Marcus Rashford confidant thinks some critics are "bullying" him.

It's crystal clear to anyone that's not his camp that the criticism comes because of the contrast between his pay and performance levels.

If he was paid £150k as a semi regular starter and not advertised as a superstar, he'd get far less stick. But he took the superstar pay packet, and isn't delivering as a superstar. That's the issue.

It would be in the interests of his various hangers on and leeches, in the 'camp', to shut up and let him focus on his game instead of engaging in this constant media war of attrition.
Pretty much this. It would also help reduce criticism when underperforming on godly contract if his highness would at least show some resemblance of effort. Not just no effort or just some fake effort for the cameras. His body language is not consistent with his PR efforts. Yes he scored a goal at the weekend good on him and I hope he will kick on. But his general game and off the ball workrate is still not even close to being good enough.
Obviously getting frustrated with him is legitimate, as he's an underperforming senior player who is very highly paid and at times has not done the basics of even contesting the ball, but at times the response to it has been outright toxic and vitriolic. Sadly, like with much of the online fan discourse around the club...
But which player doesn’t get trolled online?

Rashford has never faced intense criticism from mainstream sources and has a lot of support from media, commentators and pundits that quite frankly he doesn’t deserve considering his performances. Almost every time commentators will be surprised when he is substituted and will slyly mention how the manager has got it wrong.

This leak from his camp is bizarre.
People still trying to justify excessive abuse because.... Wages, body language and being fortunate enough to be playing for United?


Posters say, show effort - he's been doing that, it'll never be enough for some. Score goals - did that on the weekend but performance still criticised. Act happier... Honestly? :rolleyes:

Am I the only one that thinks it's kinda embarrassing, shameful and never a good look? One of the few anyway............
People still trying to justify excessive abuse because.... Wages, body language and being fortunate enough to be playing for United?


Posters say, show effort - he's been doing that, it'll never be enough for some. Score goals - did that on the weekend but performance still criticised. Act happier... Honestly? :rolleyes:

Am I the only one that thinks it's kinda embarrassing, shameful and never a good look? One of the few anyway............
Maybe you could write a guide that details appropriate behaviour, like a website or something, It could give a set of clear guidelines for what to say and how to think, that you have personally deemed to be worthy of inclusion on the site. Can't see it catching on myself, but maybe it would help alleviate your neurosis. I'm being glib, and It's upsetting when many people hold a different viewpoint to your own, but it's also kinda the point of a forum right?

Onto Rashford, I think what's happened is the media have picked up on things that fans have been noticing for a long time.I don't really see how it's bullying as seems to be valid criticism, and I think painting it as such isn't going to go down very well. That being said, I personally think Rashford has been a lot better this season, but it can take time for perceptions to shift. He's a great player on his day, but unfortunately, he has the status, both in wage and PR, of being a player who is mostly great every day, like Salah, Haaland or De Bruyne. Until he consistently matches the impact and output of these players, which I think we can all agree that he consistently has not, there will always be disquiet and people who think the status he has is unwarranted and detrimental to the future success of the club. There is a lot of evidential support for this sentiment, so I think just being as insulting as you can get away with, under the rules of the forum, is unlikely to change many opinions.

I saw talk of this in his performance thread and other activities of his during the international window, let's start new threads people.

‘When someone else misplaces a pass it does not get mentioned, but when it is Marcus it’s different. Very different.

I hope our highest paid player is not out here looking at the criticism others don't receive.
Reads like made up bs, not to say Rashford is above engaging in some PR stuff, but the article reads like it's made up and has no basis in reality
He's been incredibly fortunate in the criticism he's received from the media. It's so odd seeing everyone fall over themselves to mitigate any criticisms levelled by adding the seemingly obligated line of "he's clearly a very talented player, his talent isn't in doubt". No other player gets that. None. The guy could drive onto the pitch and run over all his team-mates and it's 99% certain before the pundits in the studio dare be critical of the move, they'll feel obliged to temper their criticism by pointing out that obviously he's a top player, and his talent isn't in doubt, but killing 7 and injuring 3 other team mates, might suggest something isn't quite right.

That's the other one isn't it? He's never awful or bad or needs to take a look at himself or a disgrace to the shirt. It's always "Something isn't quite right there" or "I'm concerned".

The euphemisms employed to try and avoid saying what everyone (including themselves) thinks about his performance and conduct on the pitch has been quite extraordinary. Easily one of the most protected players in recent memory. Shearer dared to point out that he wasn't a kid any more a couple of weeks ago. Monster! How dare he!

Didn't his brother jump all over Gary Neville a few weeks back because he said something like "I'm concerned" or similar. Apparently Nev is responsible for Rashford's wellbeing and should have picked up the phone instead of offer a view on the telly. These are the people that are supposedly representing him. So I can well believe everyone around him feels terribly aggrieved at any form of criticism and interpret that as bullying.

If only those who boo find a way of chanting "He's obviously a very talent player, his ability certainly isn't in doubt..booooo" - he wouldn't mind so much.
How does anyone even pay enough mind to crappy journalism like this to even formulate an opinion on it, beyond it being crappy journalism?
Maybe you could write a guide that details appropriate behaviour, like a website or something, It could give a set of clear guidelines for what to say and how to think, that you have personally deemed to be worthy of inclusion on the site. Can't see it catching on myself, but maybe it would help alleviate your neurosis. I'm being glib, and It's upsetting when many people hold a different viewpoint to your own, but it's also kinda the point of a forum right?

Onto Rashford, I think what's happened is the media have picked up on things that fans have been noticing for a long time.I don't really see how it's bullying as seems to be valid criticism, and I think painting it as such isn't going to go down very well. That being said, I personally think Rashford has been a lot better this season, but it can take time for perceptions to shift. He's a great player on his day, but unfortunately, he has the status, both in wage and PR, of being a player who is mostly great every day, like Salah, Haaland or De Bruyne. Until he consistently matches the impact and output of these players, which I think we can all agree that he consistently has not, there will always be disquiet and people who think the status he has is unwarranted and detrimental to the future success of the club. There is a lot of evidential support for this sentiment, so I think just being as insulting as you can get away with, under the rules of the forum, is unlikely to change many opinions.
He hardly has the profile of Salah, Haaland etc, particularly given he was dropped from the euros squad and isn't a guaranteed starter anymore.

I agree that crap stories like yhis don't necessarily deserve their own thread. We then end up with multiple threads all shitting on Rashford which is boring. This could easily go in the performance thread.
They did the same thing to Wayne Rooney. While Rooney was undeniably a better player than Rashford, I bring them both up because of the significant influence each had on their respective teams. Despite Rashford’s recent dip in form, there’s no one in the current squad likely to match his numbers—perhaps Højlund might, but the jury’s still out on him.

We’re talking about a player who ranks among Manchester United's top 20 all-time goalscorers. Yes, he hasn’t hit the same heights as a couple of seasons ago, and his inconsistency can be frustrating, but the level of criticism he’s receiving is unfair. If anything, it’s the other players—often overrated—who need to step up and perform like Rashford has in the past. If they did, the spotlight would shift away from him.

Take Jack Grealish, for example. In my opinion, he contributes very little for City—rarely scoring, only getting the occasional assist, and often being anonymous during games. Yet, the media are clamouring for him to be in the England squad, while Rashford is under fire because supposedly he no longer enjoys football.

For me, all Rashford can do is give his best effort, perform to the best of his ability, and silence the critics on the pitch.
They did the same thing to Wayne Rooney. While Rooney was undeniably a better player than Rashford, I bring them both up because of the significant influence each had on their respective teams. Despite Rashford’s recent dip in form, there’s no one in the current squad likely to match his numbers—perhaps Højlund might, but the jury’s still out on him.

We’re talking about a player who ranks among Manchester United's top 20 all-time goalscorers. Yes, he hasn’t hit the same heights as a couple of seasons ago, and his inconsistency can be frustrating, but the level of criticism he’s receiving is unfair. If anything, it’s the other players—often overrated—who need to step up and perform like Rashford has in the past. If they did, the spotlight would shift away from him.

Take Jack Grealish, for example. In my opinion, he contributes very little for City—rarely scoring, only getting the occasional assist, and often being anonymous during games. Yet, the media are clamouring for him to be in the England squad, while Rashford is under fire because supposedly he no longer enjoys football.

For me, all Rashford can do is give his best effort, perform to the best of his ability, and silence the critics on the pitch.
Can you see what I mean. The PR works, people are very easily manipulated.
If he thinks that’s bullying then i can’t begin to imagine how would he react towards the criticism if he played for Madrid :lol:

If anything he gets wayyyy more leeway than anyone at this club. Plays like crap most of the time and still gets picked all the time. Every manager has been nothing but kind to him to put it mildly. One manager once said that he has to focus on his football more and he was forced to apologise publicly and that wasn’t anyone but a legend of this club. The guy yields too much power and it shows.
If he had a wife, she'd post pictures of his accolades.
Dr Sir Marcus Rashford, MBE, Founder of the Marcus Rashford book club, feeder of children, purveyor of jigsaws and he has spent the entire summer getting FIT!
What happened to just keeping quiet and doing the job on the field? If Rashford thinks this is bullying then he would have absolutely hated to be Wayne Rooney or Roy Keane who were subjects of constant vitriol everywhere they went and basically had no friends or sympathetic voices in the media. But we barely heard from both players when they were playing. Nothing shuts detractors up better rhan performing. Then they have to give you respect begrudgingly.
He hardly has the profile of Salah, Haaland etc, particularly given he was dropped from the euros squad and isn't a guaranteed starter anymore.

I agree that crap stories like yhis don't necessarily deserve their own thread. We then end up with multiple threads all shitting on Rashford which is boring. This could easily go in the performance thread.
You're preaching to the choir a bit, as I agree with you - that's the frustrating thing as he has the status of an elite-level player, but he's actually an elite-level player about 2 times out of 10 (once you factor in the extremely lengthy patches of poor form etc. )
Can you see what I mean. The PR works, people are very easily manipulated.
You are assuming a starting point of the poster, not everyone is a hater, I for one have always kept faith with Rashford, and believe that the way he was treated by ETH at the start of last season is massively to blame for his nose dive in performances, Rashford may well lose form quickly so this is not some bandwagonesque post just because he has scored a couple, I have been laughed at many times on this forum for referring to him as WC at his best.

For me I am disappointed by the story, just because it is ill considered, effectively I think nothing good can come of it.

What I would say is plenty of people are quick to jump on him for his "comments", but not so long ago we were all happy enough to kid gloves Sancho due to "mental health", framing is everything, clearly the way Rashford feels is impacting on his mental health and probably his form, but because it has been framed as bullying and not depression etc. (which is effectively the result) Rashford is lampooned, despite having contributed 1000 times more to Utd than Sancho ever will.

Part of me wants to be cynical and critical about young men being paid millions to kick a ball around and then mope if everything isn't just right for them and people do not bend over backward to make them feel special, part of me wants to yell that they should live in the real world, where people earn less in 5-10 years than they earn in a week etc. but this is not the real world, they have been brought up in an environment that is so alien to the way normal people live that I have to cut them a big slice of slack, as for Rashford, I think he is a sensitive lad, I think he is a nice, genuine lad, but I also think that he lives in such a disconnected way and has been raised to such heights that he disproportionately suffers mentally when things are not going well for him.
It's crystal clear to anyone that's not his camp that the criticism comes because of the contrast between his pay and performance levels.

If he was paid £150k as a semi regular starter and not advertised as a superstar, he'd get far less stick. But he took the superstar pay packet, and isn't delivering as a superstar. That's the issue.

It would be in the interests of his various hangers on and leeches, in the 'camp', to shut up and let him focus on his game instead of engaging in this constant media war of attrition.
This is it, he has a PR team that is doing more damage than good, it seems like.

His team should be focusing on his performance instead of his image. Rashy has looked sharper and more energetic, but needs to reach higher levels.

Am I right in saying he has the same PR agency as Sancho? We all know how that went.
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