Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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What was Best accused of that was worse than attempted rape?
He used to beat the shit out of his wife. Even reportedly broke her arm. And that's only what I know. It seems he was also quite violent to his numerous girlfriends. Doesn't surprise me if he forced himself on them multiple times.
What do some of you think the “full story” is?

The point is we don’t know, so we should be reserving judgement. It’s not impossible that he was tricked into being recorded acting out some sort of rape/non-consensual sex fantasy scenario (it is the number one female fantasy after all), and it seems like the abuse flowed both ways in the relationship (eye witnesses seeing her physically punching him while out together), plus the anecdotal evidence from forums/whatsapp groups of girls in the Manchester football scene, and in the recording you hear her clearly say “go and feck someone else, you know you want to”, which is not the sort of thing balanced people say in a healthy relationship.

I have two female friends that allege they’ve been sexually assaulted, and also two male friends that were accused (one of rape, the other sexual assault), both innocent (one she admitted she made it up for revenge, the other was able to prove it didn’t happen) - so I am accutely aware of the need for balance of perspective here. Neither female was ever held accountable for their lies either, despite police involvement.

The evidence provided was going to be enough to send Mason to court. In a sexual assault trial - that is massive. Because of the nature of sexual assault - simply getting to trial is a massive hurdle to overcome. The reason the case didn’t go forward was they couldn’t use this evidence anymore and thus a conviction was unlikely.

None of this is true is it? It didn’t get to court, so it’s impossible to know if the evidence was enough, and we also don’t know why the case was dropped beyond witnesses pulling out and “new material”. Not sure why the guilty brigade feel they have to make things up like this?

You could have audio and video proof of someone shooting someone but you could easily say “well hang on - we don’t have the full story here. Five minutes ago the victim could have pulled a gun himself and maybe even threatened to kill this person.”

Not sure what you’re trying to say here with this false equivalence - in a shooting there would be physical evidence of a crime, and possibly even a body indicating murder. In this case there’s no physical evidence and so nothing to say a crime even took place.

We have a person involved who has audio/image proof of sexual assault and this was enough for police to believe they had a conviction. There’s not much more of a “full story” to get.

Again this is nonsense, he was never charged with sexual assault, only attempted rape - if it were proof of an assault it would’ve been a slam-dunk case (regardless of witnesses pulling out) and he’d have been found guilty and sent away by now.

Living up to your name here.
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Hear me out. A few scenarios I can envision regarding attempted rape with someone you are in relationship :)
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she doesn't cave in - could be attempted rape as you didn't stop at first refusal and repeatedly tried to have sex with her and she wasn't gonna have it
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she eventually gives in - could this also be a tiny rape as she was certainly not 100% in agreement

And if you turn it around
- You have a kid with your wife and she wants another one, you on the other hand are 90% sure you want it but not 100% - she will wear you down days, weeks, months, flirt with you, seduce you, provoke you and literally force you to have sex with her multiple times if not successful the first time - to convince you - could also be classified as rape in my book (although you enjoyed it all the time 100%) :D

And regarding George Best I'm 100% certain there were situations where he was drugged/drunk, beat women and forced them to have sex. But it never met the public eye.

Not to condone doing this but reaction to Greenwood case is over the top for me. Teenager on top of the world in his eyes behaving like he can have it all. Now sees that he cannot. Punish him. Make him attend classes, work on improving, community work, charities, donations. But why prevent him doing what he does best?

Threatening rape?
He was in a dysfunctional and at times violent relationship after being a chronic alcoholic for 30-40 years and then married to a cocaine addict.

His behaviour was flawed and wrong but that's quite different from attempted rape charges as a 20 year old.

Think we need to be careful not to lump all actions into the same category.

Well his wife said he used to regularly punch her in the face. On top of that, repeated drunk driving and assault offences. I am pretty sure we are a long way from 'flawed' here.
Hear me out. A few scenarios I can envision regarding attempted rape with someone you are in relationship :)
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she doesn't cave in - could be attempted rape as you didn't stop at first refusal and repeatedly tried to have sex with her and she wasn't gonna have it
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she eventually gives in - could this also be a tiny rape as she was certainly not 100% in agreement

You don't deserve to be heard out when you use smileys at the end of a sentance with the word "rape" in it, then use one of the most pathetic phrases typed in here "tiny rape".

feck sake, wobble your head.

It’s not impossible that he was tricked into being recorded acting out some sort of rape/non-consensual sex fantasy scenario (it is the number one female fantasy after all)

Again this is nonsense, he was never charged with sexual assault, only attempted rape

She tricked him into raping her for fantasy?


How the hell noobs are allowed to post in here is beyond me. But then, I guess it helps weed out those who should never be promoted.

Well his wife said he used to regularly punch her in the face. On top of that, repeated drunk driving and assault offences. I am pretty sure we are a long way from 'flawed' here.

The brush off attempts in this thread about Greenwood's charges and the likes of Best are disgraceful.

I can't believe there are still people going on about the role play stuff. That's about as credible as suggesting it's a different person named Mason speaking in the clip.

I'm done with this thread. Between the scumbags downplaying rape, to those preaching "forgiveness" whilst not understanding that professionals and charities that deal with this stuff certainly don't think you just let people off this kind of situation, it's just madness what people are being raised to think. So much more education is needed on this subject it's unreal.

Regardless of what Greenwood did or didn't do, or rather what people want to think he did/didn't do, there's a reason DV and rape are incredibly under reported and conviction rates are low. People's attitudes to it are as scummy as ever.
Some of the posts on here are arguably more disturbing than the whole Greenwood case.
No wonder we have such a problem in society.
Stop posting dumb shite. You lot are tiny raping @Redlambs mind with all your nonsense.
He used to beat the shit out of his wife. Even reportedly broke her arm. And that's only what I know. It seems he was also quite violent to his numerous girlfriends. Doesn't surprise me if he forced himself on them multiple times.

Well his wife said he used to regularly punch her in the face. On top of that, repeated drunk driving and assault offences. I am pretty sure we are a long way from 'flawed' here.

Certainly I'm not defending Best but before becoming a chronic alcoholic he was apparently a decent, good hearted bloke.

Once alcoholism takes hold obviously that completely changes.

But you still can't lump everyone in together. There's a difference between disfunctional, mutually violent, drug addled relationships and a guy who just indiscriminately beats his Mrs up because he can.

Same goes for Giggs. His biggest crime seems to be him finding it impossible to be faithful and the crazy situations that inevitably come from that.

Greenwood seems several levels up form that to me. Especially for a lad so young to display this behaviour.
Stop posting dumb shite. You lot are tiny raping @Redlambs mind with all your nonsense.

You don't know it's not my fantasy! I might have set him up for that post...

Some of the posts on here are arguably more disturbing than the whole Greenwood case.
No wonder we have such a problem in society.

I wouldn't say more disturbing, but still very disturbing the way some of this lot and people in general think. It's like with anything else in the world where we try to move forward and make society better at understanding actions and words against others and how they affect others, we will always have those who or too ill educated, empathetic or even straight up nasty that will push back.
Hear me out. A few scenarios I can envision regarding attempted rape with someone you are in relationship :)
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she doesn't cave in - could be attempted rape as you didn't stop at first refusal and repeatedly tried to have sex with her and she wasn't gonna have it
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she eventually gives in - could this also be a tiny rape as she was certainly not 100% in agreement

And if you turn it around
- You have a kid with your wife and she wants another one, you on the other hand are 90% sure you want it but not 100% - she will wear you down days, weeks, months, flirt with you, seduce you, provoke you and literally force you to have sex with her multiple times if not successful the first time - to convince you - could also be classified as rape in my book (although you enjoyed it all the time 100%) :D

And regarding George Best I'm 100% certain there were situations where he was drugged/drunk, beat women and forced them to have sex. But it never met the public eye.

Not to condone doing this but reaction to Greenwood case is over the top for me. Teenager on top of the world in his eyes behaving like he can have it all. Now sees that he cannot. Punish him. Make him attend classes, work on improving, community work, charities, donations. But why prevent him doing what he does best?

What in the name of feck is this?
I wouldn't say more disturbing, but still very disturbing the way some of this lot and people in general think. It's like with anything else in the world where we try to move forward and make society better at understanding actions and words against others and how they affect others, we will always have those who or too ill educated, empathetic or even straight up nasty that will push back.

I think you are conflating people like me, who are advocating not rushing to judgements about someone (who is legally innocent I might add) without all the facts, and people who are defending Mason specifically. If the contents of the audio recording are genuine and paint an accurate picture of what went on, then that is indefensible, but since that evidence will never be tested in court (as it stands) we can't speak to its veracity with any authority.

I am happy for people to have differing views on this, but I don't think calling people scumbags because you don't agree with their opinion (and in my case you didn't even read what I wrote correctly) is productive or necessary. This is clearly an emotive subject for you and perhaps taking a step back and thinking more rationally might benefit you?
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You are really persistent with this “creepy” nonsense. Nobody here invented the idea of role play; it’s been suggested for 18 months.

United and Greenwood released a statement saying that the audios and videos were not what they looked like. Are we just going to call them liars and ignore it? No. Is role play completely impossible? No. Are we speculating about possibilities on a discussion forum? Yes.

Just because you don’t personally like the idea of it being role play doesn’t mean you have to twist and manipulate the idea. You have offered 0 reasons as to why it is impossible to be role play, and your posts seem to be deliberately antagonistic by repeating “ewww creep”.
His girlfriend reported him to the police for sexual assault and you conclude it could have been roleplay. That’s creepy as feck.
The point is we don’t know, so we should be reserving judgement. It’s not impossible that he was tricked into being recorded acting out some sort of rape/non-consensual sex fantasy scenario (it is the number one female fantasy after all).
Do you have a source for this?
Hear me out. A few scenarios I can envision regarding attempted rape with someone you are in relationship :)
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she doesn't cave in - could be attempted rape as you didn't stop at first refusal and repeatedly tried to have sex with her and she wasn't gonna have it
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she eventually gives in - could this also be a tiny rape as she was certainly not 100% in agreement

And if you turn it around
- You have a kid with your wife and she wants another one, you on the other hand are 90% sure you want it but not 100% - she will wear you down days, weeks, months, flirt with you, seduce you, provoke you and literally force you to have sex with her multiple times if not successful the first time - to convince you - could also be classified as rape in my book (although you enjoyed it all the time 100%) :D

And regarding George Best I'm 100% certain there were situations where he was drugged/drunk, beat women and forced them to have sex. But it never met the public eye.

Not to condone doing this but reaction to Greenwood case is over the top for me. Teenager on top of the world in his eyes behaving like he can have it all. Now sees that he cannot. Punish him. Make him attend classes, work on improving, community work, charities, donations. But why prevent him doing what he does best?
Terrible post.

Poor understanding of the issue.

Poor rationale.

Terribly communicated.

Terrible conclusion.

Do one.
His girlfriend reported him to the police for sexual assault and you conclude it could have been roleplay. That’s creepy as feck.

Where did I come to any conclusions? We do not have enough information to make any conclusions. Many people here are discussing possibilities.

We were told it wasn’t sexual abuse, so understandably people are thinking of alternatives.

English isn’t my first language, so I’ve checked my understanding of “creepy” in an online dictionary and my instinct was right. Either you don’t understand the word, or it is being used in a manipulative way.
Do you have a source for this?

I've seen it listed as the top in the past, and sometimes lumped in with "being dominated", but perhaps I should have said "one of the top" rather than being absolute (I can edit if you like?), but here's a link explaining it is "common" at least, written by a woman too.

Here's another link estimating as many as 62% of women have some sort of forced sex fantasy - I don't think you'll ever find accurate numbers for this as it's not the sort of thing people are comfortable advertising, but at nearly 2/3rds you've got good odds of at least meeting someone who has this fantasy.
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Hear me out. A few scenarios I can envision regarding attempted rape with someone you are in relationship :)
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she doesn't cave in - could be attempted rape as you didn't stop at first refusal and repeatedly tried to have sex with her and she wasn't gonna have it
- You propose sex to missus she refuses and you nag her beg her and she eventually gives in - could this also be a tiny rape as she was certainly not 100% in agreement

And if you turn it around
- You have a kid with your wife and she wants another one, you on the other hand are 90% sure you want it but not 100% - she will wear you down days, weeks, months, flirt with you, seduce you, provoke you and literally force you to have sex with her multiple times if not successful the first time - to convince you - could also be classified as rape in my book (although you enjoyed it all the time 100%) :D

And regarding George Best I'm 100% certain there were situations where he was drugged/drunk, beat women and forced them to have sex. But it never met the public eye.

Not to condone doing this but reaction to Greenwood case is over the top for me. Teenager on top of the world in his eyes behaving like he can have it all. Now sees that he cannot. Punish him. Make him attend classes, work on improving, community work, charities, donations. But why prevent him doing what he does best?

I think this post is a classic example of why it's important to educate people about sex and sexual offences. An interesting thought experiment that is utterly lacking in knowledge of the law and standards of acceptable behaviour.
You shouldn't judge Mason when you don't know all the facts.

It's quite possible she TRAPPED him in a pre planned and recorded rape fantasy and then assumedly hurt herself to fake the images for.... some reason. It's also quite possible that Mason, in his forgiveness and love for her, remained with her and chose that kind of relationship over his football career.

I am objective and balanced in my opinions and you should be more like me - we cannot judge (mason).

@Redanian folks.

Edit: And women love rape fetish most of all bedroom activities, my woman friend who is a woman told me.
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I've seen it listed as the top in the past, and sometimes lumped in with "being dominated", but perhaps I should have said "one of the top" rather than being absolute (I can edit if you like?), but here's a link explaining it is "common" at least, written by a woman too.
Thanks for the link. I think the number of women who list it as their top fantasy is relatively low, unsurprisingly.

Recent research indicates that between 31% and 57% of women have fantasies in which they are forced into sex against their will. For 9% to 17% of those women, rape fantasies are their favourite or most frequent sexual fantasy.

I did think you were probably conflating being dominated with rape. Saying that people fantasies, where they are in control, and actual reality are obviously very different.
This is why if Niall ever asks you to become a Scout you RUN THE FECK AWAY.

@Cheimoon used to only smoke meth three times a week before he became one, now he's puffing it every day.
This thread has predictably descended into a shit show. Don't know why people do it to themselves.
Slow mode feature seems to be slowing peoples brains. :lol:
(In before this shitshow get's locked!)
I think you are conflating people like me, who are advocating not rushing to judgements about someone (who is legally innocent I might add) without all the facts, and people who are defending Mason specifically. If the contents of the audio recording are genuine and paint an accurate picture of what went on, then that is indefensible, but since that evidence will never be tested in court (as it stands) we can't speak to its veracity with any authority.

I am happy for people to have differing views on this, but I don't think calling people scumbags because you don't agree with their opinion (and in my case you didn't even read what I wrote correctly) is productive or necessary. This is clearly an emotive subject for you and perhaps taking a step back and thinking more rationally might benefit you?

You can see my posts in this thread and see I've discussed this calmly and fairly with people who's opinions don't align with mine. That is not the problem here.

One of the problems is you factually misunderstand these things you've read about fantasy and all that, pushed them in here and don't seem to think that's a problem in and of itself.

But calling people themselves scumbags as all round humans is not my intent, calling the views we are seeing posted in here are. Saying that people are so quick to shout out their very ill informed opinions and yet can't even call out those on their "side" for absolute trash scumbaggery is apt in my opinion. Unless you think "tiny rape" is a fine thing to say? If not, why aren't you doing what we all should be doing and calling out such views?

People have read what some are saying, and yet very few are calling out the bullshit. More seem to care most about Greenwood playing for United and how that opposing it makes them hypocrites for stuff like Qatar/Best/Ronaldo than what's being said in this thread in front of them. It's fine to call out fans voicing their opinion on the side you don't support, but not those on your side who are spouting absolute shite?

So yeah, it really highlights what some really think about situations like this. And I happen to think playing down the seriousness of the charges and making excuses up out of no where which, by the way, is potentially victim blaming is vicious and is indeed scumbag behaviour. Do you not agree?

I mean come on, again, if you are so measured and sure of what you say and have experienced, why are you not calling out the utter shite others are saying? "tiny rape" isn't even the worst of the excuses made in here, and yet you and so many are not saying shite all about it but are happy to voice their own opinions.

This is why if Niall ever asks you to become a Scout you RUN THE FECK AWAY.

@Cheimoon used to only smoke meth three times a week before he became one, now he's puffing it every day.

I'd happily cut these people out. But I would be a liability in issues like this and wouldn't want to even think about having to read some of the shite you lot do. No thank you :lol:

This thread has predictably descended into a shit show. Don't know why people do it to themselves.

Because it's two subjects very intertwined in my life, United and domestic violence. I care that people don't seem to understand this and other situations like it. I care that there's posts in here blaming everything but the situation and people involved. I care that there's all sorts of preachy bullshit about "second chances" when they don't seem to understand that you still need consequences for those first ones. And none of what I've said means I think Greenwood is guilty nor innocent either, that's the thing, I've been in and seen both ends of this situation so I choose to use my voice. But ultimately there's a lot of snakes in here hiding what they really think in different ways, and that I really don't like.

All that, plus I obviously don't like my brain matter :lol:

Slow mode will soon be locked mode

It shouldn't be. People should be allowed to show who they really are, as long as it stays within site rules.

Although I still pity the poor mods, and that definitely includes reading my endless posts!
This is just romanticised garbage. He's a footballer, not the bloody pope.
What a rude and bizarre post. My point is that there is absolutely no reason for the club to allow him to play if his conduct does not meet a certain threshold which they are allowed to set as an employer. He's being paid his contract and simply being told he can't continue, which isn't actually a terrible consequence given the circumstances. If a video like that came out of me, i would be terminated without cause.

And given the conduct of leaders within the catholic church over centuries, referencing the the pope probably isn't the zinger you think it is.

Stop coming back, you know that this thread isn't good for your blood pressure. ;)
Where did I come to any conclusions? We do not have enough information to make any conclusions. Many people here are discussing possibilities.

We were told it wasn’t sexual abuse, so understandably people are thinking of alternatives.

English isn’t my first language, so I’ve checked my understanding of “creepy” in an online dictionary and my instinct was right. Either you don’t understand the word, or it is being used in a manipulative way.
You are not the only one who thinks it is ok to make excuses for coercive sexual abusive behaviour and abuse, but it is wrong and very creepy.

You were not told it wasn’t sexual abuse, it is what you want to hear. Not being guilty of a crime does not mean there is no abuse.

I’m not manipulating, I’m Dutch, we say what we think. I think you are acting like a creep, just like all the others making excuses for MG.
If you can't comprehend the idea of entrapment then you're obviously going to be offended by anyone who explains how that might have gone about.

You'd secretly record someone and ask them to do something that, out of context, appears to be horrible and most importantly illegal.

Presenting that theory doesn't imply we need to believe it but it's one way of explaining how Man Utd may have come to their conclusion.

The whole "wow you think he was tricked in to raping her that's a disgusting take" is such a disingenuous reaction and reeks of cognitive dissonance.
What a rude and bizarre post. My point is that there is absolutely no reason for the club to allow him to play if his conduct does not meet a certain threshold which they are allowed to set as an employer. He's being paid his contract and simply being told he can't continue, which isn't actually a terrible consequence given the circumstances. If a video like that came out of me, i would be terminated without cause.

And given the conduct of leaders within the catholic church over centuries, referencing the the pope probably isn't the zinger you think it is.
Of course the club can and should be able to choose who represents it and ditch those whose behaviour falls short or is frankly abhorrent.
The 'it's a privilege' argument to me is hogwash. Arnold was dying to keep him but shat himself at the PR storm.

We've also hired awful players like Bebe, mercenaries like Cavani and Tevez, not to mention granny shaggers, brother's wife shaggers and now another woman beater to wear the precious shirt.

The 'privilege' line is whimsy cos most players don't care whose shirt they've got on if they're paid £200k p/w and have a shot at the champs league.

Stop coming back, you know that this thread isn't good for your blood pressure. ;)

I don't get anywhere near as angry as it looks in text, even on this subject, I just get disappointed (Otherwise known as Dad mode) :lol:

Honestly, I could do this way more than I already am but you guys don't need to read all that and have me winding these fools up, so I'll take hint and take my leave and hopefully this thread dies out for you guys ;)

Edit: One last one and I'm sorry mods:

If you can't comprehend the idea of entrapment then you're obviously going to be offended by anyone who explains how that might have gone about.

You'd secretly record someone and ask them to do something that, out of context, appears to be horrible and most importantly illegal.

Presenting that theory doesn't imply we need to believe it but it's one way of explaining how Man Utd may have come to their conclusion.

The whole "wow you think he was tricked in to raping her that's a disgusting take" is such a disingenuous reaction and reeks of cognitive dissonance.

@P-Ro about that game. We have BINGO!
If you can't comprehend the idea of entrapment then you're obviously going to be offended by anyone who explains how that might have gone about.

You'd secretly record someone and ask them to do something that, out of context, appears to be horrible and most importantly illegal.

Presenting that theory doesn't imply we need to believe it but it's one way of explaining how Man Utd may have come to their conclusion.

The whole "wow you think he was tricked in to raping her that's a disgusting take" is such a disingenuous reaction and reeks of cognitive dissonance.

It's not the idea of entrapment, it's the idea that it is even remotely likely in the known circumstances, that is so offensive, as a theory it is so pathetically underbaked and full of obvious holes that anyone suggesting it as anything other than highly highly improbable [read at all possible] is not arguing in good faith or being honest with their actual thoughts/motives.

To then hang it out there as if it's plausible and by extension seek to shift the blame for the things we do know on to the victim and away from Greenwood is the disingenuous part.

Wanting to have it be out there as some sort of balance or possibility to ensure people don't go toi hard on MG, but giving yourself the out of, oh but I don't actually believe it, is so transparent.

Now posting as if poeple can't just fathom that entrapment is a thing that can happen, honestly.

What is the likelihood, do you think, that the truth is it was a trap fake roleplay rape situation vs. the likelihood that he just sexually assaulted and was violent toward her?

And do you for one moment seriously believe or rank it as a possibility that if it was entrapment he wouldn't have immediately said so, would have ended the relationship and would be currently playing at United or in the EPL, instead of this current situation?
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I don't get anywhere near as angry as it looks in text, even on this subject, I just get disappointed (Otherwise known as Dad mode) :lol:

Honestly, I could do this way more than I already am but you guys don't need to read all that and have me winding these fools up, so I'll take hint and take my leave and hopefully this thread dies out for you guys ;)

The hint isn't against you or your posts. It's just that you said that you would leave the thread, which I assume was for a good reason but whenever something dumb is posted you are back. Which is roughly every 15 minutes.
If you can't comprehend the idea of entrapment then you're obviously going to be offended by anyone who explains how that might have gone about.

You'd secretly record someone and ask them to do something that, out of context, appears to be horrible and most importantly illegal.

Presenting that theory doesn't imply we need to believe it but it's one way of explaining how Man Utd may have come to their conclusion.

The whole "wow you think he was tricked in to raping her that's a disgusting take" is such a disingenuous reaction and reeks of cognitive dissonance.
The theory she tricked him reeks of victim blaming. What about the bust lip?
It’s not impossible that he was tricked into being recorded acting out some sort of rape/non-consensual sex fantasy scenario (it is the number one female fantasy after all)
It's not impossible but not only is there no concrete evidence for it, it does not work well with other things we know, such as: the length of the legal investigation, the length of United's investigation, the secrecy related to the contents of the tape, the lack of charges for the woman, the admission of 'mistakes' by Greenwood, etc.

Suppose I come up with another theory: the people on tape are not Greenwood and his girlfriend. They are trained actors who are imitating their voices. Do you find this plausible? It has similar amount of evidence as 'tricked into recording fake thing.' I don't think anyone has fully confirmed that the people on tape are Greenwood and his gf. The rest of the tape might be the actors training their voices and running over the lines. Nobody has said that isn't the contents of the rest of the tape.
Lots of examples of how to get yourself permabanned in here.

Should probably take newbies on a field trip of the thread to show them the exhibits.
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