Maybe I'm just biased because I'm a dirty Scottish runt but United and Manchester is greater than the people who live in it. Obviously those who do live there are more important than those who don't, but that's not what I'm saying so don't get me wrong.
The point is that a manky piece of shit like myself regularly drives 5 hours down to get into arguments with that shitty roundabout near the stadium, eat a shit baked potato and generally bore myself to death watching thousands of folk take selfies like they're on holiday (which they probably are). And God love them. Because whilst the only things that are "Manchester" about me is this club and a musical passion for shoegaze (since one person will want the answer; obviously the best band is James) I feel like I'm a welcome guest to the city when I come to watch United play.
I'll wake up early and spend the entirety of the money I have left after making sure my family are comfortable on a day trip to Manchester, and then drive back the same day tired and weary, if it means I get to stand in Old Trafford and sing about kicking a blue. I'd never do that for any other club.
So feck City. feck their hollow victory and Instagram curated image. They're cnuts and they always will be. Let them win as many trophies as they want. They've proven this week that they can win the fecking treble and, in the grand scheme of things, nobody gives a shit.