Manchester United 4:1 Melbourne Defeat (Fri 15th July, 11:05 UK time)

saw a couple of youth games. Looked confident and calm on the ball. Trying to work out who he reminds me of but it was someone good from way back. Maybe Ronny Johnsen

Thanks. Ronny Johnsen was incredibly fast, and also had the teqnique of an attacker/attacking midfielder (where he played in Norway). Fish didn’t look so fast the few times I’ve seen him. Is he very comfortable on the ball?
No doubt, or at least give a hint about what he is ready for in terms of developmental trajectory. I was asking a poster what he based his high hopes for Fish on, as I’ve only ever seen him play like two halves for the reserves.

You missed the pun :(
It's good to see a playing style start to develop already. We had a lot of possession in this one and were good at winning the ball back. Still don't have quite enough quality to break teams down on the ball when we play better teams than this but it's always going to be difficult to do that with a McFred midfield so the sooner we strenghten that the better.
He only signed a couple of days before the game and likely hardly trained with his teammates.

And he's still more interesting to watch than any of the Melbourne's ;)

Ok, didn't know that. And that's a valid excuse. Thanks, man.