Thought we were very good today against comfortably the best side in the league. The champions elect.
I genuinely feel like progress is being made. Slowly but surely. And I believe that by the time van Gaal gets to where Mourinho is now (18 months building his side) we'll be looking like real title challengers - agree with Gary Neville that LvG will win the title inside 3 years.
The Moyes comparisons are empty for me, the contrast is that vast. We actually have a game plan that doesn't involve 80 crosses into the box, we have midfielders making forward runs, scoring, assisting. We're showing technical ability, a Fellaini that works, team spirit, direction. And we're seeing a return of late goals!
...just everything looks better and there's no chance of a Moyes style collapse after January imo. No dissent, not a single voice of frustration from inside the club. The players believe in him completely. There's plenty more bumps still to come but overall it's looking positive.