Made-up XIs

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Enemy at the Southgates
Fabio Rochemback to the Future Part 2
Poom Raider
I think Mattholland Drive was the best one ever, and it didn't even get a lol.
Slabber said:
I think Mattholland Drive was the best one ever, and it didn't even get a lol.


thats good...I missed it the first time round...

I read this thread all the way through yesterday when I was on the General Strike...

Its easily the best thread out there...
LOTR: The Return of Ledley King
One Flew Over the Cocu's Nest
Citizen Keane
Wayne Bridge on the River Kwai
Singin' in the Reina
Reina Man
Saving Private Ryan Giggs
Jihai Sin City
Donnie Nyarko
Mr. And Mrs. Alan Smith
Slabber said:
Yes that and interpol, which ended up being about elves.

that was also awesome...

most of the pun ones are...cos every post is hilarious...well, most...
Big Andy said:
that was also awesome...

most of the pun ones are...cos every post is hilarious...well, most...

Yes, but that was a particularly fine derailment.
The Usual Suspector
The Last Samuraian Giggs
Hotel Rwanderlay Luxumbergo
Monte Carlo Cudicini or David Busst

Sinima Pongolle Paradiso

(bit of a rip off, I know.)

10 Things I Hate About Youssef Safri

To Okocha Thief
Heavy Metal XI

Immigrigobert Song - Led Sepp
Diawarranoid - Tommy Black Sabbath
Run to the Jimmy Hills - Iron New Malden
Wark Pigs - Sabbath
Heighway to Dell - AC/DC/FC
Wark this Way - Aerosmithy

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