Worst scout to ever exist
What??? Real Madrid have always, always prioritized the CL above all. They have always built their whole mantra on dominating the CL. They couldn't give a feck about any other competition if they win the CL. Are you new to football for not knowing this?Dont be obtuse, you know what the ratings show.
Either you are deliberately choosing to ignore the valid points I have made or you are just another one of the supporters that just follow headlines blindly.
You dont know that. I feel like that is just a coping mechanism you have made up to cover up the underlying inconsistency.
And I feel like if he was turning up in the small games but ghosting in the big games you would claim the opposite. There is no unimportant game for a big player. All games matter the same if you are a top player. The CL is a cup competition with a luck factor attached to it so using it alone to justify his greatness is unwise.
Infact someone turning up vs PSG or City in the CL should be more than expected to perform against smaller teams in the league or big games against local rivals like Atletico in the league.
Or are you really claiming that Real deliberately choose not to turn up aginst Osasuna or Celta Vigo ie the easy matchups but magically turn up for a handful of knockout games purely out of not being bothered ?
How do you even manage to fail against the easy team but show out against a big opponent? Even logically that makes no sense.
Its like saying I can do Algebra but I cant multiply numbers. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
Why not put two and two together and acknoledge that the lack of consistency and quality being shown by him in a week by week format is being covered up while the few big encounters have been blown up and coupled with the media hype has affected people's opinion like yourself who would happily admit to not watching him play outside of those said big encounters under the lights?
If you guys (in general) want to put him on the table next to the Xavi's and Iniesta's of the world you should hold him to the same standard, thats all I'm saying.
Saying all games matter to top players... again. You must be new to football. That is incredibly far from the truth. It is nothing new that some players turn up more for big games, save their energy for big games, find an extra level in big games. This has been a thing for decades. Players don't put in 100% in smaller games because either they don't want to hurt themselves when they deem it's not necessary, they aren't bothered enough, they can't find that motivation, whatever it is. But it's been a thing for many great players throughout history. Especially so at that age. Which is my point. He's put in many a great performances throughout the years, across all competitions. He's 38 now. It's not a big deal if he's inconsistent. He occasional plays blinders that makes everyone gush over him because he is a phenomenal footballer and being able to do that at his age, yes when it matters, is still phenomenal. Nobody cares at this point in his career if he had a great game vs Getafe or something. They want to see it in the CL. That's what will be remembered. It is shocking that some people don't realize this.
How do big teams turn up for big games but not for small games? Did you just start watching football, what the hell? It has been going on for ages. It's not a fluke thing. Some teams build themselves as that, some get motivated extra for those games but frankly aren't focused enough for other games or don't care enough about them.
Why are you bringing Xavi and Iniesta into this? Probably a Barca fan aren't you... I love them both as players. But if you are going down that route... Where were they playing at 38? Iniesta left serious football at 34, and had already seriously declined by that point. You gonna claim he had world class consistent performances in the last few years of his time at Barca? Xavi also left serious football around the same age. Which is fine. It's a normal age to leave. But let's not pretend like Xavi or Iniestas age 30+ years in football is close to Modrićs. They achieved their greatness before 30, had some good early 30s years and then called it a day. Modrić achieved his greatness late 20's to mid 30s. And he's earned his spot to be spoken alongside names like Xavi and Iniesta and Zidane, with a trophy haul and big game record that few can dream of having (along with doing incredible things with a tiny country like Croatia).