Made-up XIs

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Christian Dailly Cleanser

Play for L'Oreal Madrid.

Gayest. made-up xi. ever.
I've got a feeling we have, but I'm not sure

Checking, has become quite a major administrative task

I'm not sure about the speed of turnover here, either. We'd hardly got going on Science and Technology, let alone Make-Up

Plechazunga said:
I've got a feeling we have, but I'm not sure

Checking, has become quite a major administrative task

I'm not sure about the speed of turnover here, either. We'd hardly got going on Science and Technology, let alone Make-Up


I did a few perfunctory searches but couldn't find 'owt. Make up was a bit rubbish.

Jock Wittgenstein
Paul Hegelliot
Davie Hegel
Paul Hegelarty
Plech is a useless thick cnut

Yes, now I am just taunting you.
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