, or go follow him to Besiktas!

Bit dodgy this.

And I’d hope that everyone who wanted him gone would be hoping for the maximum support for his partner moving forward.

Given that it was supposedly a moral issue.

Why is that dodgy?

A few things, and I’m not trying to have a go, just food for thought if you want - if not, no worries.

1. Naming Turkish / ME sides seems an odd conclusion to jump to - why not Miami? Or Burnley? Or Spain? Or Italy?

2. For those that’ve shouted the loudest about wanting him out of the club, it has apparently always been a ‘moral issue’, about ‘more than football’, so I would expect those people to now be showing concern for his partner, baby and for them as a family to make the right moves going forward and to ensure they have max support (which for me means them staying in U.K. around family etc).

Again, just food for thought - not trying to preach or argue.

Looks like Besiktas could be an option....
Hello everyone, this is my first post here but I was a United supporter since I can remember. I truly still love this club but I consider the way many fans have pressured the club into dismissing Mason Greenwood is deeply immoral.

While I understand that this isn't what they really wanted I still think it was the club's decision to take so long to bring him back, and seemingly trying to find ways to control the narrative so much that allowed the media, a large part of the fanbase and some influencers to take advantage of the situation and essentially lynch Mason Greenwood. I am sorry if what I say is shocking or ridiculous to you, but I truly feel very strongly about the moral implications and I don't feel that what has happened here is right at all, so I don't feel that it makes sense to continue support the club if this conflicts with the values I believe I hold.

The main point for me is this: I've read pretty much this whole thread, and I still haven't seen an actual reply as to why most people accusing Greenwood believe they are entitled to claim they know for sure that Greenwood raped, or beat his girlfriend based off of 2 bits of information posted on a social media platform? You may claim that the answer is already in the previous pages, but can you provide a quote or a link? I'm saying that it is actually impossible for you to know that, but still you felt entitled to pressure the club into deciding to part ways with him.

All that say it is still on the club for not having stood their ground and brought him back. I believe that a good system is built on truth and facts, but the club has shown a lack of spine to stand by that principle.

So we're just using terms like 'lynch' now?
Hello everyone, this is my first post here but I was a United supporter since I can remember. I truly still love this club but I consider the way many fans have pressured the club into dismissing Mason Greenwood is deeply immoral.

While I understand that this isn't what they really wanted I still think it was the club's decision to take so long to bring him back, and seemingly trying to find ways to control the narrative so much that allowed the media, a large part of the fanbase and some influencers to take advantage of the situation and essentially lynch Mason Greenwood. I am sorry if what I say is shocking or ridiculous to you, but I truly feel very strongly about the moral implications and I don't feel that what has happened here is right at all, so I don't feel that it makes sense to continue support the club if this conflicts with the values I believe I hold.

The main point for me is this: I've read pretty much this whole thread, and I still haven't seen an actual reply as to why most people accusing Greenwood believe they are entitled to claim they know for sure that Greenwood raped, or beat his girlfriend based off of 2 bits of information posted on a social media platform? You may claim that the answer is already in the previous pages, but can you provide a quote or a link? I'm saying that it is actually impossible for you to know that, but still you felt entitled to pressure the club into deciding to part ways with him.

All that say it is still on the club for not having stood their ground and brought him back. I believe that a good system is built on truth and facts, but the club has shown a lack of spine to stand by that principle.
WOW some first post :eek:
Lets just forget about the tapes, should we.
I have seen no post wanting him lynched
Hello everyone, this is my first post here but I was a United supporter since I can remember. I truly still love this club but I consider the way many fans have pressured the club into dismissing Mason Greenwood is deeply immoral.

While I understand that this isn't what they really wanted I still think it was the club's decision to take so long to bring him back, and seemingly trying to find ways to control the narrative so much that allowed the media, a large part of the fanbase and some influencers to take advantage of the situation and essentially lynch Mason Greenwood. I am sorry if what I say is shocking or ridiculous to you, but I truly feel very strongly about the moral implications and I don't feel that what has happened here is right at all, so I don't feel that it makes sense to continue support the club if this conflicts with the values I believe I hold.

The main point for me is this: I've read pretty much this whole thread, and I still haven't seen an actual reply as to why most people accusing Greenwood believe they are entitled to claim they know for sure that Greenwood raped, or beat his girlfriend based off of 2 bits of information posted on a social media platform? You may claim that the answer is already in the previous pages, but can you provide a quote or a link? I'm saying that it is actually impossible for you to know that, but still you felt entitled to pressure the club into deciding to part ways with him.

All that say it is still on the club for not having stood their ground and brought him back. I believe that a good system is built on truth and facts, but the club has shown a lack of spine to stand by that principle.

This is exactly why Newbies should not be allowed even a few posts in the mains until they at least have a couple of likes.

People bang on about "social media" but this place IS social media too, and one of it's most important strengths is the newbie forum. Allowing this as a first post, especially in such a sensitive topic, doesn't benefit anyone...well, it doesn't benefit the forum anyway.
A question for people still having a go at the Athletic: It turns out they've never reported anything not true right? So what are you saying, it should all be covered up?

For once someone does a good job in that shit show journalism, and now he's the bad guy just because it's against our player. If it was deep diving the Suarez incident again, for example, it would be brilliant journalism. Once again I'll say, those of you who want to blame everyone and everything else for this situation are such hypocrites it's unreal. You believe that Greenwood is innocent of the charges because he and Arnold told you that, but you also want to blame everyone else when both he and Arnold have accepted responsibility for this entire situation and the handling of it.

You can't have it all ways. Greenwood and the woman caused this, whoever it is that is lying. But United clearly have made the situation worse and those leaks and the reporting have come from that. The only solution was always going to be him having to move on to rebuild, the problem now is all parties have caused so much damage to the situation that even the countries and teams we'd most expect to take him have baulked, even though a lot of clubs have accepted worse.

It's just such a desperately sad situation, and something that I think makes it even sadder is that lessons won't be learned. Regardless of what anyone thinks, United failed have definitely failed that lad. One of our own. And we continue to do so.

In what ways do you think United have failed him specifically?
In what ways do you think United have failed him specifically?

You already know the answer to that. But I'll humour you:

We've turned a blind eye to his behaviour, which led to even the England manager taking a stance on it above us, we clearly led him to believe he could come back and then fecked the whole situation over...oh and then all these problems with him have happened on our watch under our "care".

Do you disagree?
A question for people still having a go at the Athletic: It turns out they've never reported anything not true right? So what are you saying, it should all be covered up?

For once someone does a good job in that shit show journalism, and now he's the bad guy just because it's against our player. If it was deep diving the Suarez incident again, for example, it would be brilliant journalism. Once again I'll say, those of you who want to blame everyone and everything else for this situation are such hypocrites it's unreal. You believe that Greenwood is innocent of the charges because he and Arnold told you that, but you also want to blame everyone else when both he and Arnold have accepted responsibility for this entire situation and the handling of it.

You can't have it all ways. Greenwood and the woman caused this, whoever it is that is lying. But United clearly have made the situation worse and those leaks and the reporting have come from that. The only solution was always going to be him having to move on to rebuild, the problem now is all parties have caused so much damage to the situation that even the countries and teams we'd most expect to take him have baulked, even though a lot of clubs have accepted worse.

It's just such a desperately sad situation, and something that I think makes it even sadder is that lessons won't be learned. Regardless of what anyone thinks, United failed have definitely failed that lad. One of our own. And we continue to do so.

Oh give us a fecking break. He failed himself, regardless of whether the club could have done better. Poor predatory lamb, woe is him.
Oh give us a fecking break. He failed himself, regardless of whether the club could have done better. Poor predatory lamb, woe is him.

I literally said Greenwood caused this, more than once in that very post you've just angry read and mostly ignored.

More than one thing can be true at a time though, you understand that right?
You already know the answer to that. But I'll humour you:

We've turned a blind eye to his behaviour, which led to even the England manager taking a stance on it above us, we clearly led him to believe he could come back and then fecked the whole situation over...oh and then all these problems with him have happened on our watch under our "care".

Do you disagree?

So you think if we’re been harder on him, he’d have what?

Is employers being harder on young kids the secret solution to domestic abuse?

You keep trivialising what it is that drives people to domestic abuse of loved ones, as though in some way, an employer being harsh could lead the person in a moment of violence to stop and think “wait! no I can’t do this or maybe I’ll get in trouble at work”. That just isn’t the case, not at all.

If MG is guilty of the original claim, aside from identifying the domestic abuse early and putting him into therapy, there is absolutely nothing an employer could do to stop him on that path.
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Anyone gonna put an 100m bid in yet? We’re desperate for money 50 will do.
You already know the answer to that. But I'll humour you:

We've turned a blind eye to his behaviour, which led to even the England manager taking a stance on it above us, we clearly led him to believe he could come back and then fecked the whole situation over...oh and then all these problems with him have happened on our watch under our "care".

Do you disagree?

I do not agree or disagree. I am not sure the England incident was as prevalent as people make it to be. He was always going to be reprimanded for that because it was during the pandemic. Therefore those breeches were always going to be in the spotlight as they were with Dominic Cummings/ politicians/celebrities etc.

I do agree that Solskjaer was probably a weak hand with discipline. But then the club neglected the youth set up during LVG/Mourinho era. These problems festered. One thing Ferguson used to say was to need the support of the Fans, and those in executive positions but the manager is the main point of guidance otherwise it becomes a free fall .For me, the club have lost that.

Idiots like Woodward and the siblings who own it it are just found wanting time and again.

I am so disheartened by the whole thing, I don't even know if I be bothered anymore.The club scrimping for transfers yet again.

As for Greenwood himself, he will probably go to Turkey. A place he does not even want to go, given he has a young child.
Hello everyone, this is my first post here but I was a United supporter since I can remember. I truly still love this club but I consider the way many fans have pressured the club into dismissing Mason Greenwood is deeply immoral.

While I understand that this isn't what they really wanted I still think it was the club's decision to take so long to bring him back, and seemingly trying to find ways to control the narrative so much that allowed the media, a large part of the fanbase and some influencers to take advantage of the situation and essentially lynch Mason Greenwood. I am sorry if what I say is shocking or ridiculous to you, but I truly feel very strongly about the moral implications and I don't feel that what has happened here is right at all, so I don't feel that it makes sense to continue support the club if this conflicts with the values I believe I hold.

The main point for me is this: I've read pretty much this whole thread, and I still haven't seen an actual reply as to why most people accusing Greenwood believe they are entitled to claim they know for sure that Greenwood raped, or beat his girlfriend based off of 2 bits of information posted on a social media platform? You may claim that the answer is already in the previous pages, but can you provide a quote or a link? I'm saying that it is actually impossible for you to know that, but still you felt entitled to pressure the club into deciding to part ways with him.

All that say it is still on the club for not having stood their ground and brought him back. I believe that a good system is built on truth and facts, but the club has shown a lack of spine to stand by that principle.
Fair points. Especially if you read Ian Ladyman's article, he comes off more as ignorant and mentally underdeveloped than the monster some insist on painting him. If this was truly his light bulb moment and he was ready to rehab, then this outcome feels harsh.
I literally said Greenwood caused this, more than once in that very post you've just angry read and mostly ignored.

More than one thing can be true at a time though, you understand that right?

It's just boring. Constant negativity, I couldn't care less what happens to Greenwood, i hope an onion falls on his head.
So you think if we’re been harder on him, he’d have what?

Is employers being harder on young kids the secret solution to domestic abuse?

What does "harder" mean here?

And since we are making up absolute shite that no one said, I'm saying you are wrong to suggest United should just boot him and don't have a duty of care. They have told you that they do have themselves.

So you think if we’re been harder on him, he’d have what?

Is employers being harder on young kids the secret solution to domestic abuse?

You keep trivialising what it is that drives people to domestic abuse of loved ones, as though in some way, an employer being harsh could lead the person in a moment of violence to stop and think “wait! no I can’t do this or maybe I’ll get in trouble at work”. That just isn’t the case, not at all.

If MG is guilty of the original claim, aside from identifying the domestic abuse early and putting him into therapy, there is absolutely nothing an employer could do to stop him on that path.

After the edit, have you confused me with someone else?

I've spoken about on this site and in here my experiences with domestic abuse as a child, as an adult and as a father. I've also done talks about this subject to schools with support groups.

So if this is a case where you've mistaken what I'm saying or mistook my username for someone else, then we can bring this back to a discussion. But if that isn't the case and you want to continue to be offensive to me, then I highly suggest you wind it in.

I do not agree or disagree. I am not sure the England incident was as prevalent as people make it to be. He was always going to be reprimanded for that because it was during the pandemic. Therefore those breeches were always going to be in the spotlight as they were with Dominic Cummings/ politicians/celebrities etc.

I do agree that Solskjaer was probably a weak hand with discipline. But then the club neglected the youth set up during LVG/Mourinho era. These problems festered. One thing Ferguson used to say was to need the support of the Fans, and those in executive positions but the manager is the main point of guidance otherwise it becomes a free fall .For me, the club have lost that.

Idiots like Woodward and the siblings who own it it are just found wanting time and again.

I am so disheartened by the whole thing, I don't even know if I be bothered anymore.The club scrimping for transfers yet again.

As for Greenwood himself, he will probably go to Turkey. A place he does not even want to go, given he has a young child.

It wasn't just one England incident though, Southgate spoke at length about his problems.

But yeah, the point being United speak of a "duty of care" and yet this has happened on our watch. It also doesn't seem to apply to the vast amount of players we feck off for not being good enough. Fact is if a child grows up at our club, with the amount of time they have here, we are at least partially responsible for behaviour. Especially young kids thrust into that lifestyle.

I agree with the rest of your post, it's just so depressing.

It's just boring. Constant negativity, I couldn't care less what happens to Greenwood, i hope an onion falls on his head.

Seems like you have issues that aren't specifically related to this thread. You can just stay out of it, you know? You can even ask to be threadbanned if you can't.

But domestic abuse and all the issues surrounding it isn't a cheery subject. Expecting it to be is a you problem.
Retracting a statement is not introducing anything new.

You've conflated the two.

Yes, it is. Stating to the police that previous witness statements are untrue, or that she is no longer saying that it is true, is new material. This isn't debatable.
Anyone gonna put an 100m bid in yet? We’re desperate for money 50 will do.
Doubt we would receive any significance fee for him. Hard to see we would reject any offer, even if it is just 5-10m.
Doubt we would receive any significance fee for him. Hard to see we would reject any offer, even if it is just 5-10m.
It’s looking that way. We’ll get a 5m bid on deadline day which we’ll probably put towards a loan deal for someone.
Retracting a statement is not introducing anything new.

You've conflated the two.

For the police/prosecutors it 100% is generally but clearly also specifically in this case;

Her first 'statement' was an ABE interview, that's an interview to camera with detectives that is recorded to achieve the best possible evidence in difficult situations that can then be played to the court to ensure consistency and a victim led approach to giving evidence.

To 'retract' that (or a normal written statement) in the UK post charge 99 times out of 100 you have to give what's known as a withdrawal statement, which is usually a written statement explaining why you no longer want to go to court/support the investigation.

If the matter has yet to go to court you could possibly do without a withdrawal statement but it will likely still be requested by the police.

I think people think you can just ring someone up and say na I'm retracting and that's that, but it's not like that at all post charge.

It is physically a new statement which is of course evidence in of itself and is likely to have new information in it. It can actually be disregarded by the judge and you can be compelled to come to court or arrested for not attending, though that's very rare, especially for victims/sexual/domestic cases, for very obvious reasons.

I'm not totally agreed with @NotThatSoph on the point but what you've said is totally wrong. There may be more on top of the withdrawal statement, but it is, of it's self, new material.
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I'm not totally agreed with @NotThatSoph on the point but what you've said is totally wrong. There may be more on top of the withdrawal statement, but it is, of it's self, new material.

To be clear, I'm not saying that this necessarily is everything meant by the "new material" referred to by the CPS. What I'm saying is that when they mention new material, we know that this is either some or all of it, and that there's nothing in the CPS statement that indicates or necessitates anything else existing.
To be clear, I'm not saying that this necessarily is everything meant by the "new material" referred to by the CPS. What I'm saying is that when they mention new material, we know that this is either some or all of it, and that there's nothing in the CPS statement that indicates or necessitates anything else existing.

100% factual.

I, incorrectly, thought you were saying you thought it was likely or could be inferred that this was all the new material.
The new material is that the witness recanted her previous statements, and then you have some people speculating that there is more new material on top of that.

You're stating this pretty matter of factly, but the CPS statement said:

In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction."

Furthermore - as reported by The Guardian:

A court heard last October how a central plank in the inquiry had collapsed only four months after Greenwood was arrested.

It is understood that police and prosecutors initially decided to continue with the case because of the significant level of public interest, given Greenwood’s high profile and the seriousness of the allegations.

But a review of the case by CPS lawyers has concluded that there was no realistic prospect of conviction given the collapse of the case.
You're stating this pretty matter of factly, but the CPS statement said:

In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction."

Furthermore - as reported by The Guardian:

A court heard last October how a central plank in the inquiry had collapsed only four months after Greenwood was arrested.

It is understood that police and prosecutors initially decided to continue with the case because of the significant level of public interest, given Greenwood’s high profile and the seriousness of the allegations.

But a review of the case by CPS lawyers has concluded that there was no realistic prospect of conviction given the collapse of the case.

Yes, all of that is perfectly consistent with what I said.

Are you absolutely sure that you have considered the full gravity of the repercussions that could ensue if Greenwood JUST comes out and publicly explains that things are not exactly what they appear to be in audio and photos? What position would that put his partner and mother of his child in? IF he's able to prove some level of innocence, there's chance of an opposite and equal angry mob going after his partner for making "false" claims of domestic abuse and so on. She would have a lot to answer for, and we have to consider the risks to her physical safety and mental health in this case. Greenwood is damned if he's guilty, and she doesn't come up smelling of roses if he's innocent. To say its JUST a case of coming out and clearing everything up if he's innocent is massive oversimplification of the situation.

For the record, I believe he is guilty of something; just not sure what. Which is why this is so complicated.

I appreciate what you're saying but as I think its. widely supposed that greenwoods. partner put up and removed. the thread, then anyone who's brutal enough. to. attack her will do it anyway, id have thought...theyll be thinking ok, it seems he's innocent, so it must have been her fault.....unfortunately people like that don't need an excuse....but it is a very. nasty situation...if he does go to turkey or Albania shed have a very rough time if. she did sonething like this again
Aware this won’t sit right with some but United should’ve had him back in training as soon as the CPS case was dropped, if the manager wanted him in the squad. This 6 month “internal investigation” nonsense when they were happy to u-turn because of twitter sentiment and the host of countdown going to the BBC just shows what a joke both the investigation and the leadership at the club are. As if anyone needed reminding.

Instead the decision was informed by an online backlash and what the club perceived as the general sentiment on the decision.

Spineless, gutless, feckless leadership at a commercial shell of a once great football club.
Aware this won’t sit right with some but United should’ve had him back in training as soon as the CPS case was dropped, if the manager wanted him in the squad. This 6 month “internal investigation” nonsense when they were happy to u-turn because of twitter sentiment and the host of countdown going to the BBC just shows what a joke both the investigation and the leadership at the club are. As if anyone needed reminding.

It is absurd. The money and time that this expediated is unacceptable. You can't run any organisation like that, let alone Manchester United. The decision should have been made in June. He did not have to go on the pre season tour, but do personal training like he did.

It is diabolical. I say it again, this club needs new governance at the top before we can start talking title challenges.

In regards to Greenwood, we need to make the next step towards his rehabilitation for himself and the right move for his career. I don't know if the player and club can stay in contact by some means whilst he is elsewhere as a support network? I just don't know?
It is absurd. The money and time that this expediated is unacceptable. You can't run any organisation like that, let alone Manchester United. The decision should have been made in June. He did not have to go on the pre season tour, but do personal training like he did.

It is diabolical. I say it again, this club needs new governance at the top before we can start talking title challenges.

In regards to Greenwood, we need to make the next step towards his rehabilitation for himself and the right move for his career. I don't know if the player and club can stay in contact by some means whilst he is elsewhere as a support network? I just don't know?
I firmly believe SAF would have reintegrated MG if he were manager - no doubt in my mind, a unique situation but he had a track record of protecting his players in toxic circumstances. This club now however is too scared to make a decision, fixated on share price and commercial product.

That the pitch forks on social media could change a decision at the 11th hour of a farcically long “investigation” is just diabolical.

For MG - he should be given the chance to rebuild his career. He is not guilty of an offence and that’s how to function of the law works and has to work. I think the club has made that infinitely more difficult for him though with their handling of this.
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